петак, 12. октобар 2012.

Ukleti i jezivi putevi u svetu / Haunted and scary roads in the world, Srpska verzija & English version

Najukletiji putevi sveta: Kada razmisljamo u ukletom, prve asocijacije su nam napustene kuce, zatvori i groblja. Medjutim, postoje i razna druga mesta koja su ukleta sirom sveta. To su putevi, a neki putevi imaju vise prica o duhovima nego mnoge "uklete" kuce. Dakle, pre nego sto se zaputite na neko putovanje, da vidimo koji su to putevi koje bi trebalo izbegavati? Bez obzira na kom se kontinentu nalazite, u skoro svakoj zemlji mozete cuti price lokalnog stanovnistva da je neki put navodno uklet. Evo samo nekoliko primera:
Put M6: Prema nekim istrazivanjima, put M6 u Engleskoj je jedan od "najukletijih" u celoj drzavi. Sam put postoji, naravno u drugacijim oblicima, vec 2.000 godina i bio je koriscen prilikom rimske okupacije Engleske. Nije iznenadjujuce sto se javljaju ljudi koji tvrde da su videli siluete rimskih vojnika pored puta, ili na samom putu, a takodje postoji i mnogo navoda o vidjenju jezive zene kako stopira. Sve to je veoma jezivo, pogotovo ako se ovde nadjete nocu. Mnogi vozaci su tvrdili da su primetili neke oci koje ih posmatraju iz zbunja u okolini Mancestera, u blizini mesta na kome se dogodila jeziva rudarska nesreca pre mnogo godina.
Tuen Mun put: Ovaj put mozete pronaci u Hong Kongu, a jedan je od glavnih puteva na ostrvu i veoma je prometan. Medjutim, ovaj put ne koriste samo zivi, nego i pokojnici... Na ovom putu su se desile mnoge nesrece i mnogi ga sa pravom nazivaju jednim od najopasnijih puteva na svetu. Mestani za mnoge nesrece svaljuju krivicu na duhove koji su se odjednom pojavili niodkuda na sredini puta. To sve dovodi do prestrasivanja vozaca, cesto sa fatalnim ishodom. Sto je jos gore, izgleda da se sa povecavanjem broja nesreca povecava i broj onih koji tvrde da su videli nesto neobicno.
Prolaz Stokbridz: Lociran u Engleskoj, u blizini puta M6, imamo i ovaj prolaz, koji je u stvari mali lokalni put, ali sa velikim brojem prijava o neobicnim aktivnostima. Jedna prica govori o tome da je jedan radnik u obezbedjenju, na kamerama video povecu grupu dece koja se igraju pored puta. Cudno je bilo to sto je bilo gluvo doba noci kao i to da su deca bila obucena u neku staru odecu koja izgleda datira od pre mnogo godina. Kada je policija izasla na lice mesta, nije zatekla ni decu ni tragove koji bi pokazali da je nekog tu zaista bilo. Takodje radnici koji rade na lokalnom gradilistu zaklinju se da se nekada u toku noci moze cuti pevanje grupe dece, a zna se da ih u okolini nema. Predstava i cudni dogadjaji se ovde ne zavrsavaju. Jos jedan radnik obezbedjenja, zapazio je na kameri coveka obucenog u monasko odelo kako stoji na rubu mosta. Naravno, opet je policija reagovala, a od "monaha" ni traga ni glasa. Tada su odjednom osetili neki hladan vazduh iako je noc bila relativno topla a i bili su u kolima. Tada im se iznenada pored automobila pojavljuje figura coveka bez glave i udova. Oni zaprepasceni pokusavaju da upale automobil, ali on ne reaguje na komande sve dok utvara nije nestala...
Blodspoint put: Put Blodspoint u okrugu Bun, Ilinois, je jos jedan od uznemirujucih i opasnih mesta. Ovde su zabelezene mnoge nesrece i ubistva tokom ranijih godina, zatim ovde je poginulo i jedno dete koje je udario voz, a i mesto je poznato po brojnim samoubistvima vesanjem. Jedan od najgorih dogadjaja koji se dogodio je masakr jedne cele porodice. Takodje ovde se prevrnuo i jedan skolski autobus pun dece.Takodje mesto je poznato i po vestici koja je zivela na farmi (koja je zaista i postojala nekada) gde je vesala decu. Neki vozaci se zaklinju da su tokom vedrih noci na polju pored puta zapazili tu farmu...Sa svim ovim nesrecama i ubistvima, postoji veliki broj prijavljenih slucajeva da su vozaci pored puta zapazali decu koja stopiraju, decije otiske na svojim automobilima, cudne zvukove kao i svetla u krosnjama drveca.
Put A229: Vracamo se u Englesku, gde imamo jos jedan ukleti put... Ovog puta to je put A229 koji vodi od Kenta do Saseksa. Mnogi vozaci tvrde da su primetili zenu u beloj haljini koja im iznenada izlece pred automobil. Kada konacno uspeju da zaustave kola, bas ispred nje, ona odjednom nestaje. Mnogi veruju da je zena koja se ukazuje vozacima ustvari Judit Langam, koja je ubijena na ovom putu na dan svog vencanja 1965. godine. Medjutim, to nije jedini duh koji se pojavljuje u ovoj oblasti. Takodje je poznata prica o autostoperu koji se pojavljuje u blizini jednog poznatog paba. Kada vas "ustopira", pocinje pricu sta sve na ovom svetu ne valja i sta ce sve on uciniti da to ispravi, medjutim, kada ga donesete na njegovo odrediste, on vam jednostavno nestaje sa suvozacevog sedista i vraca se na pocetno mesto gde trazi novo drustvo...
Put Keli: U Ohajovilu, Pensilvanija, postoji jedan cudni put koji se zove put Keli i mesto je mnogih neobicnih dogadjanja. On je okruzen veoma gustom i mracnom sumom i urbana legenda kaze da zivotinje u njoj naprasno postaju nasilne i besne. Tada one napadaju ljude i druge zivotinje. U samoj sumi se cesto mogu cuti cudni zvukovi i svetla, kao i osecaj kada se nadjete tu, da nesto ovde nije u redu.... Glasine o tome da se u dubini sume odrzavaju neke sektaske aktivnosti samo doprinose tome da se ovaj put i suma smatraju ukletim.
  • When we think in Cursed, the first association we abandoned houses, jails and cemeteries. However, there are many other places that are haunted throughout the world. These are the roads and some roads have more ghost story than many "haunted" house. So, before you set off on a trip, let's see what are the roads that should be avoided? No matter what the continent are, in almost every country you can hear stories of the local population that is supposedly haunted some time. Here are just a few examples:
Put M6: According to some research, put M6 in England is one of the "accursed" in the whole country. I put there, of course, in different forms, but 2,000 years and was used during the Roman occupation of England. Not surprisingly, appear to people who claim they saw the silhouette of Roman soldiers along the road, or on the road, and also there are many reports of gruesome sight that stops women. All this is very creepy, especially if you find yourself here at night. Many drivers have claimed to have noticed some eyes that watch them from the bushes in the vicinity of Manchester, near the place where the accident occurred a dreadful mining many years ago.
Tuen Mun time: This time you can find in Hong Kong and is one of the main roads in island and is very crowded. However, this time not only used live, but also the dead ... On this road have occurred many accidents and many rightfully call it one of the most dangerous roads in the world. The inhabitants of many disasters heaped blame on the spirits who suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the road. It all adds up to terrify drivers, often with fatal outcome. Even worse, it seems that with increasing the number of accidents increases the number of those who claim to have seen something unusual.
Passage Stockbridge: Located in England, near the M6 times, we have this passage, which is a small local road, but with a number of reports of unusual activities. One story says that one worker in providing, the video cameras, large group of children playing near the road. Strange thing was that it was late at night and that the children were dressed in some old clothes that look dates back many years. When the police came to the scene, she found no traces of either children or to show that someone is there really any. Also, employees who work at a local construction site I swear that sometimes during the night can be heard singing groups of children, and we know that there are around. Performance and strange events does not end here. Another worker security, he noticed the camera man dressed in monastic clothes standing on the edge of the bridge. Of course, again the police responded, and the "monk" no trace. Then they suddenly felt a cold air even though the night was relatively warm and were in the car. Then he suddenly appears in the car next to the figure of man with no head and limbs. They shocked trying to light a car, but he does not respond to commands until the ghost is gone...
Blodspoint time: Blodspoint Put in Boone County, Illinois, is one of the more disturbing and dangerous places. There are many reported accidents and murders during the early years, then there were killed and one child who was hit by train, and the place is known for its numerous suicide by hanging. One of the worst events that occurred the massacre of an entire family. Also here is overturned and a school bus full dece.Takodje place is famous for vestica who lived on the farm (which really existed once) where the oars children. Some riders swear that during the clear nights in the field by the road noticed the farm ... With all these accidents and murders, there are a number of cases reported to the drivers side of the road to halt inattentive children, children's prints on their cars, strange sounds, such and lights in the trees.
Road A229 : We return to England, where we have one more damned time ... This time it is A229 road that leads from Kent and Sussex. Many drivers say they have noticed a woman in a white dress that they suddenly cured before the car. When you finally manage to stop the car, just in front of her, she suddenly disappears. Many believe that the woman indicates that drivers actually Judit Lang, who was killed in this way on her wedding day the 1965th year. However, it is not the only spirit that appears in this field. It is also known story of hitchhikers that appears close to a famous pub. When you "ustopira," begins a story all on what this world is wrong and what he will do everything to correct this, however, when you bring it to his destination, he simply disappears from your passenger seat and returns to initially sought a place where new society ..
Road Kelly In Ohajovilu, Pennsylvania: there is a strange time called time and place of Kelly's many unusual events. He was surrounded by very dense and dark forest and urban legend says that animals in it suddenly became violent and angry. Then they attack humans and other animals. The forest is very often can hear strange sounds and lights, and feeling when you find yourself here, that something is wrong here .... Rumors that the sums held in the depths of a sectarian activities only contribute to this time and amount are considered cursed.

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