- Tako to rade Vrlo opasne igračke !
- Svi ste zapanjeni sa zemljotresima u Japanu i sa cunamijem koji ga je poharao. Sigurno se sećate i nedavnog zemljotresa koji je rasturio Haiti. A, kad smo kod zemljotresa u Haitiju, da li ste znali da je američka vojska par dana pre tog zemljotresa imala veliku probnu vežbu ‘Spašavanje postradalih posle zemnljotresa’ ??! Naravno, pdmah posle zemljotresa, zatekli su se tamo da ‘pomognu’. Videli ste i neverovatno stanje u Australiji, s jedne strane neviđeni požari, a sa druge strahovite poplave ?!
- Da li je moguće da je priroda tako surova, pa da može da napravi ovako nešto ljudima na Zemlji. Posle ovog teksta, možda više nećete kriviti prirodu i ovakve stvari više nećete nazivati ‘prirodne katastofe’.
- Nije nikakva tajna da oružja koja izazivaju oluje i zemljotrese imaju i Rusi i Amerikanci. Takođe, nije tajna, mada se javno ne pominje, da su i nas u Srbiji Amerikanci ‘gađali’ takvim oružjem. Odgovor Rusa na to, bio je, kako tvrde upućeni – tornado u Americi. Vetar je duvao preko 400 kilometara na sat, što do tada nije bilo zabeleženo…
Kada su Sovjeti izazvali detonaciju svoje prve atomske bombe u Kazahstanu, primetili su da eksplozija smesta pokreće zemljotres nepredvidive jačine, trajanja i udaljenosti od mesta eksplozije. Vremenom su shvatili da potrese ne izaziva podsticanje latentne nestabilnosti strukture stena – potrese je izazivala neka misteriozna sila. Dakle, nisu ih izazivale fizičke sile nuklearne eksplozije, već takozvani rezonantni talasi neobične dužine i trajanja. Nuklearne bombe su se, jednostavno, ponašale kao generatori talasa, kao kada bi se upotrebio dinamit da se izazovu talasi u običnom bazenu(Vrlo opasne igračke). (Malo dinamita – mali cunami u bazenu, puno dinamita – veliki cunami gde god hoćete)! - MINA NA DNU OKEANA ?
- Poznati fizičar dr Piter Beter tvrdio je da su do 1977. Rusi postavili superbombe na principu fisija-fuzija-fisija u određene podvodne rovove oko Filipina. Dr Beter veruje da Filipini predstavljaju ključnu oblast za giganstskipacifički tektonski plato. Rusija je već postavila i čitav arsenal specifičnog podvodnog oružja u drugim oblastima Tihog okeana izazivajući jake zemljotrese – tvrde stučnjaci.
Dr Beter veruje da je osnovna namena bila i jeste da se smanji tenzija širom pacifičkog platoa, osim Filipina, gde bi napon i pritisak bili podignuti do nezamislivog nivoa. Tada bi, u određenom trenutku, bile aktivirane bombe oko Filipina. Prema očekivanju, ovo bi izazvalo nezamislive zemljotrese i plimne talase i zauvek zbrisalo američku zapadnu obalu.
Posle velikog zemljotresa u Jermeniji 1988. godine, japanski sizmolozi su nagovestili postojanje elektromagnetske tehnologije za veštački indukovane zemljotrese, koje poseduju Rusi. U januaru 190. japanska delegacija koju je predvodio tadašnji ministar spoljnih poslova Sinatro Abe, došla je u Moskvu na razgovor sa tadašnjim predsednikom SSSR-a Mihailom Gorbačovim i članom Politbiroa Aleksandrom Jakovljevim. Namera je bila uspostavljanje ‘bilateralne saradnje’. Na sledećem sastanku, godinu dana kasnije, Gorbačov je preko Jakovljeva za 900 miliona dolara ponudio Japancima da kupe tehnologiju sovjetskog supertajnog interkontinentalnog elektromagnetskog oružja, sposobnog da izazove zemljotrese. Ovo oružje(Vrlo opasne igračke) su Sovjeti aktivno koristili od početka 60-tih godina. O ovom oružju uskoro posebna stranica. - Nikola Tesla Vrlo opasne igračke ?
Još je naš Nikola Tesla otkrio način da iskoristi pročišćeni oblik elektromagnetske energije, razdvojivši, kako je pisao, ‘električni naboj od mase’. Teslinom tehnologijom, mogli su da se stvore talasi u atmosferi ili zemljinoj unutrašnjosti i pretvore u oružje razarajuće snage. - Sergej Koroljev (slika levo), osnivač sovjetskog svemirskog programa koji je stvorio Sputnjik i poslao Jurija Gagarina u orbitu, lansirao je satelite sa nuklearnim reaktorima koji su ispaljivali snopove elektrona u jonosferu, ranih sedamdesetih. Radio talasi su se odbijali o ovo moćno elektromagnetno ogledalo i omogućavali ‘svakakve efekte’.
- Tokom 70-tih godina Amerikanci su bili toliko zaplašeni efektima koje je izazivao Korovljev program da je Pentagon pokrenuo sopstveni program pod nazivom ‘Klimatska dinamika’. Ali, beznadežno zaostajući bez Teslinog mehanizma poznatog kao skalarni potencijalni interferometar, američki Senat je na inicijativu senatora Klejborna Pela, zabranio primenu tehnologije kontrole vremena u neprijateljske svrhe. Tada su, barem na trenutak, tadašnji predsednici Leonid Brežnjev i Džimi Karter, odložili svoje opasne igračke, mada, prava istina je da je to bilo samo smirivanje javnosti.
- Vrlo opasne igračke u mirnodopske svrhe?
Međutim, ova zabrana nije sprečavala primenu tehnologije kontrole vremena u ‘mirnodopske’ svrhe. Modifikacija klimatskih uslova vraća se na velika vrata na samitu u Rio de Žaneiru 1991. godine. Usledile su prepirke i dokazivanje da seglobalno zagrevanje i smanjivanje ozonskog omotača može sprečiti održavanjem istog nivoa ili smanjenjem industrijskog zagađenja, ali se planeta ne može dovesti u normalno stanje ukoliko se ne upotrebi moćna elektromagnetska tehnologija i primeni u gornjim slojevima atmosfere.
Međutim, problem je bio u tome što elektromagnetska tehnologija ne može zakrpiti ozonsku rupu i smanjiti temperaturu. Tako su stručnjaci došli na ‘briljantnu’ ideju – bombardovati pustinje zapadne Australije i zapadne delove SAD elektromagnetskim talasima koji će izazvati pad pritiska i padavine. Tako bi u pustim predelima izrasle guste šume, koje bi ugljendioksid i ostale gasove preobratili u kiseonik. Centar čitave operacije bila je jedna oblast u zapadnoj Australiji. - PLAZMOIDNO ORUŽJE
Oružje na bazi plazme (mešavina elektrona i jona) već je stvoreno u Rusiji zarad praktične primene. Njegovo funkcionisanje zasniva se na fokusiranju snopova elektromagnetske energije koju stvaraju laser ili mikrotalasno zračenje u gornjim slojevima atmosfere. Ovi snopovi su u stanju da unište bilo koju metu koja letisupersoničnom ili sličnom brzinom. Oblak visoko jonizovanog vazduha podiže se usred laserskog ili mikrotalasnog zraka, na visini od 50 kilometara. U trenutku kada je uhvaćeh ovim snopom, svaki objekat – avion ili projektil – neizbežno će biti izbačen sa svoje putanje i uništen, zahvaljujući velikoj razlici u pritisku između površine i unutrašnjosti letećeg objekta. Fundamentalno u ovom slučaju je da energija, usmerena zemaljskim komponentama plazma oružja – laserima i antenama – nije koncentrisana na metu, već malo ispred nje. Energetski snop zapravo udara posred putanje letećeg objekta i uništava aerodinamiku leta.
Akademik Ramili Avramenko, čovek koji je uložio najviše napora u kreiranju plazma oružja u Rusiji, veruje da je njegovo čedo – plazmoid – neranjivo. Avramenko smatra da je plazma oružje veoma jednostavno kontrolisati i napraviti. Pored vojne primene, plazmoid se može iskoristiti za ‘krpljenje’ ozonskih rupa u atmosferi i izbacivanje kosmičkog đubreta van orbite. O uticaju na klimu i da ne govorimo.
General Gordon Saliven, bivši zapovednik američke armije, oduševljen je budućnošću u kojoj vidi savršene mogućnosti za manipulaciju eventualnim bojnimpoljima: ‘Kada osvojimo tehnologiju novog veka, moći ćemo danonoćno da vidimo neprijatelja, prilagodimo vreme sopstvenim željama i krenemo u borbu’. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata, general Ajzenhauer se ogorčeno žalio: ‘Loše vreme u Evropi najveći je neprijatelj vazdušnih operacija. Jedan vojnik mi je rekao kako je vreme neutralno u ovom ratu. To nije tačno. Loše vreme je uvek na strani naših neprijatelja. Ukoliko loše vreme potraje, to će nacistima biti najbolja odbrana u Normandiji’.
Doduše, evropsko loše vreme poprilično je nerviralo trupe NATO, SFOR i IFOR tokom rata u Bosni. Zbog kiše i snežnih oluja otkazane su mnoge planirane operacije u vazduhu, ali i na tlu. - Modifikacija i kontrola vremena mogu se podeliti u dve kategorije: sprečavanje i intenziviranje prirodnih meteoroloških obrazaca. U ekstremnim slučajevima, mogli bi se stvarati potpuno novi meteorološki uslovi, mogle bi se izazivati i kontrolisati jake oluje, ili čak izmeniti globalna klima na čitavoj planeti. Po najbezazlenijem scenariu, modifikacija vremena bi podrazumevala sprečavanje ili povećanje padavina, uklanjanje oblaka ili magle tokom kraćeg perioda iznad određenog regiona.
Da bi se modifikacija vremena obavljala uspešno, neophodno je stvaranjeglobale meteorološke mreže, preko koje bi se moglo pristupiti bilo kom meteorološkom centru u svetu i podacima o globalnim, regionalnim i lokalnim vremenskim prilikama. Suštinu ove mreže, prema planu američke vojne mornarice, činili bi najsofisticiraniji kompjuterski softver i hardver, koji bi mogli da za izuzetno kratko vreme ‘svare’ i obrade trilione podataka vezanih za životnu okolinu, pretvore ih u baze podataka i proslede podatke do kompjuterskih modela za predviđanje i mudifikaciju vremena. Senzori bi očitavali promene i hranili podacima o novom meteorološkom obrascu sistem za modeliranje vremena koji bi smesta ažurirao proračune.
Gotovo svi napori na polju modifikacije vremena u poslednjih četvrt veka , bili su usmereni na promene skale oblačnosti na osnovu zasićenja isparenja i razlike u pritisku između leda i vode. Studija dr Viljema Greja istražuje mogućnost da se ‘značajni uticaj može sprovesti pametnom eksploatacijom potencijala solarne apsorpcije crne ugljenične prašine’. Ova tehnologija bi se primenila za podizanje nivoa kišnih padavina, stvaranje cirusnih oblaka i stvaranje kumulonimbusa u sušnim predelima. Kada se ugljenična prašina raširi u vazduhu iznad velike vodene površine, ugljenik postaje vreo i zagreva vazduh u svom okruženju čime povećava količinu isparenja vodene mase. kako se okolni vazduh zagreva, njegovi fragmenti se podižu, vodena isparenja koje delovi vazduha sadrže se kondenzuju i formiraju oblake. Tokom vremena, kapljice u oblaku povećavaju svoju zapreminu kako se sve više i više vode kondenzuje, da bi na kraju pale na zemljuu obliku pljuska ili neke druge vrste padavina.
Naravno, ova tehnika se može iskoristiti u vojne svrhe u idealnim uslovima. Na primer, ukoliko u blizini bojnog polja postoji veća vodena površina, ugljenična prašina bi se raspršila u atmosferi iznad vode. Na kraju bi se kondenzovana isparenje stuštila na neprijateljsku vojsku i onemogućila joj dejstvo. Zahvaljujući laserskim sistemima i pametnim materijalima baziranim na nanotehnologiji, moguće je stvoriti veštačku maglu, ali i simulirane meteorološke uslove. Oblak ili nekoliko oblaka sačinjenih od mikroskopskih kompjuterskih nanočestica koje komuniciraju jedne sa drugima i sa večim kontrolnih sistemom, nude ogromne mogućnosti. Međupovezani, sa trodimenzionalnim navigacionim sposobnostima, takvi oblaci imaju širok dijapazon primene. Mogu blokirati optičke senzore ili se prilagoditi da postanu nedostupni drugim metodama nadgledanja. Takođe, mogu obezbediti razlike u atmosferskom energetskom potencijalu – koji inače ne bi postojao da bi se tačno utvrdilo vreme udara munje u određeni cilj. Čak i kada bi nivo energetskog potencijala bio nedovoljan za efektivno udarno oružje, potencijalni psihološki efekti u mnogim situacijama bi bili fantastični.
- Američki stručnjaci predviđaju da bi efekti primene simuliranog vremena za postizanje željenih ciljeva, omogućili da se namerno planirane i izvedene akcije veoma lako protumače kao posledice prirodnih meteoroloških fenomena. Pri tom je takva operacija izuzetno jeftina. Prema dr Dž. Stors Holu, naučniku sa Rutgers univerziteta koji se bavi istraživanjima iz oblasti nanotehnologije, produkciona cena recimo kilograma oblaka sačinjenih od nanočestica, bila bi ista kao i proizvodna cena kilograma krompira.
Sve u svemu, svi smo svedoci da vreme više nije isto kao pre. Svi kažu da se priroda promenila, a malo ko zna ko je pravi krivac za to.
- So do most dangerous toys! All are amazed with the earthquakes in Japan and the tsunami that devastated him. Surely you remember the recent earthquake and who dismantled Haiti. And, speaking of the earthquake in Haiti, did you know that the U.S. military a few days before the earthquake had a big test exercise 'Rescue of victims after earthquake'?? Of course, after the earthquake, they found there to 'help'. You've seen the incredible situation in Australia, on the one hand unseen fires, and the other terrible flood! Is it possible that nature is so cruel, so that it can do something like this to people on Earth. After this article, you may no longer blame the nature of these things and you will no longer be called 'natural catastrophe'. It is no secret that the weapons that cause storms and earthquakes have the Russians and Americans. It is no secret, although the public does not mention, that both of us in Serbia Americans 'targeted' such weapons. The answer to the Russians, he was instructed to say - a tornado in America. Wind was blowing over 400 kilometers per hour, which had not been recorded ... When the Soviets caused the detonation of its first atomic bomb in Kazakhstan, noted that the explosion immediately starts unpredictable earthquake intensity, duration and distance from the explosion. Eventually they realized that earthquakes do not cause stimulation of the latent instability of the structure of rocks - the earthquake caused some mysterious force. So, they were not caused physical force of a nuclear explosion, but the so-called resonant waves of unusual length and duration. Nuclear bombs were simply behaving as a wave generators, as if they are used dynamite to cause waves in the basin plain (very dangerous toys). (A little dynamite - a small tsunami in the pool, full of dynamite - a tsunami wherever you like)!
- Mina on the ocean floor?
famous physicist, Dr. Peter Beter claimed that until 1977. Russians set Superbomb the principle fission-fusion-fission in certain underwater trenches around the Philippines. Dr. Beter believes the Philippines is a key area for gigant pacific tectonic plateau. Russia is already set, and an arsenal of specific underwater weapons in other areas of the Pacific Ocean causing strong earthquakes - scienties claim. Dr. Beter believes that the main purpose was and is to reduce tensions across the Pacific plateau, except the Philippines, where the voltage and pressure were raised to unimaginable levels. Then, at some point, the bombs were triggered around the Philippines. As expected, this would cause unimaginable earthquakes and tidal waves wiped out forever and the U.S. west coast. After the earthquake in Armenia 1988th , Japanese have indicated the existence of electromagnetic technology to artificially induced earthquakes, which have the Russians. In January, 190th Japanese delegation led by former Foreign Minister Abe Sinatra, came to Moscow for talks with then-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and the Politburo member Alexander Jacob. The intention was to establish "bilateral cooperation". At the next meeting, a year later, Gorbachev via Yakovlev for $ 900 million offer to buy Japanese technology super secret Soviet intercontinental electromagnetic weapons, able to cause earthquakes. This weapon (the most dangerous toys) are actively used by the Soviets since the beginning of 60-ies. About this site special weapons soon. - Nikola Tesla most dangerous toys?
yet our Nikola Tesla discovered a way to use the revised form of electromagnetic energy, Branching, he wrote, 'electric charge of the masses. Tesla's technology, they could create waves in the atmosphere or the earth's interior and into a weapon of devastating power.
Sergei Korolev (left), founder of the Soviet space program that was created by Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin into orbit, was launched satellites with nuclear reactors the firing beams of electrons in the ionosphere, in the early seventies. Radio waves are bounced off the mirror of this powerful electromagnetic and allowed "all sorts of effects." During these 70 years, Americans were so frightened by the effects caused Korovljev program that the Pentagon launched its own program called 'Climate Dynamics'. But, without hopelessly trailing mechanism known as a Tesla scalar potential interferometer, the U.S. Senate on the initiative of Senator Klejborna Pela, forbade the application of control technology at the time hostile purposes. Then, at least for a moment, then-presidents Leonid Brezhnev and Jimmy Carter, put down their dangerous toys, though, the truth is that it was just calming the public. most dangerous toys for peaceful purposes? However, this prohibition has not prevented the application of control technology time the 'peaceful' purposes. Modification of the climate returns to the big gate at the summit in Rio de Janeiro 1991st year. Then to the arguments and evidence that global warming and ozone layer depletion can be prevented by maintaining the same level or reducing industrial pollution, but the planet can lead to normal unless the use of powerful electromagnetic technology and application in the upper atmosphere.However, the problem was that the electromagnetic technology can not mend the ozone hole and lower the temperature. Thus, experts have come to the 'brilliant' idea - to bomb the desert of western Australia and western parts of the U.S. electromagnetic waves, which will cause a drop in pressure and precipitation. So let the grown regions of dense forests, that carbon dioxide and other gases converted into oxygen. Center the entire operation was one area in Western Australia. - PLAZMOIDNO WEAPONS Weapons based on plasma (a mixture of electrons and ions) have been created in Russia for the sake of practical application. Its operation is based on focusing beams of electromagnetic energy generated by laser or microwave radiation in the upper atmosphere. These bundles are able to destroy any target that fly supersonical or similar speed. Cloud of highly ionized air rises in the middle of a laser or microwave rays at an altitude of 50 kilometers. At a time when catch the beam, each object - plane or missile - will inevitably be expelled from its trajectory and destroyed, thanks to the large difference in pressure between the surface and interior of a flying object. Fundamentally, in this case is that energy is directed terrestrial components of plasma weapons - lasers and antennas - is concentrated on the target, but slightly above it. The energy beam actually strikes the middle path of a flying object and destroys the aerodynamics of flight. Ramila Academician Avramenko, a man who has put most effort into the creation of plasma weapons in Russia, believes that his son - plazmoid - invulnerable. Avramenko is considered that the plasma gun is very easy to control and make. In addition to military applications, plazmoid can be used for 'patching' depletion in the atmosphere and throwing trash out of the cosmic orbit. The impact on the climate and not to speak.General Gordon Sullivan, former commander of U.S. Army, is delighted with the future in which he sees the perfect opportunity for manipulation possible war area: 'When you win the technology of the new century, we will be able to see the enemy day and night, adjust the time of their own desires and go into battle. " During World War II, General Eisenhower bitterly complained: 'Bad weather in Europe is the biggest enemy air operations. One soldier told me that he was neutral during this war. This is not true. Bad weather is always on the side of our enemies. If bad weather persists, it will be the best defense against the Nazis in Normandy. " However, Europe's bad weather was quite annoyed NATO forces, IFOR and SFOR in Bosnia during the war. Because of rain and snow storms canceled many planned operations in the air, but also on the ground. Modification and control of time can be divided into two categories: prevention and intensification of natural weather patterns. In extreme cases, they could create an entirely new weather conditions, could induce and control the severe storms, or even global climate change on the planet. According to the most innocent scenario, weather modification would include the prevention or increased rainfall, removal of clouds or fog for a brief period over a given region. In order to successfully carry out weather modification, it is necessary stvaranjeglobale meteorological network, through which one could access any meteorological center in the world and data on global, regional and local weather. The essence of this network, as planned U.S. military navy, would be the most sophisticated computer software and hardware, which could very short time 'digest' and process trillions of data related to the environment, transform them into a database and forward the data to computer models for prediction and modification time.In order to successfully carry out weather modification, it is necessary crating global meteorological network, through which one could access any meteorological center in the world and data on global, regional and local weather. The essence of this network, as planned U.S. military navy, would be the most sophisticated computer software and hardware, which could very short time 'digest' and process trillions of data related to the environment, transform them into a database and forward the data to computer models for prediction and modification time. The sensors were read to change and feed data to form a new system for meteorological modeling of time that would immediately updated calculations. Almost all efforts in the field of weather modification in the last quarter century, were directed to change the scale of cloud based on the saturation vapor pressure difference between the ice and water. Dr. William Gray's study explores the possibility of 'significant impact can implement an intelligent exploitation of the solar absorption potential of carbon black dust. " This technology could be applied to raise the level of rainfall, creating cumulonimbus clouds and the creation of the arid regions. When the spread of carbon dust in the air over large bodies of water, carbon becomes hot and heats the air in your environment, which increases the amount of water vapor mass. as the surrounding air is heated, its fragments were built, water vapor, which contain parts of air to condense and form clouds. Over time, the cloud droplets increase their volume as more and more water condenses, and eventually fell to earth shaped cuff or some other form of precipitation.
- Of course, this technique can be used for military purposes in ideal conditions. For example, if in the vicinity of the battlefield there is a greater body of water, carbon dust to disperse in the atmosphere above the water. In the end, the condensed vapor'd bounce on the enemy and prevent its effects. Thanks to laser systems and smart materials based on nanotechnology, it is possible to create artificial lights, and simulated weather conditions. Cloud or several clouds made up of microscopic computer nanoparticles that communicate with each other and with greater control systems, offer tremendous opportunities. Interconnected, with three-dimensional navigation capabilities, such clouds have a wide range of applications. Can block optical sensors or to adjust to become inaccessible to other methods of monitoring. They can also provide a difference in the atmospheric energy potential - who would not otherwise exist to accurately determine the time of lightning strokes to a specific target. Even if the level of energy potential is insufficient for effective impact weapon, the potential psychological effects in many situations would be fantastic. U.S. experts predict that the effects of simulated time to achieve the desired goals, made it possible to deliberately planned and executed action is very easy to interpret as consequences of natural weather phenomena. At the same time such an operation is extremely cheap. According to Dr. J.. Storrs Hall, a scientist with Rutgers University to conduct research in the field of nanotechnology, for example using production cost weight of clouds made up of nanoparticles would be the same as the production price of pound of potatoes. All in all, we are all witnesses that the time is the same as before. Everyone says that the nature of change, a few people know who the real culprit for this.
Svet tamo negde,svet na granici razuma,svet za koji niste ni znali da moze da postoji.. / The world out there,the world on the verge of understanding,the world that you never knew could exist..
уторак, 7. фебруар 2012.
Opasne svetske igracke / Dangerous world toys, Srpska & English version
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