Rekli su nam da naša civilizacija započinje pre oko 7000 godina.Babilon, Sumer, Asirija, Egipat...Šta je sa vremenom pre ovoga, i naravno sa dokazima vremena pre ovoga.Zašto nam sakrivaju civilizacije od pre 12.000, pa sve do 50.000 godina. Evo ovde ćemo vas malo prošetati po dalekoj istoriji i pokazati slike za koje neverujemo da ste ih ranije videli.
Video prilozi o skrivenoj arheologiji i stvarima koje bi mnogi najviše voleli da niko ne zna za njih. Ponuda Video sadržaja se menja svakih 15 sekundi. Molimo, sačekajte učitavanje ...
Kada se spomenu piramide, tada je prva asocijacija na koju svi pomisle, egipatske piramide.Oduvek su izazivale divljenje svojom veličinom i tajanstvenošću.Ko je i kako uspeo sve to projektuje, šta se sve još u njima krije.Ali šta ako bi vam rekli da egipatske piramide nisu najstarije, najmisterioznije, najbrojnije i najveće na planeti, a da pritom ne mislimo na piramide Maja, Inka i Asteka.Radi se o piramidama za koje mnogi od vas nisu nikada čuli, niti su slutili da ovako nešto postoji.Ali, pripremite se... Idemo u Kinu...U potpuno zabranjenu zonu oko grada Ksian, koji se nalazi u središnjoj kineskoj provinciji Šensi.Dobrodošli u zabranjeno područje stotina gigantskih piramida koje su potpuno nepoznate svetskoj javnosti. Prvi put su se gigantske kineske piramide spomenule u javnosti u američkom listu 'Rocky Mountain News' 1947, godine.Autor ovog tajanstvenog teksta bio je pukovnik američke vojske Mauris Šenan, a tu je bila priložena i fotografija koju je 1945. snimio jedan američki pilot tokom II svetskog rata.Pilot je prevozio zalihe hrane za kinesku armiju preko Himalaja, a sama fotografija snimljena je oko 100 kilometara od grada Ksian.To mu je uspelo, jer su tada kineske vlasti još odobravale slobodni prelet američkim avionima preko ovih teritorija.Kada su fotografije naknadno analizirane, došlo se do saznanja da je piramida visoka skoro 350 metara, tako da je dvostruko premašila visinu najviše piramide u Egiptu. Piramida je nazvana 'Bela piramida' i predstavljala je najveću piramidu na planeti Zemlji. (slika levo).Ako je Keopsova piramida visoka oko 150 metara, možete li zamisliti na šta liči Bela piramida. Prošlo je skoro pola veka i tek tada su kineske vlasti dozvolile pristup prvom Evropljaninu u ovu zabranjenu oblast.Bio je to Austrijanac Hartvig Hausdorf koji je dva puta posetio Kinu 1994. Tokom svoje prve posete, u aprilu 1994., Hausdorf je imao priliku da vidi šest piramida u blizini grada Ksiana. Na povratku u Kinu, u avgustu iste godine, Hausdorf je na svojim snimcima uspeo da prebroji preko 100 piramida! Hausdorf je imao velike poteškoće da bi dobio dozvolu da doputuje u provinciju Šensi.Kinezi mu nisu dopustili nikakvo arheološko iskopavanje, a kada su videli da je objavio slike piramida, momentalno su zabranile svakom strancu posetu ovoj zabranjenoj oblasti. U blizini Bele piramide, Kinezi su podigli i lansirnu rampu za svoj svemirski program, tako da su i zvanično proglasili ovu oblast vojno zaštićenom i potpuno nedodirljivom za spoljni svet.
Preko stotinu piramida nalazi se u zabranjenoj oblasti na otprilike 2000 kvadratnih kilometara. Visina im se kreće od 25-100 metara, izuzimajući Belu piramidu od čak 350 metara. Ove piramide su građene od tvrde gline i neke su već prilično oštećene. Jedan razlog je njihova velika starosti, a drugi je što su neke piramide oštetilo samo stanovništvo koje živi u blizini, koristeći glinu za gradnju svojih kuća. Kineske vlasti više ne dozvoljavaju nikakva istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, a pogotovo približavanje piramidama. Njihova izjava ja da će neke buduće generacije imati pravo da prouče ove piramide. Ali šta se dešava u međuvremenu? Kineska vlada naredila je zasađivanje brzorastućih četinara koji su već uveliko prekrili mnoge piramide i od njih načinili šumovita brda. Posle par desetina godina biće potpuno pošumljene. Ako neko priupita za piramide, Kinezi će jednostavno reći, 'Gde vi ovde vidite piramide'.
O starosti kineskih piramida prvi put isveštavaju dva australijska trgovca 1912.godine. Oni su razgovarali sa jednim budističkim sveštenikom koji im je otkrio da se ove piramide pominju u pisanim dokumentima koji su stari 5000 godina, ali čak i tada su se označavale kao veoma stare.Kolika je onda njihova prava starost, možemo samo da nagađamo.
U blizini ovih piramida živi lokalno stanovništvo, ali kineske vlasti ne brinu da bi oni mogli otkriti njihovu tajnu spoljašnjem svetu.Oni žive izolovano, bez mobilnih telefona, računara i interneta. Oblik ove piramide levo podseća na piramide u Srednjoj Americi, kod kojih je poravnat vrh.Dali sve te piramide vode poreklo od iste civilizacije, velika je zagonetka.Poreklo i starost ovih piramida mogli bi objasniti razni artefakti pronađeni u njihovoj blizini, kao i hijeroglifi koji su pronađeni na zidovima piramida.Prema nekim postojećim izvorima u okolini piramida nađeni su grobovi sa kosturima.Ali ne baš bilo kakvim...Radi se o čudnim humanoidnim bićima koja imaju veliku glavu i malo telo, od nekih samo metar i dvadeset centimetara visine.U ovim tajanstvenim grobovima pronađeni su i stotine kamenih diskova sa nepoznatim hijeroglifima. Po rezultatima prevođenja, na diskovima je opisan udes kosmičke letelice od pre 12.000 godina. Šta se nalazi u kineskim piramidama i zašto se planski sakrivaju pošumljavanjem, odgovor znaju samo kineske vlasti.Ono što vi možete da uradite je, ako imate brzu internet vezu i program Google Earth, da probate da nađete oblast Šensi i grad Ksian (Xian) i da pokušate da malo provirite u ovu misterioznu oblast.Samo pazite...
Izgleda da se najveće misterije naše planete kriju na morskom dnu.Kolika je to površina ne treba ni spominjati, a pogotovo kada se još uzmu u obzir dubine mora i okeana na koja ljudi još ne mogu da odu sa ovakvom tehnologijom kakva je danas. Ali, hajdemo u okolinu Japana ... U dubinama Japanskog mora, u blizini ostrva Okinava, Una i Tajvan otkrivene su izuzetno neobične i tajanstvene ruševine.Pronađene su ostaci ogromnih građevina od precizno isklesanog kamena, čija je starost procenjena na čak 12.000 godina, što znači da su nastale još 10.000 pre Hrista. Mnogi u Japanu veruju da su u pitanju ostaci tajanstvenog, izgubljenog kontinenta koji japanska narodna tradicija naziva Onogorodžima.Po njihovom predanju, taj kontinent je isto kao i legendarnu Atlantidu, progutalo more.Drugo mišljenje je, da je u pitanju mitski kontinent Mu, kolonija izgnanika iz Atlantide, oni koji su se po legende pobunili protiv vlasti u svojoj zemlji.I Mu je po legendi, takođe, nestao u moru. Još 1985. godine, Japanac Kikačiro Aratake je roneći stotinak metara od ostrva Jonaguni, na dubini od 25 metara, ugledao ogromnu piramidu.Piramida na dnu mora, bilo je to nešto nezamislivo i senzacionalno.Od tada, više puta je pokušavano da se utvrdi da li je to delo prirode ili veštačka tvorevina nastala ljudskom rukom.Tek 2000. godine mesto je proglašeno arheološkim lokalitetom, a rukovodstvo nad istraživanjima preuzeo je Masaki Kimura, koji je tada bio docent okeanografije na univerzitetu u Rjukju.Istraživanja su potvrdila da se radi o građevini digaćkoj oko 200 metara, širokoj 150 i visokoj 20 metara.Postoje rukom klesana stepeništa, ispod temelja nalazi se nakadašnji sistem za drenažu, a nađena je i glava (na slici dole) koja je vrlo slična sa glavama sa Uskršnjih ostrva ! Veoma važan nalaz su znaci isklesani u kamenu, sasvim slični piktogramima na još nedešifrovanoj steli sa Okinave. Bilo je više nego očigledno, da su kameni blokovi ostaci civilizacije koja je postojala davno pre zvaničnih naučnih tvrdnji i da je civilizacija koja ih je gradila raspolagala sa vrlo naprednom tehnologijom.To su fino obrađeni kameni blokovi koji formiraju bočnu stranu piramide sa hramom na vrhu. U jesen 1995. godine, pronađene su još tri lokacije sa podvodnim građevinama, hramovima, trgovima, stepenicama, putevima, stiliziranim likovima morskih životinja.Između 1995. i 2005. godine pronađeno je još osam novih podvodnih nalazišta na potezu između Japana i Tajvana.Najveća podvodna struktura koja je dosada otkrivena nalazi se u blizini otoka Yonaguni na 35 metara dubine. Ova građevina je dugačka 80 metara, široka 30 metara i visoka oko 15 metara.Tu su takođe i kameni putevi i raskrsnice koji povezuju podvodne građevine koje se nalaze između ovog ostrva Yonaguni i dva ostrvceta, Kerama i Aguni. Kada je nastala piramida i svi ovi objekti? Kada ih je prekrilo more? O koliko se ovde dalekoj prošlosti radi i ko je bila misteriozna civilizacija koja je sve ovo izgradila u 'vremenu koje je bilo pre vremena'. Dokazi govore o tome da je zadnje ledeno doba bilo pre 0ko 11.500 godina i da je tada došlo do topljenja velikih količina leda. Zbog ovakvog velikog topljenja, nivo mora se na nekim mestima na Zemlji popeo za preko 100 metara i tako potopivši na kopnu sve što je bilo u tom opsegu.Pretpostavlja se da je to bio slučaj i sa ovim kompnom kod japanske obale. Mnoge svetske legende govore o civilizaciji svih civilizacija koja je bila smeštena negde na Pacifiku.Stari narodi su je nazivali Mu ili kako su je zvali na zapadu, Lemurija.Prostirala se od Japana, pa preko Polinezije sve do Uskršnjih Ostrva, sastavljena od niza većih ostrva. Sve ove građevine pronađene u dubinama mora nedvosmisleni su dokazi postojanja ove civilizacije.
U martu 1993. godine robot nemačke prouizvodnje Upuaut II (Onaj koji otvara život) otkrio je na kraju jednog dugačkog podzemnog hodnika u unutrašnjosti Keopsove piramide, mala vrata od mermera i krečnjaka sa dve bakarne ručice.Ovu nemačku arheološku ekipu predvodio je inženjer robotike Rudolf Gantenbrink iz Minhena.Otkriće ove tajne prostorije u unutrašnjosti Velike piramide bilo je prava senzacija.Ali, radost nemačkih arheologa trajala je vrlo malo.Egipatske vlasti su odmah po ovom senzacionalnom otkriću, oduzele nemačkoj ekipi dozvolu za rad i izbacili ih iz zemlje ! Kako je tada rekao generalni direktor arheoloških iskopavanja u Gizi dr Zahi Havas: 'Piramide su nasleđe Egipta, a ne Zapada'. Od tada niko sa Zapada nije dobio dozvolu da radi, a egipatski arheolozi koji su nastavili iskopavanja u Velikoj piramidi, odbijaju da kažu šta se nalazi u tajnoj prostoriji.Gorepomenuti dr havas izjavio je predstavnicima štampe:'Iza vrata koja je pronašao Gatenbrinkov robot nema ničega'.Ali, prilikom jedne Havasove posete SAD, gde je otišao da traži novčanu pomoć za egiopatsku arheologiju, potencijalnim finansijerima rekao je u poverenju, da je 'iza tih vrata najznačajnije arheološko otkriće u istoriji Egipta, a predmeti koji su tamo pronađeni primoraće Zapad da piše potpuno novu istoriju'.Od tada se više ništa nije čulo o tajnoj prostoriji u unutrašnjosti Velike piramide koja se pripisuje faraonu Keopsu koji je živeo 2625.godina pre Hrista.Egipat već godinama zabranjuje pristup bilo kakvim arheolozima sa Zapada, zabranjeno je čak i snimanje i fotografisanje u blizini nalazišta u Gizi.
U gradu Ika u Peruu, dr Kabrera Dartuea, fizičar i arheolog amater, ima u svojoj kolekciji oko 20.000 kamenova i ploča od stena koji su dekorisani velikim brojem gravira, od kojim mnogima tu uopšte nije mesto.Barem po našem shvatanju istorije.Kamenje je uglavnom od sivog andezita, granitne polukristalne osnove koje je veoma teško i tvrdo za urezivanje.Stanovnici u ovom kraju pronalaze ovo kamenje još od 1500. godine, a na njima su ugravirani nama nezamislive pojmovi.Tu su ugravirani detalji hirurških operacija, carskog reza, transfuzije krvi, komplikovane operacije pluća i bubrega, detaljni zahvati na srcu i mozgu.Lekari su utvrdili da je na pojedinim kamenovima čak ugravirana operacija presađivanja mozga. Neki crteži na kamenovima nas potpuno vraćaju u praistoriju, ali ne bilo kakvu.Prikazano je vreme kada su praistorijske životinje, dinosaurusi i ljudi živeli zajedno !!! Prikazani su ljudi koji se bore sa dinosaurusima, a na slici desno vidi se kamen gde je prikazan čovek koji jaše triceratopsa !Takođe na nekim kamenovima, prikazane su mape izgubljenih kontinenata, zatim čoveka koji istražuje neki predmet pomoću lupe ili kako kroz neku spravu koja je nalika teleskopu, gleda u nebo!
They told us that our civilization began about 7000 years ago. Babylon, Sumer, Assyria, Egypt .. . What about the time before this, and of course the evidence before this time. Why do we hide from civilization, before 12,000, up to 50,000 years ago. Here you'll here a little walk on distant history and show images that do not believe that you have seen them.
Hidden videos on the archeology and the things that many would most like to no one knows about them. Offer Video content changes every 15 seconds.
The mention of the pyramid, then the first association to which all think, an Egyptian pyramid. I have always admired the size and secrecy. Who and how to manage all the projects, what are all still in hiding them. But what if you said that the Egyptian pyramids are the oldest, most mysterious, the most numerous and largest on the planet, without having to think of the Mayan pyramids, Incas and Aztecs. These are pyramids that many of you have never heard, nor imagined that something like this exists. But get ready ...Let's go to China ... In a completely forbidden zone around the city of Xi'an, located in the central Chinese province of Shensi. Welcome to the forbidden area of hundreds of giant pyramids, which are completely unknown to the world public. The first time the Chinese giant pyramid mentioned in public in the U.S. list of 'Rocky Mountain News' in 1947, the year. The author of this mysterious text was U.S. Army Colonel Mauris Senan, and this was accompanied by photographs and in 1945. recorded by an American pilot during World War II. The pilot was carrying food supplies for the Chinese army over the Himalayas, and the very picture was taken about 100 kilometers from the city Ksian.To him succeed, because then the Chinese authorities have condoned Free Flight American planes over these territories. When photos are subsequently analyzed, they came to know that the pyramid almost 350 meters high, so that twice exceeded the maximum height of the pyramids in Egypt. The pyramid is called "White Pyramid" and represented the largest pyramid on Earth.If the Great Pyramid about 150 meters high, can you imagine what is like Blue Pyramid. It's been almost half a century and only then did the Chinese authorities allow access to the first Europeans in this forbidden area. It was the Austrian Hartwig Hausdorf who has twice visited China 1994th During his first visit, in April 1994., Hausdorf had a chance to see six pyramids near the city of Xi'an. On the way back to China in August of that year, Hausdorf on his recordings failed to count over 100 pyramids! Hausdorf had great difficulties to get permission to travel to the province of Shensi. The Chinese did not allow him any archaeological excavation, and when they saw that he published pictures of pyramids, immediately banned any foreigner to visit the forbidden area. Near the White Pyramid, was built by the Chinese and the launch pad for its space program, so they are officially declared this area a military-protected and completely untouchable to the outside world.
Over one hundred pyramids located in the forbidden area of approximately 2000 square kilometers. Their height ranges from 25-100 meters, with the exception of the White Pyramid of up to 350 meters. These pyramids were built of hard clay and some are already quite damaged.These pyramids were built of hard clay and some are already quite damaged. One reason is their great age, and the other as a pyramid only damaged the population living nearby, using clay to build their houses. Chinese authorities do not allow any research in this area, especially closer to the pyramids. Their statement that I will future generations have the right to study the pyramids. But what happens in the meantime? The Chinese government ordered the planting of fast growing conifers which are already covered the pyramids and many of them made the wooded hills. After a couple of decades will be completely wooded. If someone asks for the pyramids, the Chinese will simply say, 'Where do you see here of the pyramid'.
The age pyramid for the first time China reported two Australian merchant 1912. They spoke to a Buddhist priest, which they discovered that these pyramids are mentioned in written documents that are 5000 years old, but even then they characterize as very old. What then is their real age, we can only guess.In the vicinity of the pyramid of the local population lives, but the Chinese authorities do not care that they can discover the secret of their outer world. They live in isolation, without mobile phones, computers and the Internet. The shape of this pyramid to the left resembles a pyramid in Central America, where the top-aligned. Does all of this pyramid are descended from the same civilization, it is a great mystery. The origin and age of these pyramids could explain the various artifacts found in their vicinity, and hieroglyphics that were found on the walls of the pyramids. According to some existing sources around the pyramids were found in graves with skeletons. But not just any ... It is a strange humanoid beings with large heads and small body, some only a meter and twenty centimeters. In these mysterious tombs were found hundreds of stone disks with unknown hieroglyphs. The results of translation, the disc is described by spacecraft crash 12,000 years ago. What's in the Chinese pyramids and why they hide the afforestation plan, the answer known only to the Chinese authorities. What you can do is, if you have a fast internet connection and Google Earth, to try to find the area of Shensi and the city of Xi'an (Xian) and try a little peek into this mysterious area. Just make sure ...UNDERWATER RUINS NEAR JAPAN
It seems that the greatest mysteries of our planet's hidden on the seabed. What is the surface does not even have to mention, especially when it is taken into account the deep seas and oceans in which people still can not go with this technology it is today. But, let's go into the environment of Japan ... In the depths of the Japan Sea, off the island of Okinawa, Una and Taiwan have revealed a very unusual and mysterious ruins. Found the remains of the huge building made of fine carved stone, whose age is estimated as many as 12,000 years, which means that they are created another 10,000 BC. Many in Japan believe that these are the remains of the mysterious, the lost continent of Japanese folk tradition called Onogorodžima. In their tradition, the continent is the same as the legendary Atlantis, swallowed by the sea. Another opinion is that this is a mythical continent of Mu, a colony of exiles from Atlantis, those who rebelled against the legends of government in his country. And to Him, according to legend, too, disappeared into the sea. In 1985. year, the Japanese Kikačiro Aratake diving hundred meters from the island Jonaguni, at a depth of 25 meters, he saw a huge pyramid. Pyramid at the bottom of the sea, it was something unimaginable and sensational.Since then, repeatedly attempted to determine whether the act of nature or an artificial creation made by human hands. It was not until the 2000th The place was declared as archaeological sites, and the management of the research took Masaki Kimura, who was then assistant professor of oceanography at the University Rjukju. Studies have confirmed that this is a building about 200 meters long, 150 wide and 20 meters high. There are hand-carved staircase, located under the foundation of the former drainage system, and found the head (pictured below) which is very similar to the heads of Easter Island! An important finding of the signs carved in stone, quite similar to the pictograms are not dešifrovanoj stele from Okinawa. It was more than obvious, that the remains of the stone blocks of civilization that existed long before the official scientific claims and that the civilization that built them was disposed of very advanced tehnology.To are finely processed stone blocks that form the side of the pyramid with a temple on top. In the fall of 1995. years, were found three other locations with the underwater buildings, temples, squares, stairs, roads, stylized figures of sea animals.Between the 1995th and 2005. was found eight new sites in the underwater area between Japan and Taiwan. The biggest underwater structure that has so far discovered is located near the island of Yonaguni to 35 feet deep. This building is 80 meters long, 30 meters wide and 15 meters high. There are also stone roads and intersections that connect the underwater buildings which are located between the island of Yonaguni, and two small islands, ceramic and Aguni. When the pyramids and created all these objects? When it has covered more? About how many are here for the distant past and who was the mysterious civilization that built all of this in the 'time that was before his time'. Evidence suggesting that the last ice age was 11,500 years ago 0ko and then there was a large amount of ice melting. Because of this great melting, sea levels are in some places on Earth rose by over 100 meters and on land by sinking all that was in that range. It is assumed that this was the case with the Japanese coast . Many legends speak of the world civilization of civilizations, which was located somewhere in the Pacific. The ancients called her to Him, or as they called in the west, Lemuria.Stretched from Japan, through Polynesia to Easter Island, made up of a series of larger islands. All of these structures found in the depths of the sea are unequivocal evidence of the existence of this civilization.
In March 1993. The German production robot Upuaut II (The One who opens life) was discovered at the end of a long underground corridor inside the pyramid of Cheops, the back door of marble and limestone with two copper handles. This German archaeological team led by robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink Munich. The discovery of this secret room inside the Great Pyramid was a sensation. But the joy of German archaeologists took quite a bit. Egyptian authorities immediately after the sensational discovery, the German team confiscated the license and eject them from the country! As previously stated general manager of archaeological excavations at Giza, Dr. Zahi Hawass, "The pyramids are the legacy of Egypt, not the West." Since then nobody from the West did not receive permission to work, and Egyptian archaeologists have continued excavations in the Great Pyramid, refuse to say what is the secret prostoriji.Gorepomenuti Dr Hawass told the press: 'Behind the door that he found nothing Gatenbrinkov robot '.But during one visit to the U.S. Havasu, where he went to seek financial support for Egyptian Archaeology, potential financiers said in confidence, that 'behind those doors the most important archaeological discovery in the history of Egypt, and the objects found there, will force the West to write completely new history '. Since then no more was heard about the secret room inside the Great Pyramid to be attributed to Pharaoh Cheops, who lived 2625.year BC. Egypt has for years prohibited access to any archaeologists from the West, it is forbidden to even record and photograph the sites in the vicinity of Giza.
In Ika, Peru, Dr. Cabrera Dartuea, physicist and amateur archaeologist, has in its collection approximately 20,000 stones and slabs of rock that are decorated with a large number of engravings, many of which do not belong there. At least in our understanding of history. The stones are mostly made of gray andesite, granite semi crystal base which is very difficult and hard to commit.Residents in the area to find these stones are from 1500. , and on them were engraved us unimaginable concepts. There are engraved details of surgical operations, cesarean delivery, blood transfusions, surgery complicated lung and kidney, detailed procedures on the heart and brain. Doctors have found that even on some stones etched with brain transplant operation. Some drawings of the stones we fully back in prehistory, but not just any. Shown is the time when prehistoric animals, dinosaurs and humans lived together! Shown are the people who are struggling with the dinosaurs, and on the right see the stone where the man is shown riding a triceratops! Also on some stones, displayed as maps of lost continents, and a man who investigates a case with a magnifying glass, or both through a device that is like a telescope, gazing at the sky!
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