Srpska verzija / Serbian version
Five years after the disappearance of flight 19, September 16, 1950th Associated Press reporter EV Jones wrote an article about the "lost patrol" - what he called the missing squadron 'vigilante'. He also mentioned the next few accidents of ships and aircraft in the same area, which stretches south of Bermuda, between Miami-Portoriko.Džonsov article received wide publicity. Soon emerged various stories about 'graveyard' of various vessels and aircraft in this part of the Atlantic Ocean.Some say that all these cases of accidents in the Bermuda triangle of the work of evil forces. Worked out in the newspapers, magazines and books, these stories have become all astonishing. For example, in one of them, a certain Lt. Walker frantic cries in his last radio message: 'I know where I am today ... Do not go for me ... They look like they are from outer space '. And in the film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind, "Steven Spielberg expressed his belief that the hijacked flight 19 pilots aliens.
To expand the mystery and find her roots, the authors of a book about the Bermuda Triangle have entered the ancient trail of events in this area. Allegedly occurred, and to some data that is little more than five centuries ago, Christopher Colombo had a mysterious experience in this field. In the 16th century, when he began intensive study of the New World, superstitious sailors are talking about sea monsters that swallow ships and shattered sailors. From other experiences can be documented, for example, see that the 1781st and 1812th disappeared in four U.S. warships.1880. the clear day with no wind, sailed to the island Bermudian British training ship 'Atlantis'. He disappeared with 250 people on it. American supply ship 'Cyclops' left on 4 March 1918th Barbadian island. Sailed to Baltimore, but never arrived there. These are just some examples of mysterious disappearances of the past. For each ship disappeared in this area there was a possibility that the victim is declared "unknown ghosts'. In the Bermuda Triangle disappearances and Spanish sailing ships, the British frigates, ships of the United States to supply, cargo ships and tankers in many countries. It is still missing and hundreds of aircraft, and claimed the lives of several thousand people.However, on balance, the U.S. Navy and is not considered that the water the Bermuda Triangle some particularly dangerous. I Coast Guard, which has a rescue base in Miami, believes that the majority of disappearances can be attributed to 'the unique characteristics of the middle' of the region.This is where the Gulf Stream is very strong and where the continental shelf down the cliff in the deep canyons for miles. In underwater caves created very strong currents and arctic winds encounter the warm tropical air, and water becomes dangerous ćutdljiva, creating a tornado and a sudden storm.
ARE PILOTS mistaken
There are researchers who believe the Bermuda Triangle in the area of man's orientation affect specific forces. Some prominent geologists claim that the Earth or in its magnetic field - the nature of which has not yet been fully explained, there are areas which provide various disorders. The Bermuda Triangle, for example, the compass needle turns, even by 20 degrees to the fact north-south direction. This means that it directs the geographic, rather than the magnetic field. Navigators about it keep a close eye, not to have occurred excident.Combination section forces is certainly one of the explanations for the phenomenon of Bermuda Triangle. However, to return to the disappearance of the squadron 'avenger', that is Letu 19, the December 1945th.Pilot John Mayer for many years investigating the fate of the "lost patrol." He claims that they simply lost and were then 'swallowed up' in a big storm. Apparently, he knows exactly what happened to the 19th Flying According to his theory, five aircraft of type 'vigilante' should, after the bombing exercises, to continue on the same flight to the sandbar as Great stirrup, and then north to the sandbar large sail, and, finally, to turn southwest to return to base Lauderdale . However, after 90 minutes, Lieutenant Taylor believed that there are somewhere over Florida, much more to be desired course. Mayer, who for years has flown over the area of Florida and the Caribbean, studied the radio reports and assessed the winds, time and fuel consumption. Brought into the route on the map 'avenger', arguing that they were not mentioned above reefs, but over a very similar called Abaco Islands. So, according to Meier's opinion, when Taylor ordered the pilots to fly north-east, to come to Florida on them is actually sent even further to the Atlantic sea.As they wandered through the worsening weather, missing their fuel, and have fallen into the ocean. Under these Meier claims have organized an expedition in order to find the wreck 'the lost patrol. "Meier work remained in the domain theory, until the tragedy that followed has thrown more light. Shortly after takeoff from Cape Kaneverala, space shuttle 'Challenger' exploded. It was the 1986th year. All possible equipment for underwater exploration was immediately shipped to Florida. It was necessary to examine the seabed at Cape Kaneverala, in order to find the remains of the plane. Not when, on the sea floor was discovered an old war plane, probably DC third But Mayer thought otherwise. He managed to force back to where the submarine was located the wreck of the aircraft. At a depth of 120 meters and about four kilometers from where Meyer has calculated that Flight 19 was sunk, the underwater cameras captured the typical machine gun, as they had planes like 'Avenger'. The aircraft was removed from the water. 'It was just a pile of rust. I spent two months abrasive it, but there was no way to identify. I believe it was a plane piloted by one of the members of Flight 19, Capt. George Stevens.His plane had the registration number 73209, and we have found only 209, printed in fragments. We were unable to prove with certainty that this is indeed a plane in flight 19 '- this is disappointed Mayer said. The U.S. Navy took over the remains of the aircraft and sold them to scrap metal. Meyer could not afford further studies to support his argument. Then came Graham of Florida Hawks. Hawks, born in London, famous for its deep water exploration. While snooping around in his research vessel 'Deep sea', its sonar and cameras caught the profiles of the aircraft 'vigilante'. They were upright and largely intact. Were located at a depth of 200 meters, within a radius of about two and a half kilometers. Lauderdale base is located 30 kilometers from the place. It seemed to be the most perplexing mystery plane finally starts Bermuda Triangle solved.
AS La Sirena
However, after a month of media hysteria, the Hawks announced that the planes are not really the 19th Summer Detailed examination revealed that it is five 'Avenger', but not those of 'real'. Identification numbers are not at all match, and found planes were older than those who disappeared 1945th year. 'Avengers' found by the Hawks, it seems, ended up in an ocean of mistakes pilots who trained on the top area of the 1943rd and 1945. Archive U.S. Navy revealed that, apart from 'Lost Patrol', those years at least 129 others 'Avenger' was a victim of bad estimates of their pilot or flight storms. According Hoksovom view, the only causes of disasters of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle are weather troubles in that part of the Atlantic. 'There is a time unfairly. If you go around Cape Horn, you can expect bad weather, but people in Florida sit in shirts with short sleeves in bright sunlight. Time is like a siren song, bad storm hit suddenly, quickly disappearing and no one never sees "- the story Hawks. However, the Hawks a bit pleased that 'Lost Patrol' has not been found. I do not want him to be the one to 'bury' the legend of the flight 19th He says- "People would prefer to hide in the Bermuda Triangle čudovošte as, for example, it Loch Ness, or that events caused by some supernatural powers. It can be said that the Bermuda Triangle mystery still very much alive '.
Unexplained disappearance
Of the many disappearances and accidents in the Bermuda Triangle here are just a few. In the port of Norfolk in the United States, 27 May 1968. Military officials and residents gathered to wait for nuclear submarine 'Norfolk'. Seven days earlier emerged from a position near the Azores. After that was interrupted by radio contact, it was believed, because of the failure of the transmitter. But the submarine did not appear, and hundreds of planes and ships went looking. Cruised the Atlantic part of the length and breadth, but the submarine was no trace. U.S. Navy failed to find any explanation for this accident. Between 30 June and 10 July 1969, the mean for ten days, the crew disappeared four vessels. First, 30th June, a British ship came upon an abandoned ship, 18 meters long. No trace of crew was not there. Then, 6 July, a Swedish ship encountered a six-meter-long boat. It was determined that it is completely correct, but that the crew has disappeared.British tanker 'Helisoma' discovered the Azores Islands and Bermudskih ship 110 meters long without the crew. Finally, 10 July 1969th found is 12 meters long yacht, with no people. In mid-April 197th van 'Milton latrides' disappeared en route from New Orleans to Cape Town. In March 1973rd van 'Anita', twenty thousand tons, disappeared on his way to Germany. He was wearing a 32 member crew. Divers were in mid-February 1972nd found in the Gulf of Mexico remains tankers 'VV Fog', 107 meters long. Tanker disappeared first February, with 39 crew members. Captain's body was found in his cabin. In his hand he held a cup of coffee.
English scientist Ajven Sanderson assumed that the events in the Bermuda Triangle and the stakes could not be unknown to us underwater civilizations. If so, he said, probably in more recent years we studied.
You may see in us a threat to their own civilization, that is, for its own survival. Therefore, perhaps, underwater creatures out of the ocean in flying saucers and take 'samples' from ships and aircraft. Sanderson This was confirmed by numerous reports of UFOs that were moving rapidly from the water, especially in the vicinity of Florida. Journalist Art Ford points to the coincidence of the planes and ships disappear just in the area that now serves as a sector from which to launch space rockets. As he says: 'We the east coast of Florida is ideal for launching spacecraft into space. Perhaps, also, this area is ideal for landing spacecraft from space unknown to us Ocean corridor of a space base to the base of Cape KANAVERAL Lauderdale is not loaded by air, that is, it can be said to them, and no '.To znači da je opasnost od sudara u vazduhu gotovo samo teoretska. Taj deo okeana mestimično je načičkan malim ostrvima koja bi mogla služiti kao 'oznake' za navođenje ili mesta za ateriranje u slučaju nevolje. Sva ta ostrva mogu da se prepoznaju i sa velike visine. Čarls Berlic, autor jedne od knjiga o Bermudskom trouglu, dozvoljava mogućnost da ova misteriozna oblast, kao i neke druge čvorne lokacije elektromagnetskih gravitacionih sila na zemlji, predstavljaju 'prozor' kroz koji dolaze i odlaze 'kosmički posetioci' i odnose ljudska bića radi proučavanja, raznih eksperimentisanja ili nečeg sasvim trećeg. I tako, uprkos svim naporima, misterija Bermudskog trougla i dalje je daleko od rešenja, i dalje nastavlja da golica našu maštu.
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Jedan od najčuvenijih i najzagonetnijih slučajeva nestanka aviona iznad Bermudskog trougla desio se sunčanog decembarskog dana 1945. u 14 časova i 10 minuta. Pet torpednih bombardera tipa 'osvetnik' poletelo je iz američke vazdušne baze Loderdejl, u Floridi. Krenuli su u pravcu istoka, prema Bahamskim ostrvima, na put dug 600 kilometara. Njihov let nazvan je Let 19 i bio je rutinska vežba. Jednomotorni avioni, sa ukupno 14 članova posade, trebalo je da uvežbavaju bombardovanje ciljeva Kvočka i Pileći greben, blizu ostrva Bimini. Potom je trebalo da se vrate u bazu Loderdejl, na vreme za večeru. Međutim nikada se nisu vratili.Poslednji svedoci Leta 19 bili su na jednom ribarskom brodu. Petog decembra 1945. oko 15 časova, istočno od ostrva Bimini, 'osvetnici' su preleteli iznad glava ribara. Komandujući, poručnik Čarls Tejlor, pozvao je u 15 časova i 40 minuta bazu i obavestio nadležne da su u nevolji, jer su se izgubili. Poslednji razgovor sa bazom obavljen je oko 18 časova. Posle toga eskadrili Leta 19 zauvek se izgubio trag. Hidroavion 'Martin Mariner', sa posadom od 13 članova odmah je poleteo da traga za 'osvetnicima'. Ali, već nakon desetak minuta leta njegova radio veza sa bazom u Loderdejlu bila je prekinuta i više nikada nije uspostavljena.Ratna mornarica SAD organizovala je do tada najobimniju spasilačku operaciju. Desetine brodova i stotine aviona pet dana tragali su za nestalima. Međutim, nije bilo ni tela, ni olupina, ni tragova ulja, baš ničega što bi moglo biti bilo kakav trag. Istraga je bila nemoćna da ponudi bilo kakvo objašnjenje.
Pet godina nakon nestanka Leta 19, 16 septembra 1950. reporter Asošijeted presa E.V. Džons napisao je članak o 'Izgubljenoj patroli' - kako je nazvao nestalu eskadrilu 'osvetnika'. Naveo je i još nekoliko narednih nesrećnih slučajeva brodova i aviona u istoj oblasti, koja se proteže južno od Bermuda, na relaciji Majami-Portoriko.Džonsov članak dobio je veliki publicitet. Uskoro su se pojavile raznorazne priče o 'groblju' raznih plovila i aviona u tom delu Atlantskog okeana. Po nekima, svi ti slučajevi nesreća u Bermudskom trouglu su delo zlih sila. Razrađivane po novinama, časopisima i knjigama, ove priče postale su sve neverovatnije. Na primer, u jednoj od njih, izvesni poručnik Voker izbezumljeno viče u svojoj poslednjoj radio poruci: 'Znam gde sam sada...Ne idite za mnom... Izgledaju kao da su iz svemira!'. A u filmu 'Bliski susreti treće vrste', Stiven Spilberg iskazao je svoje uverenje da su pilote Leta 19 oteli vanzemaljci.
Da bi proširili misteriju i našli joj korene, autori jedne knjige o Bermudskom trouglu ušli su u trag davnim zbivanjima na ovom području. Navodno se došlo i do nekih podataka o tome da je i pre nešto više od pet vekova i Kristofor Kolombo imao zagonetna iskustva u ovoj oblasti.Još u 16. veku, kada je počelo intenzivnije istraživanje Novog sveta, sujeverni mornari su pričali o morskim nemanima koje razbijaju brodove i gutaju mornare. Iz drugih dokumentovanih iskustava može se, na primer, videti da su između 1781. i 1812. godine isčezla četiri američka ratna broda. Godine 1880. po vedrom danu bez vetra, isplovio je sa Bermudskih ostrva britanski brod za obuku 'Atlantida'. Nestao je zajedno sa 250 ljudi na njemu. Američki brod za snabdevanje 'Kiklop' napustio je 4. marta 1918. Barbadoska ostrva. Plovio je za Baltimor, ali tamo nikada nije stigao. To su samo neki od primera misterioznih nestanaka iz prošlosti. Za svaki brod nestao u ovom području postojala je mogućnost da bude proglašen žrtvom 'nepoznate aveti'. U Bermudskom trouglu nestajali su i španski jedrenjaci, britanske fregate, brodovi Sjedinjenih Država za snabdevanje, tovarni brodovi i tankeri mnogih zemalja. U njemu je do danas nestalo i nekoliko stotina aviona, a živote je izgubilo nekoliko hiljada ljudi.Ipak, uzevši sve u obzir, Ratna mornarica SAD-a ne smatra da su vode Bermudskog trougla nešto posebno opasne. I Obalska straža SAD, koja ima spasilačku bazu u MAjamiju, veruje da se većina nestanaka može pripisati 'jedinstvenim odlikama sredine' tog regiona. To je mesto gde je golfska struja veoma jaka i gde se litice kontinentalnog grebena spuštaju u kanjone duboke kilometrima. U podvodnim pećinama stvaraju se veoma jake struje, a arktički vetrovi susreću se sa toplim tropskim vazduhom, pa voda postaje opasno ćutdljiva, stvarajući tornada i iznenadne oluje.
Ima istraživača Bermudskog trougla koji smatraju da u tom području na čovekovu orijentaciju utiču određene sile. Neki ugledni geolozi tvrde da na Zemlji, odnosno u njenom magnetnom polju - čija priroda još nije objašnjena u potpunosti, postoje oblasti u kojima nastaju razni poremećaji. U Bermudskom trouglu, na primer, igla kompasa zaokreće čak i za 20 stepeni u odnosu na stvari pravac sever-jug. To znači da se ona usmerava prema geografskom, a ne prema magnetnom polju. Navigatori o tome strogo vode računa, da se ne bi dogodila nesreća.Kombinacija reznih sila sigurno je jedno od najlogičnijih objašnjenja za fenomen Bermudskog trougla. Međutim, da se vratimo na nestanak eskadrile 'osvetnika', to jest Letu 19, iz decembra 1945. Pilot Džon Majer dugi niz godina istražuje sudbinu 'izgubljene patrole'. On tvrdi da su se oni jednostavno izgubili i da su zatim bili 'progutani' u nekoj velikoj oluji. Navodno, on tačno zna šta se dogodilo sa Letom 19. Prema njegovoj teoriji, pet avion tipa 'osvetnik' trebalo je, posle vežbe bombardovanja, da produže let na istog do spruda zvanog Velika uzengija, a zatim ka severu do spruda Veliko jedro, i, najzad, da se okrenu jugozapadu radi povratka u bazu Loderdejl. Međutim, nakon 90 minuta, poručnik Tejlor isvestio je bazu da su njegovi kompasi pokvareni i da ne znaju gde se nalaze. Smatrao je da se nalaze negde iznad Floride, mnogo dalje od željenog kursa.Majer, koji je godinama leteo nad područjem Floride i Kariba, proučavao je radio izveštaje i procenjivao vetrove, vreme i potrošnju goriva. Unosio je na kartu maršutu 'osvetnika', dokazujući da oni nisu bili iznad navedenih sprudova, već iznad veoma sličnih ostrva zvanih Abako. Znači, prema Majerovom mišljenju, kada je Tejlor naredio pilotima da lete severoistočno, da bi došli do Floride, on ih je u stvari uputio još dublje ka pučini Atlantika. Dok su krivudali po pogoršanom vremenu, nestalo im je goriva, pa su pali u okean. U okviru ovih tvrdnji Majer je organizovao i ekspediciju ne bi li pronašao olupine 'izgubljene patrole'.Majerov rad ostao je u domenu teorije, sve dok tragedija koja je usledila nije bacila više svetla. Neposredno posle poletanja iz Kejp Kaneverala, spejs šatl 'Čelendžer' je eksplodirao. Bilo je to 1986. godine. Sva moguća oprema za podvodno istraživanje bila je hitno dopremljena na Floridu. Trebalo je ispitati morsko dno kod Kejp Kaneverala, ne bi li se pronašli ostaci letelice.Top priliko, na morskom dnu otkriven je jedan stari ratni avion, verovatno DC 3. Ali, Majer je mislio drugačije. Uspeo je da izdejstvuje povratak podmornice na mesto gde se nalazila olupina tog aviona. Na dubini oko 120 metara i oko četiri kilometra od mesta gde je Majer proračunao da je potonuo Let 19, podvodne kamere snimile su karakterističan mitraljez, kakav su imali avioni tipa 'osvetnik'. Avion je izvađen iz vode.'Bila je to samo gomila rđe. Proveo sam dva meseca ribajući ga, ali nije bilo načina da se identifikuje. Verujem da je to bio avion kojim je pilotirao jedan od članova Leta 19, kapetan Džordž Stivens. Njegov avion imao je registarski broj 73209, a mi smo pronašli samo 209, ispisano u fragmentima. Nismo mogli sa sigurnošću da dokažemo da je to zaista bio avion iz Leta 19' - ovako je razočarano ispričao MAjer. Ratna mornarica SAD preuzela je ostatke aviona i prodal ih u staro gvožđe. Majer nije mogao sebi da priušti dalja istraživanja da bi potkrepio svoju teoriju.Tada je sa Floride stigao Grejem Hoks. Hoks, rođen u Londonu, čuven je po istraživanju dubokih voda. Dok je njuškao okolo u svom istraživačkom brodu 'Duboko more', njegov sonar i kamera uhvatili su profile pet aviona tipa 'osvetnik'. Bili su uspravljeni i uglavnom neoštećeni. Nalazili su se na dubili od oko 200 metara, u krugu od oko dva i po kilometra. Baza Loderdejl udaljena je 30 kilometara od tog mesta. Izgledalo je da se najzagonetnija avionska misterija Bermudskog trougla najzad počinje rešavati.
Međutim, posle mesec dana medijske histerije, Hoks je objavio da to zapravo nisu avioni sa Leta 19. Detaljnim pregledima otkriveno je da to jeste pet 'osvetnika', ali ne onih 'pravih'. Identifikacioni brojevi nisu se uopšte poklapali, a nađeni avioni bili su stariji od onih koji su nestali 1945. godine. 'Osvetnici' koje je pronašao Hoks su, izgleda, završavali u okeanu greškama pilota koji su se obučavali na top području između 1943. i 1945. Arhiva ratne mornarice SAD obelodanila je da je, osim 'Izgubljene patrole', tih godina bar još 129 drugih 'osvetnika' bilo žrtva loše procene leta svojih pilota ili nevremena.Prema Hoksovom mišljenju, jedini izazivači katastrofa aviona i brodova u Bermudskom trouglu jesu meteorološke neprilike u tom delu Atlantika. 'Tamo je vreme nepravedno. Ako idete oko rta Horn očekuje vas loše vreme, ali u Floridi ljudi sede u košuljama kratkih rukava na jakom suncu. Vreme je kao pesma sirena, gadne oluje iznenada udaraju, brzo nestaju i niko ih nikad više ne vidi' - priča Hoks.Ipak, Hoks je pomalo i zadovoljan što 'Izgubljena patrola' još nije pronađena. Ne želi da on bude taj koji će 'zakopati' legendu o Letu 19. Kako on kaže - 'Ljudi bi više voleli da se u Bermudskom trouglu krije čudovošte kao, na primer, ono iz Loh Nesa, ili da su dešavanja uzrokovana nekim natprirodnim silama. Može se reći da je misterija Bermudskog trougla i danas veoma živa'.
Od mnogih nestanak i nesreća u Bermudskom trouglu navešćemo samo neke. U luci Norfolk u SAD, 27. maja 1968. vojni predstavnici i meštani okupili su se da sačekaju atomsku podmornicu 'Norfolk'. Sedam dana ranije javila se sa položaja kod Azorskih ostrva. Posle toga prekinut je radio kontakt, verovalo se, zbog kvara na primopredajniku. Ali, podmornica se nije pojavila, pa su stotine aviona i brodovi krenuli u potragu. Prokrstarili su taj deo Atlantika uzduž i popreko, međutim podmornici nije bilo ni traga ni glasa. Ratna mornarica SAD nije uspela da pronađe nikakvo objašnjenje za ovu nesreću.Između 30. juna i 10. jula 1969, znači za samo desetak dana, isčezle su posade četiri plovna objekta. Najpre je, 30. juna, jedan britanski brod naišao na napuštenu lađu dugačku 18 metara. Nikakvih tragova posade nije bilo. Zatim je, 6. jula, jedan švedski brod naišao na šest metara dugi čamac. Utvrđeno je da je potpuno ispravan, ali da je posada isčezla. Britanski tanker 'Helisoma' otkrio je između Azorskih i Bermudskih ostrva lađu dugu 110 metara, bez posade. I konačno, 10. jula 1969. pronađena je 12 metara duga jahta, takođe bez ljudi.Sredinom aprila 197. teretnjak 'Milton latrides' nestao je na putu iz Nju Orleansa za Kejptaun. U martu 1973. teretnjak 'Anita', od dvadeset hiljada tona, isčezao je na putu za Nemačku. Na sebi je imao 32 člana posade.Ronioci su, sredinom februara 1972. pronašli u Meksičkom zalivu ostatke tankera 'V.V. Fog', dugog 107 metara. Tanker je nestao 1. februara, sa 39 članova posade. Pronađeno je kapetanovo telo u njegovoj kabini. U ruci je držao šoljicu za kafu.
Engleski naučnik Ajven Sanderson pretpostavlja da bi u događanjima u Bermudskom trouglu udela mogla imati i nama nepoznata podvodna civilizacija. Ako postoje, smatra on, verovatno nas u novije doba proučavaju. Možda u nama vide opasnost po sopstvenu civilizaciju, to jest, za sopstveni opstanak. Zbog toga možda, podvodna bića izlaze iz okeana u letećim tanjirima i uzimaju 'uzorke' sa brodova i aviona. Sanderson ovu tvrdnju potkrepljuje mnogim izveštajima o NLO-ima koji su izletali velikom brzinom iz vode, naročito u blizini Floride.Novinar Art Ford ukazuje na koincidenciju da avioni i brodovi nestaju baš u području koje danas služi kao sektor iz kojeg se lansiraju svemirske rakete. Kako on kaže: 'Nama je istočna obala Floride idealna za ispaljivanje svemirskih brodova u kosmos. Možda je, isto tako, ovo područje idealno i za ateriranje svemirskih letelica iz nama nepoznatog prostora Okeanski koridor od svemirske baze Kejp Kanaveral do baze Loderdejl nije opterećen avionskim linijama, to jest, može se reći da ih i nema'.
To znači da je opasnost od sudara u vazduhu gotovo samo teoretska. Taj deo okeana mestimično je načičkan malim ostrvima koja bi mogla služiti kao 'oznake' za navođenje ili mesta za ateriranje u slučaju nevolje. Sva ta ostrva mogu da se prepoznaju i sa velike visine.Čarls Berlic, autor jedne od knjiga o Bermudskom trouglu, dozvoljava mogućnost da ova misteriozna oblast, kao i neke druge čvorne lokacije elektromagnetskih gravitacionih sila na zemlji, predstavljaju 'prozor' kroz koji dolaze i odlaze 'kosmički posetioci' i odnose ljudska bića radi proučavanja, raznih eksperimentisanja ili nečeg sasvim trećeg. I tako, uprkos svim naporima, misterija Bermudskog trougla i dalje je daleko od rešenja, i dalje nastavlja da golica našu maštu.
Engleska verzija / English version
One of the most famous and most mysterious cases of missing plane over the Bermuda Triangle occurred on a sunny December day 1945th in 14 hours and 10 minutes. Five torpedo bombers 'vigilante' took off from a U.S. air base Lauderdale, Florida. They moved towards the east, the Bahamas, on the road 600 kilometers long. Their flight was called the Flight 19 and was a routine exercise. Single engine airplane, with a total of 14 crew members had to be exercised to the bombing targets Hen and Chicken Reef, near the island of Bimini. Then he should return to base Lauderdale, in time for dinner. But they never witnessed back.Last flight 19 were on a fishing boat. Fifth December 1945th about 15 hours to the east of the island of Bimini, 'Avengers' they flew over the heads of fishermen. Commander, Lieutenant Charles Taylor, has called in 15 hours and 40 minutes for the base and the proper authorities that are in trouble because they got lost. Last call to the database took place about 18 hours. After that flight 19 squadron ever lost track. Seaplane 'Martin Mariner', with a crew of 13 members immediately took off to search for 'avengers'.
But after ten minutes of the flight of his radio communication with base in Lauderdale was canceled and has never been established. The U.S. Navy was organized by then most extensive rescue operation. Dozens of ships and hundreds of aircraft for five days searching for the missing. However, there were no bodies, no wreckage, no traces of oil, just nothing that could be any trace. An investigation was unable to offer any explanation.Pet godina nakon nestanka Leta 19, 16 septembra 1950. reporter Asošijeted presa E.V. Džons napisao je članak o 'Izgubljenoj patroli' - kako je nazvao nestalu eskadrilu 'osvetnika'. Naveo je i još nekoliko narednih nesrećnih slučajeva brodova i aviona u istoj oblasti, koja se proteže južno od Bermuda, na relaciji Majami-Portoriko.Džonsov članak dobio je veliki publicitet. Uskoro su se pojavile raznorazne priče o 'groblju' raznih plovila i aviona u tom delu Atlantskog okeana. Po nekima, svi ti slučajevi nesreća u Bermudskom trouglu su delo zlih sila. Razrađivane po novinama, časopisima i knjigama, ove priče postale su sve neverovatnije. Na primer, u jednoj od njih, izvesni poručnik Voker izbezumljeno viče u svojoj poslednjoj radio poruci: 'Znam gde sam sada...Ne idite za mnom... Izgledaju kao da su iz svemira!'. A u filmu 'Bliski susreti treće vrste', Stiven Spilberg iskazao je svoje uverenje da su pilote Leta 19 oteli vanzemaljci.
Da bi proširili misteriju i našli joj korene, autori jedne knjige o Bermudskom trouglu ušli su u trag davnim zbivanjima na ovom području. Navodno se došlo i do nekih podataka o tome da je i pre nešto više od pet vekova i Kristofor Kolombo imao zagonetna iskustva u ovoj oblasti.Još u 16. veku, kada je počelo intenzivnije istraživanje Novog sveta, sujeverni mornari su pričali o morskim nemanima koje razbijaju brodove i gutaju mornare. Iz drugih dokumentovanih iskustava može se, na primer, videti da su između 1781. i 1812. godine isčezla četiri američka ratna broda. Godine 1880. po vedrom danu bez vetra, isplovio je sa Bermudskih ostrva britanski brod za obuku 'Atlantida'. Nestao je zajedno sa 250 ljudi na njemu. Američki brod za snabdevanje 'Kiklop' napustio je 4. marta 1918. Barbadoska ostrva. Plovio je za Baltimor, ali tamo nikada nije stigao. To su samo neki od primera misterioznih nestanaka iz prošlosti. Za svaki brod nestao u ovom području postojala je mogućnost da bude proglašen žrtvom 'nepoznate aveti'. U Bermudskom trouglu nestajali su i španski jedrenjaci, britanske fregate, brodovi Sjedinjenih Država za snabdevanje, tovarni brodovi i tankeri mnogih zemalja. U njemu je do danas nestalo i nekoliko stotina aviona, a živote je izgubilo nekoliko hiljada ljudi.Ipak, uzevši sve u obzir, Ratna mornarica SAD-a ne smatra da su vode Bermudskog trougla nešto posebno opasne. I Obalska straža SAD, koja ima spasilačku bazu u MAjamiju, veruje da se većina nestanaka može pripisati 'jedinstvenim odlikama sredine' tog regiona. To je mesto gde je golfska struja veoma jaka i gde se litice kontinentalnog grebena spuštaju u kanjone duboke kilometrima. U podvodnim pećinama stvaraju se veoma jake struje, a arktički vetrovi susreću se sa toplim tropskim vazduhom, pa voda postaje opasno ćutdljiva, stvarajući tornada i iznenadne oluje.
Ima istraživača Bermudskog trougla koji smatraju da u tom području na čovekovu orijentaciju utiču određene sile. Neki ugledni geolozi tvrde da na Zemlji, odnosno u njenom magnetnom polju - čija priroda još nije objašnjena u potpunosti, postoje oblasti u kojima nastaju razni poremećaji. U Bermudskom trouglu, na primer, igla kompasa zaokreće čak i za 20 stepeni u odnosu na stvari pravac sever-jug. To znači da se ona usmerava prema geografskom, a ne prema magnetnom polju. Navigatori o tome strogo vode računa, da se ne bi dogodila nesreća.Kombinacija reznih sila sigurno je jedno od najlogičnijih objašnjenja za fenomen Bermudskog trougla. Međutim, da se vratimo na nestanak eskadrile 'osvetnika', to jest Letu 19, iz decembra 1945. Pilot Džon Majer dugi niz godina istražuje sudbinu 'izgubljene patrole'. On tvrdi da su se oni jednostavno izgubili i da su zatim bili 'progutani' u nekoj velikoj oluji. Navodno, on tačno zna šta se dogodilo sa Letom 19. Prema njegovoj teoriji, pet avion tipa 'osvetnik' trebalo je, posle vežbe bombardovanja, da produže let na istog do spruda zvanog Velika uzengija, a zatim ka severu do spruda Veliko jedro, i, najzad, da se okrenu jugozapadu radi povratka u bazu Loderdejl. Međutim, nakon 90 minuta, poručnik Tejlor isvestio je bazu da su njegovi kompasi pokvareni i da ne znaju gde se nalaze. Smatrao je da se nalaze negde iznad Floride, mnogo dalje od željenog kursa.Majer, koji je godinama leteo nad područjem Floride i Kariba, proučavao je radio izveštaje i procenjivao vetrove, vreme i potrošnju goriva. Unosio je na kartu maršutu 'osvetnika', dokazujući da oni nisu bili iznad navedenih sprudova, već iznad veoma sličnih ostrva zvanih Abako. Znači, prema Majerovom mišljenju, kada je Tejlor naredio pilotima da lete severoistočno, da bi došli do Floride, on ih je u stvari uputio još dublje ka pučini Atlantika. Dok su krivudali po pogoršanom vremenu, nestalo im je goriva, pa su pali u okean. U okviru ovih tvrdnji Majer je organizovao i ekspediciju ne bi li pronašao olupine 'izgubljene patrole'.Majerov rad ostao je u domenu teorije, sve dok tragedija koja je usledila nije bacila više svetla. Neposredno posle poletanja iz Kejp Kaneverala, spejs šatl 'Čelendžer' je eksplodirao. Bilo je to 1986. godine. Sva moguća oprema za podvodno istraživanje bila je hitno dopremljena na Floridu. Trebalo je ispitati morsko dno kod Kejp Kaneverala, ne bi li se pronašli ostaci letelice.Top priliko, na morskom dnu otkriven je jedan stari ratni avion, verovatno DC 3. Ali, Majer je mislio drugačije. Uspeo je da izdejstvuje povratak podmornice na mesto gde se nalazila olupina tog aviona. Na dubini oko 120 metara i oko četiri kilometra od mesta gde je Majer proračunao da je potonuo Let 19, podvodne kamere snimile su karakterističan mitraljez, kakav su imali avioni tipa 'osvetnik'. Avion je izvađen iz vode.'Bila je to samo gomila rđe. Proveo sam dva meseca ribajući ga, ali nije bilo načina da se identifikuje. Verujem da je to bio avion kojim je pilotirao jedan od članova Leta 19, kapetan Džordž Stivens. Njegov avion imao je registarski broj 73209, a mi smo pronašli samo 209, ispisano u fragmentima. Nismo mogli sa sigurnošću da dokažemo da je to zaista bio avion iz Leta 19' - ovako je razočarano ispričao MAjer. Ratna mornarica SAD preuzela je ostatke aviona i prodal ih u staro gvožđe. Majer nije mogao sebi da priušti dalja istraživanja da bi potkrepio svoju teoriju.Tada je sa Floride stigao Grejem Hoks. Hoks, rođen u Londonu, čuven je po istraživanju dubokih voda. Dok je njuškao okolo u svom istraživačkom brodu 'Duboko more', njegov sonar i kamera uhvatili su profile pet aviona tipa 'osvetnik'. Bili su uspravljeni i uglavnom neoštećeni. Nalazili su se na dubili od oko 200 metara, u krugu od oko dva i po kilometra. Baza Loderdejl udaljena je 30 kilometara od tog mesta. Izgledalo je da se najzagonetnija avionska misterija Bermudskog trougla najzad počinje rešavati.
Međutim, posle mesec dana medijske histerije, Hoks je objavio da to zapravo nisu avioni sa Leta 19. Detaljnim pregledima otkriveno je da to jeste pet 'osvetnika', ali ne onih 'pravih'. Identifikacioni brojevi nisu se uopšte poklapali, a nađeni avioni bili su stariji od onih koji su nestali 1945. godine. 'Osvetnici' koje je pronašao Hoks su, izgleda, završavali u okeanu greškama pilota koji su se obučavali na top području između 1943. i 1945. Arhiva ratne mornarice SAD obelodanila je da je, osim 'Izgubljene patrole', tih godina bar još 129 drugih 'osvetnika' bilo žrtva loše procene leta svojih pilota ili nevremena.Prema Hoksovom mišljenju, jedini izazivači katastrofa aviona i brodova u Bermudskom trouglu jesu meteorološke neprilike u tom delu Atlantika. 'Tamo je vreme nepravedno. Ako idete oko rta Horn očekuje vas loše vreme, ali u Floridi ljudi sede u košuljama kratkih rukava na jakom suncu. Vreme je kao pesma sirena, gadne oluje iznenada udaraju, brzo nestaju i niko ih nikad više ne vidi' - priča Hoks.Ipak, Hoks je pomalo i zadovoljan što 'Izgubljena patrola' još nije pronađena. Ne želi da on bude taj koji će 'zakopati' legendu o Letu 19. Kako on kaže - 'Ljudi bi više voleli da se u Bermudskom trouglu krije čudovošte kao, na primer, ono iz Loh Nesa, ili da su dešavanja uzrokovana nekim natprirodnim silama. Može se reći da je misterija Bermudskog trougla i danas veoma živa'.
Od mnogih nestanak i nesreća u Bermudskom trouglu navešćemo samo neke. U luci Norfolk u SAD, 27. maja 1968. vojni predstavnici i meštani okupili su se da sačekaju atomsku podmornicu 'Norfolk'. Sedam dana ranije javila se sa položaja kod Azorskih ostrva. Posle toga prekinut je radio kontakt, verovalo se, zbog kvara na primopredajniku. Ali, podmornica se nije pojavila, pa su stotine aviona i brodovi krenuli u potragu. Prokrstarili su taj deo Atlantika uzduž i popreko, međutim podmornici nije bilo ni traga ni glasa. Ratna mornarica SAD nije uspela da pronađe nikakvo objašnjenje za ovu nesreću.Između 30. juna i 10. jula 1969, znači za samo desetak dana, isčezle su posade četiri plovna objekta. Najpre je, 30. juna, jedan britanski brod naišao na napuštenu lađu dugačku 18 metara. Nikakvih tragova posade nije bilo. Zatim je, 6. jula, jedan švedski brod naišao na šest metara dugi čamac. Utvrđeno je da je potpuno ispravan, ali da je posada isčezla. Britanski tanker 'Helisoma' otkrio je između Azorskih i Bermudskih ostrva lađu dugu 110 metara, bez posade. I konačno, 10. jula 1969. pronađena je 12 metara duga jahta, takođe bez ljudi.Sredinom aprila 197. teretnjak 'Milton latrides' nestao je na putu iz Nju Orleansa za Kejptaun. U martu 1973. teretnjak 'Anita', od dvadeset hiljada tona, isčezao je na putu za Nemačku. Na sebi je imao 32 člana posade.Ronioci su, sredinom februara 1972. pronašli u Meksičkom zalivu ostatke tankera 'V.V. Fog', dugog 107 metara. Tanker je nestao 1. februara, sa 39 članova posade. Pronađeno je kapetanovo telo u njegovoj kabini. U ruci je držao šoljicu za kafu.
Engleski naučnik Ajven Sanderson pretpostavlja da bi u događanjima u Bermudskom trouglu udela mogla imati i nama nepoznata podvodna civilizacija. Ako postoje, smatra on, verovatno nas u novije doba proučavaju. Možda u nama vide opasnost po sopstvenu civilizaciju, to jest, za sopstveni opstanak. Zbog toga možda, podvodna bića izlaze iz okeana u letećim tanjirima i uzimaju 'uzorke' sa brodova i aviona. Sanderson ovu tvrdnju potkrepljuje mnogim izveštajima o NLO-ima koji su izletali velikom brzinom iz vode, naročito u blizini Floride.Novinar Art Ford ukazuje na koincidenciju da avioni i brodovi nestaju baš u području koje danas služi kao sektor iz kojeg se lansiraju svemirske rakete. Kako on kaže: 'Nama je istočna obala Floride idealna za ispaljivanje svemirskih brodova u kosmos. Možda je, isto tako, ovo područje idealno i za ateriranje svemirskih letelica iz nama nepoznatog prostora Okeanski koridor od svemirske baze Kejp Kanaveral do baze Loderdejl nije opterećen avionskim linijama, to jest, može se reći da ih i nema'.
To znači da je opasnost od sudara u vazduhu gotovo samo teoretska. Taj deo okeana mestimično je načičkan malim ostrvima koja bi mogla služiti kao 'oznake' za navođenje ili mesta za ateriranje u slučaju nevolje. Sva ta ostrva mogu da se prepoznaju i sa velike visine.Čarls Berlic, autor jedne od knjiga o Bermudskom trouglu, dozvoljava mogućnost da ova misteriozna oblast, kao i neke druge čvorne lokacije elektromagnetskih gravitacionih sila na zemlji, predstavljaju 'prozor' kroz koji dolaze i odlaze 'kosmički posetioci' i odnose ljudska bića radi proučavanja, raznih eksperimentisanja ili nečeg sasvim trećeg. I tako, uprkos svim naporima, misterija Bermudskog trougla i dalje je daleko od rešenja, i dalje nastavlja da golica našu maštu.
Engleska verzija / English version
One of the most famous and most mysterious cases of missing plane over the Bermuda Triangle occurred on a sunny December day 1945th in 14 hours and 10 minutes. Five torpedo bombers 'vigilante' took off from a U.S. air base Lauderdale, Florida. They moved towards the east, the Bahamas, on the road 600 kilometers long. Their flight was called the Flight 19 and was a routine exercise. Single engine airplane, with a total of 14 crew members had to be exercised to the bombing targets Hen and Chicken Reef, near the island of Bimini. Then he should return to base Lauderdale, in time for dinner. But they never witnessed back.Last flight 19 were on a fishing boat. Fifth December 1945th about 15 hours to the east of the island of Bimini, 'Avengers' they flew over the heads of fishermen. Commander, Lieutenant Charles Taylor, has called in 15 hours and 40 minutes for the base and the proper authorities that are in trouble because they got lost. Last call to the database took place about 18 hours. After that flight 19 squadron ever lost track. Seaplane 'Martin Mariner', with a crew of 13 members immediately took off to search for 'avengers'.
Five years after the disappearance of flight 19, September 16, 1950th Associated Press reporter EV Jones wrote an article about the "lost patrol" - what he called the missing squadron 'vigilante'. He also mentioned the next few accidents of ships and aircraft in the same area, which stretches south of Bermuda, between Miami-Portoriko.Džonsov article received wide publicity. Soon emerged various stories about 'graveyard' of various vessels and aircraft in this part of the Atlantic Ocean.
To expand the mystery and find her roots, the authors of a book about the Bermuda Triangle have entered the ancient trail of events in this area. Allegedly occurred, and to some data that is little more than five centuries ago, Christopher Colombo had a mysterious experience in this field. In the 16th century, when he began intensive study of the New World, superstitious sailors are talking about sea monsters that swallow ships and shattered sailors. From other experiences can be documented, for example, see that the 1781st and 1812th disappeared in four U.S. warships.1880. the clear day with no wind, sailed to the island Bermudian British training ship 'Atlantis'. He disappeared with 250 people on it. American supply ship 'Cyclops' left on 4 March 1918th Barbadian island. Sailed to Baltimore, but never arrived there. These are just some examples of mysterious disappearances of the past. For each ship disappeared in this area there was a possibility that the victim is declared "unknown ghosts'. In the Bermuda Triangle disappearances and Spanish sailing ships, the British frigates, ships of the United States to supply, cargo ships and tankers in many countries. It is still missing and hundreds of aircraft, and claimed the lives of several thousand people.However, on balance, the U.S. Navy and is not considered that the water the Bermuda Triangle some particularly dangerous. I Coast Guard, which has a rescue base in Miami, believes that the majority of disappearances can be attributed to 'the unique characteristics of the middle' of the region.This is where the Gulf Stream is very strong and where the continental shelf down the cliff in the deep canyons for miles. In underwater caves created very strong currents and arctic winds encounter the warm tropical air, and water becomes dangerous ćutdljiva, creating a tornado and a sudden storm.
ARE PILOTS mistaken
There are researchers who believe the Bermuda Triangle in the area of man's orientation affect specific forces. Some prominent geologists claim that the Earth or in its magnetic field - the nature of which has not yet been fully explained, there are areas which provide various disorders. The Bermuda Triangle, for example, the compass needle turns, even by 20 degrees to the fact north-south direction. This means that it directs the geographic, rather than the magnetic field. Navigators about it keep a close eye, not to have occurred excident.Combination section forces is certainly one of the explanations for the phenomenon of Bermuda Triangle. However, to return to the disappearance of the squadron 'avenger', that is Letu 19, the December 1945th.Pilot John Mayer for many years investigating the fate of the "lost patrol." He claims that they simply lost and were then 'swallowed up' in a big storm. Apparently, he knows exactly what happened to the 19th Flying According to his theory, five aircraft of type 'vigilante' should, after the bombing exercises, to continue on the same flight to the sandbar as Great stirrup, and then north to the sandbar large sail, and, finally, to turn southwest to return to base Lauderdale . However, after 90 minutes, Lieutenant Taylor believed that there are somewhere over Florida, much more to be desired course. Mayer, who for years has flown over the area of Florida and the Caribbean, studied the radio reports and assessed the winds, time and fuel consumption. Brought into the route on the map 'avenger', arguing that they were not mentioned above reefs, but over a very similar called Abaco Islands. So, according to Meier's opinion, when Taylor ordered the pilots to fly north-east, to come to Florida on them is actually sent even further to the Atlantic sea.As they wandered through the worsening weather, missing their fuel, and have fallen into the ocean. Under these Meier claims have organized an expedition in order to find the wreck 'the lost patrol. "Meier work remained in the domain theory, until the tragedy that followed has thrown more light. Shortly after takeoff from Cape Kaneverala, space shuttle 'Challenger' exploded. It was the 1986th year. All possible equipment for underwater exploration was immediately shipped to Florida. It was necessary to examine the seabed at Cape Kaneverala, in order to find the remains of the plane. Not when, on the sea floor was discovered an old war plane, probably DC third But Mayer thought otherwise. He managed to force back to where the submarine was located the wreck of the aircraft. At a depth of 120 meters and about four kilometers from where Meyer has calculated that Flight 19 was sunk, the underwater cameras captured the typical machine gun, as they had planes like 'Avenger'. The aircraft was removed from the water. 'It was just a pile of rust. I spent two months abrasive it, but there was no way to identify. I believe it was a plane piloted by one of the members of Flight 19, Capt. George Stevens.His plane had the registration number 73209, and we have found only 209, printed in fragments. We were unable to prove with certainty that this is indeed a plane in flight 19 '- this is disappointed Mayer said. The U.S. Navy took over the remains of the aircraft and sold them to scrap metal. Meyer could not afford further studies to support his argument. Then came Graham of Florida Hawks. Hawks, born in London, famous for its deep water exploration. While snooping around in his research vessel 'Deep sea', its sonar and cameras caught the profiles of the aircraft 'vigilante'. They were upright and largely intact. Were located at a depth of 200 meters, within a radius of about two and a half kilometers. Lauderdale base is located 30 kilometers from the place. It seemed to be the most perplexing mystery plane finally starts Bermuda Triangle solved.
AS La Sirena
However, after a month of media hysteria, the Hawks announced that the planes are not really the 19th Summer Detailed examination revealed that it is five 'Avenger', but not those of 'real'. Identification numbers are not at all match, and found planes were older than those who disappeared 1945th year. 'Avengers' found by the Hawks, it seems, ended up in an ocean of mistakes pilots who trained on the top area of the 1943rd and 1945. Archive U.S. Navy revealed that, apart from 'Lost Patrol', those years at least 129 others 'Avenger' was a victim of bad estimates of their pilot or flight storms. According Hoksovom view, the only causes of disasters of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle are weather troubles in that part of the Atlantic. 'There is a time unfairly. If you go around Cape Horn, you can expect bad weather, but people in Florida sit in shirts with short sleeves in bright sunlight. Time is like a siren song, bad storm hit suddenly, quickly disappearing and no one never sees "- the story Hawks. However, the Hawks a bit pleased that 'Lost Patrol' has not been found. I do not want him to be the one to 'bury' the legend of the flight 19th He says- "People would prefer to hide in the Bermuda Triangle čudovošte as, for example, it Loch Ness, or that events caused by some supernatural powers. It can be said that the Bermuda Triangle mystery still very much alive '.
Unexplained disappearance
Of the many disappearances and accidents in the Bermuda Triangle here are just a few. In the port of Norfolk in the United States, 27 May 1968. Military officials and residents gathered to wait for nuclear submarine 'Norfolk'. Seven days earlier emerged from a position near the Azores. After that was interrupted by radio contact, it was believed, because of the failure of the transmitter. But the submarine did not appear, and hundreds of planes and ships went looking. Cruised the Atlantic part of the length and breadth, but the submarine was no trace. U.S. Navy failed to find any explanation for this accident. Between 30 June and 10 July 1969, the mean for ten days, the crew disappeared four vessels. First, 30th June, a British ship came upon an abandoned ship, 18 meters long. No trace of crew was not there. Then, 6 July, a Swedish ship encountered a six-meter-long boat. It was determined that it is completely correct, but that the crew has disappeared.British tanker 'Helisoma' discovered the Azores Islands and Bermudskih ship 110 meters long without the crew. Finally, 10 July 1969th found is 12 meters long yacht, with no people. In mid-April 197th van 'Milton latrides' disappeared en route from New Orleans to Cape Town. In March 1973rd van 'Anita', twenty thousand tons, disappeared on his way to Germany. He was wearing a 32 member crew. Divers were in mid-February 1972nd found in the Gulf of Mexico remains tankers 'VV Fog', 107 meters long. Tanker disappeared first February, with 39 crew members. Captain's body was found in his cabin. In his hand he held a cup of coffee.
English scientist Ajven Sanderson assumed that the events in the Bermuda Triangle and the stakes could not be unknown to us underwater civilizations. If so, he said, probably in more recent years we studied.
You may see in us a threat to their own civilization, that is, for its own survival. Therefore, perhaps, underwater creatures out of the ocean in flying saucers and take 'samples' from ships and aircraft. Sanderson This was confirmed by numerous reports of UFOs that were moving rapidly from the water, especially in the vicinity of Florida. Journalist Art Ford points to the coincidence of the planes and ships disappear just in the area that now serves as a sector from which to launch space rockets. As he says: 'We the east coast of Florida is ideal for launching spacecraft into space. Perhaps, also, this area is ideal for landing spacecraft from space unknown to us Ocean corridor of a space base to the base of Cape KANAVERAL Lauderdale is not loaded by air, that is, it can be said to them, and no '.To znači da je opasnost od sudara u vazduhu gotovo samo teoretska. Taj deo okeana mestimično je načičkan malim ostrvima koja bi mogla služiti kao 'oznake' za navođenje ili mesta za ateriranje u slučaju nevolje. Sva ta ostrva mogu da se prepoznaju i sa velike visine. Čarls Berlic, autor jedne od knjiga o Bermudskom trouglu, dozvoljava mogućnost da ova misteriozna oblast, kao i neke druge čvorne lokacije elektromagnetskih gravitacionih sila na zemlji, predstavljaju 'prozor' kroz koji dolaze i odlaze 'kosmički posetioci' i odnose ljudska bića radi proučavanja, raznih eksperimentisanja ili nečeg sasvim trećeg. I tako, uprkos svim naporima, misterija Bermudskog trougla i dalje je daleko od rešenja, i dalje nastavlja da golica našu maštu.
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