среда, 22. јун 2011.

Krugovi u zitu(Vecna tajna) / Crop circles (Eternal Secret)

Srpska verzija / Serbian version

Fenomen tajanstvenih krugova u žitu ne prestaje da uzbuđuje duhove, a broj zainteresovanih eksperata za ovu vrstu paranormalnog stvaranja stalno narasta. Jer, svakog leta se sve ponavlja, s tom razlikom što su krugovi i simboli sada još raznovrsniji i neuporedivo zagonetniji.Novost je i to što fenomen više nije isključivo britanski. U međuvremenu su otkriveni slični simboli i u žitnim poljima, Irske, Holandije, Španije, Portugala, Italije, Bugarske, SAD, Kanade, Australije, Novog Zelanda, Japana i u Rusiji.Stručnjaci su pokušali da ovu pojavu simbola na poljima objasne na više načina: po jednima, radi se o elektromagnetskim silama, drugi opet smatraju da su žito napala razna gljivičasta oboljenja (ove gljive izgleda imaju veliki smisao za kreativnost), treći ne isključuju vojne akcije, a ponovljena je i teorija o olujnim vetrovima. Raspravlja se i o mogućim fizikalnim, botaničkim, meteorološkim, tehnološkim, geološkim ili psihokinetičkim procesima. A možda je u pitanju i više faktora istovremeno.Jedna grupa eksperata ograničila se isključivo na tumačenje znakova. Da li je u pitanju neka poruka, i ako jeste - onda kakvi su motivi onih koji je šalju? Da li neko hoće da nas upozori na nešto ili da nas, prosto, o nečemu informiše? Ili su u pitanju neki posebni planovi? Da ti znakovi, možda, nemaju veze sa mračnim prognozama eventualnih klimatskih katastrofa na zemlji? Ili je to nagoveštaj kraja jedne i početka druge epohe u razvoju naše planete? Da nije u pitanju neko nepoznato kosmičko biće?Stručnjaci su u jednom jedinstveni: u stvaranju simbola nije učestvovala ljudska ruka, niti se pak radi o nekom prirodnom procesu. jedan od stručnjaka za tajanstvene krugove, Pat Delgado, čvrsto je uveren da je reč o nekoj nepoznatoj energiji, ili pak o nekoj, takođe nedokučivoj, visokorazvijenoj, možda, kosmičkoj inteligenciji. Sam Pat Delgado je u svoje vreme radio kao radarski ekspert pri NASA-i. Kako on kaže: 'Ova inteligencija je spiritualne, a možda i paranormalne prirode. Ne postoji reč kojom bi se mogla definisati. A sa našim dosadašnjim saznanjima nismo u stanju da zagonetku rešimo'.
Zanimljivo je da poleglo žito nastavlja da raste i u horizontalnom položaju, da nijedna jedina stabljika nije povređena sa spoljne strane i ne pokazuje da je pojava izazvana nasilnim putem. Botaničari su, međutim, uspeli da vide kako je žito u zagonetnim krugovima donekle promenilo svoju molekularnu strukturu.Jedan od stručnjaka, Džordž Vingfild, misli da se u tim simbolima krije jedan viši, transcendentalni, metafizički smisao. On je mnoge dane i noći provodio na engleskim žitnim poljima i bio zapanjen pričom jedne žene koja je prilikom svog prvog susreta sa tajanstvenim znakovima primetila kako sa kružnih ivica klasje svetluca plavim svetlom. Vingfild je uočio da se mnogi piktogrami u žitu sastoje od veoma uskih pravih i kružnih linija u koje ne može stati ljudska stopa. Stabljike su krajnje precizno presavijene. Neki simboli su eliptičnog oblika, a pojavile su se i figure u kojima se centar uskovitlane površine nije poklapao sa geometrijskim centrom. Ponegde postoje i jasno uočljivi znaci koji pokazuju pravac kako da se priđe zagonetnim krugovima. Zanimljiva su i razmišljanja o tome koliko je vremena bilo potrebno da se simboli, od kojih neki imaju prečnik od čak 140 metara, ugraviraju u žitna polja. Na osnovu raspoloživih elemenata utvrđeno je da je sve trajalo samo nekoliko sekundi.Zanimljivo je i to da se broj krugova povećava iz godine u godinu. Uz to, nijedan čovek do sada nije uspeo da vidi kako se stvaraju zagonetni piktogrami, iako je veliki broj ljudi iz južne Engleske provodio dane i noći na žitnim poljima - upravo tamo gde su se figure i pojavljivale. Neki od njih tvrde da su videli kako se stabljike povijaju bez ikakvog šuma, a da pri tom nisu uočili ništa što tu pojavu prouzrokuje.Izuzetno je zanimljivo, da je primećeno da na mestima gde su prošlog leta viđeni krugovi, ovog puta ništa nije moglo da raste. Ispitano je zemljište, ali nije otkriveno ništa što bi dovelo do neplodnosti. Jedino su retke, zakržljale stabljike pokazale da imaju manje fosfata i nitrata, ali zato sadrže mnogo više hranljivih materija nego što je uobičajeno. Stručnjak Džorž Vingfiled smatra da se radi o nekoj višoj inteligenciji, o nečemu što je živo i što je u neposrednoj vezi sa odsustvom naše kolektivne svesti. A poruku piktograma treba tražiti u njihovom simboličkom sadržaju. Neki znakovi veoma su nalik prastarim religioznim i mističnim simbolima, recimo onim koji prikazuju Zemlju i Sunce. Jasno je da se simbolika svih tih znakova obraća nesvesnom u nama.Nije beznačajno što se najveći broj kružnica pojavio u blizini drevnih keltskih svetilišta, kao što je na primer Silneri Hil.
Jedan od najmisterioznijih krugova u žitu pojavio se u gore spomenutom Silberi Hilu, blizu Avberija (Viltšajr, Engleska). Nastao je u toku dve noći, 2. i 3. augusta, veličine je fudbalskog igrališta, a svojom strukturom i simbolikom, kako je ustanovljeno, neodoljivo poseća na kalendarske krugove Maja i Asteka.Ova sličnost, gotovo podudarnost, veoma je uzbudila i zainteresovala ne samo britanske istraživače ovog fenomena, jer, koliko se zna, ovo je prvi žitni krug koji predskazuje neki datum u budućnosti. I to veoma blizak, jer je reč, sasvim precizno, o 21./22. decembru 2012. godine. A prema kalendaru Maja i Asteka, to je tačna datum 'kraja vremena' ili 'kraja sveta'.U najkraćem. Maje su imale čak 17 različitih kalendara, zasnovanih na kruženju Meseca oko Zemlje (kalendar Tun-Uc), Zemlje oko Sunca (Haab), Venere oko Sunca, Plajada u galaksiji (Tzolkin) ... Ovaj poslednji, od istraživača nazvan i 'sveti' i 'galaktički', pratio je kretanje Plejada za koje su iznašli da se odvija u ciklusima od po 26.000 godina. Kada se završi jedan ciklus, naravno, otpočinje novi. A 2012. se poklapa tačno sa krajem jednog ciklusa.Međutim, te godine se završava i još jedan njihov kalendar, nazvan 'kružni', koji je nastao iz svojevrsne kombinacije Tzolkin i Haab ciklusa. Po njemu, poslednja, to jest ova naša civilizacija trajaće 13 baktuna, a započela je 13. avgusta 3114. godine pre Hrista i završiće se, kako smo gore spomenuli 21./22. decembra 2012. godine.
Bilo je pokušaja da se utvrdi kako zagonetni krugovi i ostali simboli u žitu deluju na ljude. Farmeri i radnici na farmama tvrde da ih piktogrami neodoljivo privlače i da se, neretko i bez svoje volje, stalno vraćaju u njih. Drugi pak kažu da su svaki put kad su se našli u krugu osetili neobičnu toplotu koja je snažno zračila iz zemlje. Mnogima je pošlo za rukom da u svojim rukama akumuliraju toliko te nepoznate energije da su je, kasnije, mogli prenositi i na druge. Naročito su žene osetile tu energiju kao veoma lekovitu i posle svake posete krugovima, osećale su veliki elan i snagu. Ali, pojedinci su se žalili da su odjednom osetili umor i glavobolju. Sada mnogi dolaze da stavljaju ruku na samu ivicu kruga ili nekog drugog simbola, jer se veruje da taj dodir leči od ove ili one bolesti. Čak i sam Pat Delgado tvrdi kako tajanstven energija žitnih krugova u poslednje vreme i u njegovom životu igra sve veću ulogu. Sada, kaže, leči ljude samo dodirom ruke. Ovo naročito pomaže kod kostobolje, ekcema, glavobolje i depresije.
Oni koji su pratili vesti koje su se ticale misterioznih krugova u žitu, možda se i sećaju dvojice penzionera koji su jednom engleskom listu, dakle i štampu celog sveta, izjavili da su oni pravili krugove u žitu. Dobro, zna se da su oni lagali. Ali, saznalo se i nešto još mnogo gore - da su lagali po nalogu, i to ni manje ni više nego po nalogu agenata britanske tajne službe MI5, ekvivalenta ozloglašene američke CIA-e.Prva indikacija se pojavila kada je Kolin Endrjuz, engleski istraživač krugova u žitu, upitao ovu dvojicu starih penzionera na koji način su napravili tako savršene krugove za koje su tvrdili da su njihova dela. Oni na to pitanje nisu umeli da odgovore. Isto toliko je zbunjujuća činjenica da su od tog trenutka, dvojica penzionera sa izuzetno malim prihodima počeli da putuju po celom svetu da bi što više proširili priču o 'svojoj šali'. Svi su se pitali odakle im novac za tolika putovanja, kad kažu da od lista za koji su dali prvu izjavu nisu dobili nikakav novac? No, svejedno, njih dvojica su stigli sve do Japana, a naročito su putovali po Americi, gde su proglašeni autorima ovih krugova.Stručnjak Džordž Vingfild pokušao je da otkrije koja je fotografska agencija snimala lažne krugove dvojice penzionera - te fotografije su, kao dokaz da je u pitanju šala, obišle ceo svet. Vingfild je saznao da je list koji ih je prvi objavio, 'Tudej', fotografije dobio od agencije 'MBF Servisi', i to potpuno besplatno - što je u najmanju ruku vrlo čudno. A zatim je, tražeći tu agenciju, otkrio da ona - ne postoji! Tačnije, da ne postoji kao fotografska agencija. Pod tim imenom, naime, u Velikoj Britaniji registrovane su dve agencije za 'naučna istraživanja i razvoj', obe povezane sa tajnim službama! Prva je u Somersetu i radi za englesko Ministarstvo odbrane i za američki projekt zvezdanih ratova. Samo da podsetimo da su engleski naučnici koji su učestvovali u tom projektu, u okviru firme Markoni, između 1985. i 1993. godine praktično nestali sa lica Zemlje - stradali su u nizu neobjašnjivih nesrećnih slučajeva i čudnih samoubistava). Druga agencija se nalazi u Škotskoj i radi za englesku vladu.Kada je Vingfild od dvojice penzionera tražio podatke o njihovim vezama sa MBF, nisu hteli da odgovore. Vingfild se onda obratio svom prijatelju koji radi za MI5 i on mu je potvrdio da engleske tajne službe 'koriste privatne agencije koje preko novina šire lažne vesti' i da je to 'uobičajena tehnika kontrainformacija'!
Još jedan poznati istraživač krugova u žitu, koga smo na početku spomenuli, Pat Delgado, naleteo je tokom jednog istraživanja u Kanzasu, 26. septembra 191. na tajne službe, ovoga puta američke. Bio je svedok stalnih dolazaka ljudi obučenih u crno koji su pokušavali da unište veliku formaciju krugova na jednom polju.Ali, uprkos nespretnim pokušajima raznih tajnih službi, krugovi se i dalje pojavljuju. Desetine novih oblika koji su se pojavili u Velikoj Britaniji, prema matematičaru Roju Djutonu, konstruisane su prema jednom matematičkom modelu koji se ponavlja u svim spiralama. A u Holandiji, prema tamošnjem ufologu Henriju van der oluijmu, za 80 procenata krugova nema racionalnog objašnjenja.Neko nam i dalje šalje poruke, a ova velika misterija ostaje i dalje nerasvetljena.

Engleska verzija / English version 
The phenomenon of mysterious crop circles never ceases to excite the spirits and the number of interested experts to create this type of paranormal grows steadily. For each flight are all repeated, except that the circles and symbols are far more diverse and much more puzzling. The novelty is that the phenomenon is not exclusively British. Meanwhile, similar symbols have been found in wheat fields, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Russia. Experts have tried to this phenomenon in the fields explain the symbols in several ways: one, it is the electromagnetic forces, others believe they are attacked by various fungal wheat diseases (these fungi seem to have a great sense of creativity), the third does not exclude military action, and repeated the theory of storm winds.
Are discussed and possible physical, botanical, meteorological, technological, geological processes, or Psychic. But perhaps it comes more factors simultaneously. A group of experts is limited solely to the interpretation of signs. Whether it comes a message, and if so - then what are the motives of those who are sent? Does anyone want to warn us of something or to us, simply inform about something? Or in terms of some special plans? That these signs, you do not have to do with the dark predictions of possible climate catastrophes on earth? Or is it an indication of the end and beginning of the second epoch in the development of our planet? If it's not an unknown cosmic being? Experts in one unique: the creation of symbols is part human hand, nor even talking about a natural process.
One of the mysterious circles of experts, Pat Delgado, firmly convinced that this is a strange energy, or about one, too unfathomable, very developed, perhaps, the cosmic intelligence. Sam Pat Delgado, in his time working as a radar expert at NASA. As he says: 'This is a spiritual intelligence, and perhaps a paranormal nature. There is no word to be defined. And with our knowledge we are able to solve the puzzle. "
Bluish Twinkle
It is interesting to prostrate grain continues to grow in a horizontal position, that not a single stem is injured on the outside and shows that the phenomenon caused by violence. Botanists, however, failed to see that the mysterious circles in wheat somewhat changed its molecular strukturu.Jedan of experts, George Vingfild, thought to be hiding in these symbols of a higher, transcendental, metaphysical sense.
On many days and nights spent on English wheat fields and was stunned by the story of a woman who is in his first meeting with the mysterious signs observed in the circular edge of grain flashing blue light. Vingfild noted that many crop pictograms consist of very narrow lines and cruise lines that do not fit human feet. The stems are extremely precise folded. Some symbols are elliptical, and there have been figures in which the swirling center of the surface not coincide with the geometric center. In some places there are also clearly visible signs indicating the direction of how to approach the mysterious circles. Interesting are also thinking about how long it was necessary that the symbols, some of which have a diameter of 140 meters, engrave in the wheat fields. Based on the available elements revealed that all lasted a few seconds. It is interesting that the number of circles increases from year to year. Additionally, no one has so far failed to see how to create enigmatic pictograms, although a large number of people from southern England to spend days and nights on the wheat fields - just where were the figures appeared.
Some of them claim to have seen the stalks bent without any noise, and without being noticed anything that cause this phenomenon. It is interesting, it was noted that in places where the circles were seen last summer, this time nothing could grow. Tested the soil, but found nothing that would lead to infertility. Only the rare, stunted stalks have shown that less phosphate and nitrate, but they contain more nutrients than usual. Expert dzorz Vingfiled believes that it is a higher intelligence, something that is alive and it is directly related to the absence of our collective consciousness. A message pictograms should be sought in their symbolic content. Some characters are very similar to the ancient religious and mystical symbols, such as those that show the Earth and Sun. It is clear that the symbolism of these characters speaks to the unconscious in us. Not without significance that most of the circles appeared near the ancient Celtic temples, such as for example Silneri Hill.
One of the most mysterious crop circles appeared in the above-mentioned Silver Hill, near Avberija (Viltšajr, England). It was created during the two nights, 2 and 3 August, the size of a football field, and its structure and symbolism, as established, irresistibly cut circles on the calendar the Mayan and Aztec. This similarity, almost a match, is very excited and intrigued not only by British researchers of this phenomenon, because as far as we know, this is the first round of the grain, which predicts a future date. And that's very close, because it is quite accurate, on 21./22. December 2012. year. A calendar of the Maya and Aztecs, the exact date of 'end times' or 'end of the world'. In short. Maya had as many as 17 different calendars, based on the circulation of the Moon around the Earth (calendar Tun-Uc), the Earth around the Sun (Haab), Venus around the Sun in the galaxy Plajada (Tzolkin) ... The latter, by researchers called the 'holy' and 'galactic', followed by the movement of the Pleiades that are devised to take place in cycles of 26,000 years. When you finish a cycle, of course, started a new one.
In 2012. coincides exactly with the end of one cycle. However, the year ends and another one of their calendar, called the 'circle', which arose from a sort of combination of the Tzolkin and Haab cycles. According to him, the last, that is our kind of civilization will last 13 baktuns, and it started on 13 August 3114th BC and will end as we mentioned above 21./22. December 2012. year.
The healing ENERGY
Attempts to determine how the mysterious circles and other symbols in the Rye effect on people. Farmers and farm workers say they pictograms irresistibly attracted to that, and often involuntarily, always returning to them. Others say that every time they found themselves in a circle of felt an unusual heat that is radiated strongly from the country. To many it managed to accumulate in his hands so that the unknown energy that is later transferred to the other. In particular, the women felt that energy as a healing and after each visit to circles, felt a great enthusiasm and strength.
But, some people complained that they suddenly felt the fatigue and headache. Now many come to put his hand on the very edge of the circle or other symbol, because it believes that the cures by the touch of this or that disease. Even the Pat Delgado claims that a mysterious energy of corn circles in recent times in his life plays an increasing role. Now, he says, treating people just by touching your hands. This especially helps with arthritis, eczema, headaches and depression.
Denier and a liar
Those who have followed the news that concerned the mysterious crop circles, you might also remember the two pensioners who have an English list, and then press all over the world, stated that they made crop circles. Well, we know that they lied. But i found out something even worse - that they lied at the order, and no less than by order of the British secret service agents of MI5, the American equivalent of the notorious CIA.
The first indications appeared when Colin Andrews, the English researcher of crop circles, I asked these two old pensioners at how they build the perfect circles for which they claimed their actions. Those in question were unable to respond. The same is so confusing fact that from that moment on, the two pensioners with very low incomes began to travel around the world to expand the story as much about 'his jokes. " All were asked where they got the money to travel so much, when they say that the list of who gave the first statement did not get any money? But anyway, the two came to Japan, in particular, had traveled in America, where they proclaimed the authors of these circles. Expert Vingfild George tried to find out which is a photography agency recorded two false circles pensioners - those photos, as proof that it was a joke, circulated worldwide. Vingfild learned that the newspaper that first published them, 'Tudej', photographs obtained from agencies 'MBF Services', and it is completely free - that is to say the least very strange. And then, looking for that agency, she discovered that - no! In particular, there is no such photographic agencies.
Under that name, in fact, registered in the UK are the two agencies 'research and development', both linked to the secret services! First in Somerset and works for the English Ministry of Defense and the American project of star wars. Just to remind you that UK researchers who participated in this project, within the company Marconi, the 1985th and 1993. he effectively disappeared from the face of the Earth - were killed in a series of unexplained accidents and strange suicides). The second agency is located in Scotland and works for the British government. When Vingfild of two pensioners asked for information about their relationships with MBF, refused to answer. Vingfild then turned to his friend who works for MI5 and he confirmed that he was British secret services' use of private agencies in the newspapers spread false news "and that it is' contrary to the common technique of information '?
Another well-known researcher of crop circles, which we mentioned at the beginning, Pat Delgado, ran in a survey of Kansas, 26 September 191st the secret service, this time American. He witnessed constant arrivals of people dressed in black who tried to destroy the formation of large circles in a field. But, despite clumsy attempts by various secret services circles continue to appear. Dozens of new forms that emerged in the UK, according to Roy Djutonu mathematician, constructed according to a mathematical model that is repeated in all spirals. And in the Netherlands, according to the local UFO Henry van der oluijmu for 80 percent of the circles has no rational explanation. Someone we continue to send messages, and the big mystery remains unsolved.


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