субота, 12. новембар 2011.


Srpska verzija - Serbian version

Neki tinejdzerii smatraju kako je zanimljivo i zabavno noću se ''zabavljati'' po groblju - oni zude za paranormalnim stvarima.Zele da osete navalu adrenalina ili na kraju krajeva da bi ispali "face" (da, ima i takvih slučajeva). No, osim jeze, straha od po koje senke moguće je da vas s groblja "nešto" i doprati kući. Nešto takvo se dogodilo jednoj tinejdzerki i u Engleskoj. Pošto njeno ime nije navedeno nazvacemo je NN lice.

Dogodilo se to pre kojih 30ak godina kada je NN zajedno sa svojih par prijatelja, iz onog zadnjeg navedenog razloga, odlučila malo sa svojim veseljem naruši mir i spokoj obližnjeg groblja. Na njenu žalost, "groblje" nije mirno i spokojno reagovalo na taj vandalizam.

Jeza u njenom domu započela je tek nekoliko dana kasnije. Prvi znak da nešto ne valja bilo kad se probudila jedne noći, a prikaza starice sedila je na stolici kraj njenog kreveta. Prema njenim pričama nije se radilo o poluprozirnom entitetu već o jasnom liku, a u tom trenutku nije osetila da joj želi ikakvo zlo. Naravno da je ujutro kad se probudila na to gledala kao na čudan san. No,taj njen "čudan san" nažalost je pokazao kako je više od produkta njene REM faze, jer se ta starica ponovo javljala, ponekad čak i usred bela dana. Ponekad ju je lik starice pratio po kući lebdeći iznad tla, samo ju je posmatrao, ne predstavljajući nikakvu pretnju. Bar ne u početku.

Jednog dana dok je spremala čaj, nevidljiva sila joj je u ruci "zavrnula" posudu u kojoj je bila pripremljena vruća voda za čaj s namerom, kako NN tvrdi, da ju polije tom vrućom vodom. Kako su pojavljivanja starice postala mnogo opasnija od one "faze" kada ju je samo posmatrala - NN je rekla svojoj majci što joj se događa. Neverica njene majke vrlo brzo je nestala kada je sama videla staricu u hodniku svoje kuće. Pratila ju je do sobe u kojoj je starica jednostavno nestala. No, ne zadugo. Kada je majka od NN usisavala kuću nevidljiva sila joj je otela usisavač iz ruku, ponekad bi gurala vrata u suprotnom smeru kad bi ih neko pokušao otvoriti ili zatvoriti, a noću bi jednoličan zvuk poput vrlo glasnog kapanja budio celu kuću. No to nije bio zvuk kapanja u što ih je razuverio vodoinstalater pošto je pregledao cijelu kuću i nigje nije našao curenje. Maltretiranje je postajalo sve intenzivnije. Od neobjašnjivih zvukova preko predmeta koji su se naočigled sami pomicali do događaja koji je prelio čašu. Dok je jednog dana sedila sa svojim ocem, Ema je odjednom upala u stanje transa te počela pričati o nekom drugom životu kao kćer francuskog doktora iz 19. veka. Nakon tog bizarnog događaja NN je dobila i neke neobjašnjive psihičke moći - savijala je vilicu (baš interesantno kako se ne radi o, u ovakvom slučaju, vrlo često spominjanoj žlici) kad bi ju dodirnula. Nikakve istrage nisu uspele razjasnitii što se događalo u tom domu, a roditelji od NN su se odselili.
Čisto iz znatiželje, jednog dana NN se vratila u svoj prazni dom. Stražnja vrata bila su razvaljena te je tuda ušla. Podignula je telefon koji je ležao na podu, a tada ju je nešto zgrabilo za vrat. Hladni, nevidljivi prsti su je gušili. Nekako se oslobodila i pobegla glavom bez obzira, a takva znatiželja joj se nikad više nije javila.
Jednom mi je prijatelj rekao da ako ćemo govoriti o dušama mrtvih koje se zadržavaju na Zemlji posle smrti, zasigurno ih ne bi bilo na groblju pošto je tu telo doneseno nakon što ga je duša napustila. Ova priča očito pokazuje suprotno. Narušite im mir i neki bi vam se mogli i osvetiti.

English version - Engleska verzija

Some teenagers think that is interesting and fun night to''entertain''the cemetery - they yearn for things paranormal. They want to feel the rush of adrenaline or ultimately relegated to "face" (yes, there are such cases). But other than horror, the fear of the shadow that it is possible that the cemetery you "something" and escort home. Something like that happened to a teenager in England. Since her name is not listed we will contact the unidentified person.

It happened before where 30ak years when the NN along with his few friends, the last one this reason, some decided to violate his joy peace and tranquility of the nearby cemetery. In her grief, "cemetery" is calm and peaceful reaction to the vandalism.
Chill at her home began only a few days later. The first sign that something was wrong when she woke up one night, a view of an old woman sitting on a chair near her bed. According to her story was not it was a semi-transparent entity, but a clear image, at which point she felt that she did not want any harm. Of course that morning when she woke up to it looked like a strange dream. No, that her "strange dream" unfortunately was found to be more than the product of its REM, since the old woman appeared again, sometimes even in broad daylight. Sometimes the figure of an old woman followed home by hovering above the ground, just watching her, not posing any threat. At least not initially.
One day while preparing tea, unseen force in her hand "mad" container in which it was prepared hot water for tea with the intention, as OG says, that she poured the hot water. Since the appearance of an old woman has become much more dangerous than the "phase" when she was just watching - NN told his mother what's happening. Disbelief her mother quickly disappeared when he saw an old woman alone in the hallway of his house.Followed her to the room where the old woman had vanished. But not for long. When the mother of NN vacuuming the house invisible force snatched her from the hand cleaner, sometimes pushing the door in the opposite direction if they were an attempt to open or close, and at night the monotonous sound like a very loud wake up the whole house dripping. But this was not the sound of dripping, plumber examined the entire house and found no leaks anywhere. Bullying has become more intense. Of unexplained sounds through objects that have to move yourself in front of events that last straw. Until one day, sitting with her father, Emma suddenly fell into a trance and began to talk about another life as the daughter of a French doctor from the 19th century. After this bizarre event and OG received some inexplicable psychic powers - bent the fork (just interesting that this is not about, in this case, is often mentioned tablespoon) when it touched. No investigations have failed to clarify what happened in that house, and the parents of the LV were moved.
Purely out of curiosity, one day NN returned to her empty home. The back door was broken and entered that way. He raised his phone that was lying on the floor, and then something grabbed her by the neck. The cold, invisible fingers are suppressed. Somehow he escaped and freed one's life, and such a curiosity she was never reported.

Once my friend told me that if we talk about the dead souls that dwell upon the earth after death, surely it would not be in the cemetery after the body was brought after his soul left. This story clearly shows the opposite. They disrupt the peace and order some you can and take revenge.

For readers aged +13 .

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