субота, 12. новембар 2011.


Srpska verzija - Serbian version

Neki tinejdzerii smatraju kako je zanimljivo i zabavno noću se ''zabavljati'' po groblju - oni zude za paranormalnim stvarima.Zele da osete navalu adrenalina ili na kraju krajeva da bi ispali "face" (da, ima i takvih slučajeva). No, osim jeze, straha od po koje senke moguće je da vas s groblja "nešto" i doprati kući. Nešto takvo se dogodilo jednoj tinejdzerki i u Engleskoj. Pošto njeno ime nije navedeno nazvacemo je NN lice.

Dogodilo se to pre kojih 30ak godina kada je NN zajedno sa svojih par prijatelja, iz onog zadnjeg navedenog razloga, odlučila malo sa svojim veseljem naruši mir i spokoj obližnjeg groblja. Na njenu žalost, "groblje" nije mirno i spokojno reagovalo na taj vandalizam.

Jeza u njenom domu započela je tek nekoliko dana kasnije. Prvi znak da nešto ne valja bilo kad se probudila jedne noći, a prikaza starice sedila je na stolici kraj njenog kreveta. Prema njenim pričama nije se radilo o poluprozirnom entitetu već o jasnom liku, a u tom trenutku nije osetila da joj želi ikakvo zlo. Naravno da je ujutro kad se probudila na to gledala kao na čudan san. No,taj njen "čudan san" nažalost je pokazao kako je više od produkta njene REM faze, jer se ta starica ponovo javljala, ponekad čak i usred bela dana. Ponekad ju je lik starice pratio po kući lebdeći iznad tla, samo ju je posmatrao, ne predstavljajući nikakvu pretnju. Bar ne u početku.

Jednog dana dok je spremala čaj, nevidljiva sila joj je u ruci "zavrnula" posudu u kojoj je bila pripremljena vruća voda za čaj s namerom, kako NN tvrdi, da ju polije tom vrućom vodom. Kako su pojavljivanja starice postala mnogo opasnija od one "faze" kada ju je samo posmatrala - NN je rekla svojoj majci što joj se događa. Neverica njene majke vrlo brzo je nestala kada je sama videla staricu u hodniku svoje kuće. Pratila ju je do sobe u kojoj je starica jednostavno nestala. No, ne zadugo. Kada je majka od NN usisavala kuću nevidljiva sila joj je otela usisavač iz ruku, ponekad bi gurala vrata u suprotnom smeru kad bi ih neko pokušao otvoriti ili zatvoriti, a noću bi jednoličan zvuk poput vrlo glasnog kapanja budio celu kuću. No to nije bio zvuk kapanja u što ih je razuverio vodoinstalater pošto je pregledao cijelu kuću i nigje nije našao curenje. Maltretiranje je postajalo sve intenzivnije. Od neobjašnjivih zvukova preko predmeta koji su se naočigled sami pomicali do događaja koji je prelio čašu. Dok je jednog dana sedila sa svojim ocem, Ema je odjednom upala u stanje transa te počela pričati o nekom drugom životu kao kćer francuskog doktora iz 19. veka. Nakon tog bizarnog događaja NN je dobila i neke neobjašnjive psihičke moći - savijala je vilicu (baš interesantno kako se ne radi o, u ovakvom slučaju, vrlo često spominjanoj žlici) kad bi ju dodirnula. Nikakve istrage nisu uspele razjasnitii što se događalo u tom domu, a roditelji od NN su se odselili.
Čisto iz znatiželje, jednog dana NN se vratila u svoj prazni dom. Stražnja vrata bila su razvaljena te je tuda ušla. Podignula je telefon koji je ležao na podu, a tada ju je nešto zgrabilo za vrat. Hladni, nevidljivi prsti su je gušili. Nekako se oslobodila i pobegla glavom bez obzira, a takva znatiželja joj se nikad više nije javila.
Jednom mi je prijatelj rekao da ako ćemo govoriti o dušama mrtvih koje se zadržavaju na Zemlji posle smrti, zasigurno ih ne bi bilo na groblju pošto je tu telo doneseno nakon što ga je duša napustila. Ova priča očito pokazuje suprotno. Narušite im mir i neki bi vam se mogli i osvetiti.

English version - Engleska verzija

Some teenagers think that is interesting and fun night to''entertain''the cemetery - they yearn for things paranormal. They want to feel the rush of adrenaline or ultimately relegated to "face" (yes, there are such cases). But other than horror, the fear of the shadow that it is possible that the cemetery you "something" and escort home. Something like that happened to a teenager in England. Since her name is not listed we will contact the unidentified person.

It happened before where 30ak years when the NN along with his few friends, the last one this reason, some decided to violate his joy peace and tranquility of the nearby cemetery. In her grief, "cemetery" is calm and peaceful reaction to the vandalism.
Chill at her home began only a few days later. The first sign that something was wrong when she woke up one night, a view of an old woman sitting on a chair near her bed. According to her story was not it was a semi-transparent entity, but a clear image, at which point she felt that she did not want any harm. Of course that morning when she woke up to it looked like a strange dream. No, that her "strange dream" unfortunately was found to be more than the product of its REM, since the old woman appeared again, sometimes even in broad daylight. Sometimes the figure of an old woman followed home by hovering above the ground, just watching her, not posing any threat. At least not initially.
One day while preparing tea, unseen force in her hand "mad" container in which it was prepared hot water for tea with the intention, as OG says, that she poured the hot water. Since the appearance of an old woman has become much more dangerous than the "phase" when she was just watching - NN told his mother what's happening. Disbelief her mother quickly disappeared when he saw an old woman alone in the hallway of his house.Followed her to the room where the old woman had vanished. But not for long. When the mother of NN vacuuming the house invisible force snatched her from the hand cleaner, sometimes pushing the door in the opposite direction if they were an attempt to open or close, and at night the monotonous sound like a very loud wake up the whole house dripping. But this was not the sound of dripping, plumber examined the entire house and found no leaks anywhere. Bullying has become more intense. Of unexplained sounds through objects that have to move yourself in front of events that last straw. Until one day, sitting with her father, Emma suddenly fell into a trance and began to talk about another life as the daughter of a French doctor from the 19th century. After this bizarre event and OG received some inexplicable psychic powers - bent the fork (just interesting that this is not about, in this case, is often mentioned tablespoon) when it touched. No investigations have failed to clarify what happened in that house, and the parents of the LV were moved.
Purely out of curiosity, one day NN returned to her empty home. The back door was broken and entered that way. He raised his phone that was lying on the floor, and then something grabbed her by the neck. The cold, invisible fingers are suppressed. Somehow he escaped and freed one's life, and such a curiosity she was never reported.

Once my friend told me that if we talk about the dead souls that dwell upon the earth after death, surely it would not be in the cemetery after the body was brought after his soul left. This story clearly shows the opposite. They disrupt the peace and order some you can and take revenge.

For readers aged +13 .

среда, 17. август 2011.



Rekli su nam da naša civilizacija započinje pre oko 7000 godina.Babilon, Sumer, Asirija, Egipat...Šta je sa vremenom pre ovoga, i naravno sa dokazima vremena pre ovoga.Zašto nam sakrivaju civilizacije od pre 12.000, pa sve do 50.000 godina.     Evo ovde ćemo vas malo prošetati po dalekoj istoriji i pokazati slike za koje neverujemo da ste ih ranije videli.
 Video prilozi o skrivenoj arheologiji i stvarima koje bi mnogi najviše voleli da niko ne zna za njih. Ponuda Video sadržaja se menja svakih 15 sekundi. Molimo, sačekajte učitavanje ...
Kada se spomenu piramide, tada je prva asocijacija na koju svi pomisle, egipatske piramide.Oduvek su izazivale divljenje svojom veličinom i tajanstvenošću.Ko je i kako uspeo sve to projektuje, šta se sve još u njima krije.Ali šta ako bi vam rekli da egipatske piramide nisu najstarije, najmisterioznije, najbrojnije i najveće na planeti, a da pritom ne mislimo na piramide Maja, Inka i Asteka.Radi se o piramidama za koje mnogi od vas nisu nikada čuli, niti su slutili da ovako nešto postoji.Ali, pripremite se...     Idemo u Kinu...U potpuno zabranjenu zonu oko grada Ksian, koji se nalazi u središnjoj kineskoj provinciji Šensi.Dobrodošli u zabranjeno područje stotina gigantskih piramida koje su potpuno nepoznate svetskoj javnosti.     Prvi put su se gigantske kineske piramide spomenule u javnosti u američkom listu 'Rocky Mountain News' 1947, godine.Autor ovog tajanstvenog teksta bio je pukovnik američke vojske Mauris Šenan, a tu je bila priložena i fotografija koju je 1945. snimio jedan američki pilot tokom II svetskog rata.Pilot je prevozio zalihe hrane za kinesku armiju preko Himalaja, a sama fotografija snimljena je oko 100 kilometara od grada Ksian.To mu je uspelo, jer su tada kineske vlasti još odobravale slobodni prelet američkim avionima preko ovih teritorija.Kada su fotografije naknadno analizirane, došlo se do saznanja da je piramida visoka skoro 350 metara, tako da je dvostruko premašila visinu najviše piramide u Egiptu. Piramida je nazvana 'Bela piramida' i predstavljala je najveću piramidu na planeti Zemlji. (slika levo).Ako je Keopsova piramida visoka oko 150 metara, možete li zamisliti na šta liči Bela piramida.     Prošlo je skoro pola veka i tek tada su kineske vlasti dozvolile pristup prvom Evropljaninu u ovu zabranjenu oblast.Bio je to Austrijanac Hartvig Hausdorf koji je dva puta posetio Kinu 1994. Tokom svoje prve posete, u aprilu 1994., Hausdorf je imao priliku da vidi šest piramida u blizini grada Ksiana. Na povratku u Kinu, u avgustu iste godine, Hausdorf je na svojim snimcima uspeo da prebroji preko 100 piramida! Hausdorf je imao velike poteškoće da bi dobio dozvolu da doputuje u provinciju Šensi.Kinezi mu nisu dopustili nikakvo arheološko iskopavanje, a kada su videli da je objavio slike piramida, momentalno su zabranile svakom strancu posetu ovoj zabranjenoj oblasti. U blizini Bele piramide, Kinezi su podigli i lansirnu rampu za svoj svemirski program, tako da su i zvanično proglasili ovu oblast vojno zaštićenom i potpuno nedodirljivom za spoljni svet.
   Preko stotinu piramida nalazi se u zabranjenoj oblasti na otprilike 2000 kvadratnih kilometara. Visina im se kreće od 25-100 metara, izuzimajući Belu piramidu od čak 350 metara.     Ove piramide su građene od tvrde gline i neke su već prilično oštećene. Jedan razlog je njihova velika starosti, a drugi je što su neke piramide oštetilo samo stanovništvo koje živi u blizini, koristeći glinu za gradnju svojih kuća.        Kineske vlasti više ne dozvoljavaju nikakva istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, a pogotovo približavanje piramidama. Njihova izjava ja da će neke buduće generacije imati pravo da prouče ove piramide. Ali šta se dešava u međuvremenu? Kineska vlada naredila je zasađivanje brzorastućih četinara koji su već uveliko prekrili mnoge piramide i od njih načinili šumovita brda. Posle par desetina godina biće potpuno pošumljene. Ako neko priupita za piramide, Kinezi će jednostavno reći, 'Gde vi ovde vidite piramide'.
  O starosti kineskih piramida prvi put isveštavaju dva australijska trgovca 1912.godine. Oni su razgovarali sa jednim budističkim sveštenikom koji im je otkrio da se ove piramide pominju u pisanim dokumentima koji su stari 5000 godina, ali čak i tada su se označavale kao veoma stare.Kolika je onda njihova prava starost, možemo samo da nagađamo.
     U blizini ovih piramida živi lokalno stanovništvo, ali kineske vlasti ne brinu da bi oni mogli otkriti njihovu tajnu spoljašnjem svetu.Oni žive izolovano, bez mobilnih telefona, računara i interneta.   Oblik ove piramide levo podseća na piramide u Srednjoj Americi, kod kojih je poravnat vrh.Dali sve te piramide vode poreklo od iste civilizacije, velika je zagonetka.Poreklo i starost ovih piramida mogli bi objasniti razni artefakti pronađeni u njihovoj blizini, kao i hijeroglifi koji su pronađeni na zidovima piramida.Prema nekim postojećim izvorima u okolini piramida nađeni su grobovi sa kosturima.Ali ne baš bilo kakvim...Radi se o čudnim humanoidnim bićima koja imaju veliku glavu i malo telo, od nekih samo metar i dvadeset centimetara visine.U ovim tajanstvenim grobovima pronađeni su i stotine kamenih diskova sa nepoznatim hijeroglifima. Po rezultatima prevođenja, na diskovima je opisan udes kosmičke letelice od pre 12.000 godina.     Šta se nalazi u kineskim piramidama i zašto se planski sakrivaju pošumljavanjem, odgovor znaju samo kineske vlasti.Ono što vi možete da uradite je, ako imate brzu internet vezu i program Google Earth, da probate da nađete oblast Šensi i grad Ksian (Xian) i da pokušate da malo provirite u ovu misterioznu oblast.Samo pazite...
    Izgleda da se najveće misterije naše planete kriju na morskom dnu.Kolika je to površina ne treba ni spominjati, a pogotovo kada se još uzmu u obzir dubine mora i okeana na koja ljudi još ne mogu da odu sa ovakvom tehnologijom kakva je danas. Ali, hajdemo u okolinu Japana ...     U dubinama Japanskog mora, u blizini ostrva Okinava, Una i Tajvan otkrivene su izuzetno neobične i tajanstvene ruševine.Pronađene su ostaci ogromnih građevina od precizno isklesanog kamena, čija je starost procenjena na čak 12.000 godina, što znači da su nastale još 10.000 pre Hrista.     Mnogi u Japanu veruju da su u pitanju ostaci tajanstvenog, izgubljenog kontinenta koji japanska narodna tradicija naziva Onogorodžima.Po njihovom predanju, taj kontinent je isto kao i legendarnu Atlantidu, progutalo more.Drugo mišljenje je, da je u pitanju mitski kontinent Mu, kolonija izgnanika iz Atlantide, oni koji su se po legende pobunili protiv vlasti u svojoj zemlji.I Mu je po legendi, takođe, nestao u moru.     Još 1985. godine, Japanac Kikačiro Aratake je roneći stotinak metara od ostrva Jonaguni, na dubini od 25 metara, ugledao ogromnu piramidu.Piramida na dnu mora, bilo je to nešto nezamislivo i senzacionalno.Od tada, više puta je pokušavano da se utvrdi da li je to delo prirode ili veštačka tvorevina nastala ljudskom rukom.Tek 2000. godine mesto je proglašeno arheološkim lokalitetom, a rukovodstvo nad istraživanjima preuzeo je Masaki Kimura, koji je tada bio docent okeanografije na univerzitetu u Rjukju.Istraživanja su potvrdila da se radi o građevini digaćkoj oko 200 metara, širokoj 150 i visokoj 20 metara.Postoje rukom klesana stepeništa, ispod temelja nalazi se nakadašnji sistem za drenažu, a nađena je i glava (na slici dole) koja je vrlo slična sa glavama sa Uskršnjih ostrva ! Veoma važan nalaz su znaci isklesani u kamenu, sasvim slični piktogramima na još nedešifrovanoj steli sa Okinave. Bilo je više nego očigledno, da su kameni blokovi ostaci civilizacije koja je postojala davno pre zvaničnih naučnih tvrdnji i da je civilizacija koja ih je gradila raspolagala sa vrlo naprednom tehnologijom.To su fino obrađeni kameni blokovi koji formiraju bočnu stranu piramide sa hramom na vrhu.     U jesen 1995. godine, pronađene su još tri lokacije sa podvodnim građevinama, hramovima, trgovima, stepenicama, putevima, stiliziranim likovima morskih životinja.Između 1995. i 2005. godine pronađeno je još osam novih podvodnih nalazišta na potezu između Japana i Tajvana.Najveća podvodna struktura koja je dosada otkrivena nalazi se u blizini otoka Yonaguni na 35 metara dubine. Ova građevina je dugačka 80 metara, široka 30 metara i visoka oko 15 metara.Tu su takođe i kameni putevi i raskrsnice koji povezuju podvodne građevine koje se nalaze između ovog ostrva Yonaguni i dva ostrvceta, Kerama i Aguni.     Kada je nastala piramida i svi ovi objekti? Kada ih je prekrilo more? O koliko se ovde dalekoj prošlosti radi i ko je bila misteriozna civilizacija koja je sve ovo izgradila u 'vremenu koje je bilo pre vremena'.     Dokazi govore o tome da je zadnje ledeno doba bilo pre 0ko 11.500 godina i da je tada došlo do topljenja velikih količina leda. Zbog ovakvog velikog topljenja, nivo mora se na nekim mestima na Zemlji popeo za preko 100 metara i tako potopivši na kopnu sve što je bilo u tom opsegu.Pretpostavlja se da je to bio slučaj i sa ovim kompnom kod japanske obale.   Mnoge svetske legende govore o civilizaciji svih civilizacija koja je bila smeštena negde na Pacifiku.Stari narodi su je nazivali Mu ili kako su je zvali na zapadu, Lemurija.Prostirala se od Japana, pa preko Polinezije sve do Uskršnjih Ostrva, sastavljena od niza većih ostrva. Sve ove građevine pronađene u dubinama mora nedvosmisleni su dokazi postojanja ove civilizacije.
    U martu 1993. godine robot nemačke prouizvodnje Upuaut II (Onaj koji otvara život) otkrio je na kraju jednog dugačkog podzemnog hodnika u unutrašnjosti Keopsove piramide, mala vrata od mermera i krečnjaka sa dve bakarne ručice.Ovu nemačku arheološku ekipu predvodio je inženjer robotike Rudolf Gantenbrink iz Minhena.Otkriće ove tajne prostorije u unutrašnjosti Velike piramide bilo je prava senzacija.Ali, radost nemačkih arheologa trajala je vrlo malo.Egipatske vlasti su odmah po ovom senzacionalnom otkriću, oduzele nemačkoj ekipi dozvolu za rad i izbacili ih iz zemlje ! Kako je tada rekao generalni direktor arheoloških iskopavanja u Gizi dr Zahi Havas: 'Piramide su nasleđe Egipta, a ne Zapada'.     Od tada niko sa Zapada nije dobio dozvolu da radi, a egipatski arheolozi koji su nastavili iskopavanja u Velikoj piramidi, odbijaju da kažu šta se nalazi u tajnoj prostoriji.Gorepomenuti dr havas izjavio je predstavnicima štampe:'Iza vrata koja je pronašao Gatenbrinkov robot nema ničega'.Ali, prilikom jedne Havasove posete SAD, gde je otišao da traži novčanu pomoć za egiopatsku arheologiju, potencijalnim finansijerima rekao je u poverenju, da je 'iza tih vrata najznačajnije arheološko otkriće u istoriji Egipta, a predmeti koji su tamo pronađeni primoraće Zapad da piše potpuno novu istoriju'.Od tada se više ništa nije čulo o tajnoj prostoriji u unutrašnjosti Velike piramide koja se pripisuje faraonu Keopsu koji je živeo 2625.godina pre Hrista.Egipat već godinama zabranjuje pristup bilo kakvim arheolozima sa Zapada, zabranjeno je čak i snimanje i fotografisanje u blizini nalazišta u Gizi.
    U gradu Ika u Peruu, dr Kabrera Dartuea, fizičar i arheolog amater, ima u svojoj kolekciji oko 20.000  kamenova i ploča od stena koji su dekorisani velikim brojem gravira, od kojim mnogima tu uopšte nije mesto.Barem po našem shvatanju istorije.Kamenje je uglavnom od sivog andezita, granitne polukristalne osnove koje je veoma teško i tvrdo za urezivanje.Stanovnici u ovom kraju pronalaze ovo kamenje još od 1500. godine, a na njima su ugravirani nama nezamislive pojmovi.Tu su ugravirani detalji hirurških operacija, carskog reza, transfuzije krvi, komplikovane operacije pluća i bubrega, detaljni zahvati na srcu i mozgu.Lekari su utvrdili da je na pojedinim kamenovima čak ugravirana operacija presađivanja mozga.     Neki crteži na kamenovima nas potpuno vraćaju u praistoriju, ali ne bilo kakvu.Prikazano je vreme kada su praistorijske životinje, dinosaurusi i ljudi živeli zajedno !!! Prikazani su ljudi koji se bore sa dinosaurusima, a na slici desno vidi se kamen gde je prikazan čovek koji jaše triceratopsa !Takođe na nekim kamenovima, prikazane su mape izgubljenih kontinenata, zatim čoveka koji istražuje neki predmet pomoću lupe ili kako kroz neku spravu koja je nalika teleskopu, gleda u nebo! 


They told us that our civilization began about 7000 years ago. Babylon, Sumer, Assyria, Egypt .. . What about the time before this, and of course the evidence before this time. Why do we hide from civilization, before 12,000, up to 50,000 years ago. Here you'll here a little walk on distant history and show images that do not believe that you have seen them.


Hidden videos on the archeology and the things that many would most like to no one knows about them. Offer Video content changes every 15 seconds.

The mention of the pyramid, then the first association to which all think, an Egyptian pyramid. I have always admired the size and secrecy. Who and how to manage all the projects, what are all still in hiding them. But what if you said that the Egyptian pyramids are the oldest, most mysterious, the most numerous and largest on the planet, without having to think of the Mayan pyramids, Incas and Aztecs. These are pyramids that many of you have never heard, nor imagined that something like this exists. But get ready ...Let's go to China ... In a completely forbidden zone around the city of Xi'an, located in the central Chinese province of Shensi. Welcome to the forbidden area of ​​hundreds of giant pyramids, which are completely unknown to the world public. The first time the Chinese giant pyramid mentioned in public in the U.S. list of 'Rocky Mountain News' in 1947, the year. The author of this mysterious text was U.S. Army Colonel Mauris Senan, and this was accompanied by photographs and in 1945. recorded by an American pilot during World War II. The pilot was carrying food supplies for the Chinese army over the Himalayas, and the very picture was taken about 100 kilometers from the city Ksian.To him succeed, because then the Chinese authorities have condoned Free Flight American planes over these territories. When photos are subsequently analyzed, they came to know that the pyramid almost 350 meters high, so that twice exceeded the maximum height of the pyramids in Egypt. The pyramid is called "White Pyramid" and represented the largest pyramid on Earth.If the Great Pyramid about 150 meters high, can you imagine what is like Blue Pyramid. It's been almost half a century and only then did the Chinese authorities allow access to the first Europeans in this forbidden area. It was the Austrian Hartwig Hausdorf who has twice visited China 1994th During his first visit, in April 1994., Hausdorf had a chance to see six pyramids near the city of Xi'an. On the way back to China in August of that year, Hausdorf on his recordings failed to count over 100 pyramids! Hausdorf had great difficulties to get permission to travel to the province of Shensi. The Chinese did not allow him any archaeological excavation, and when they saw that he published pictures of pyramids, immediately banned any foreigner to visit the forbidden area. Near the White Pyramid, was built by the Chinese and the launch pad for its space program, so they are officially declared this area a military-protected and completely untouchable to the outside world.
Over one hundred pyramids located in the forbidden area of ​​approximately 2000 square kilometers. Their height ranges from 25-100 meters, with the exception of the White Pyramid of up to 350 meters. These pyramids were built of hard clay and some are already quite damaged.These pyramids were built of hard clay and some are already quite damaged. One reason is their great age, and the other as a pyramid only damaged the population living nearby, using clay to build their houses. Chinese authorities do not allow any research in this area, especially closer to the pyramids. Their statement that I will future generations have the right to study the pyramids. But what happens in the meantime? The Chinese government ordered the planting of fast growing conifers which are already covered the pyramids and many of them made the wooded hills. After a couple of decades will be completely wooded. If someone asks for the pyramids, the Chinese will simply say, 'Where do you see here of the pyramid'.
The age pyramid for the first time China reported two Australian merchant 1912. They spoke to a Buddhist priest, which they discovered that these pyramids are mentioned in written documents that are 5000 years old, but even then they characterize as very old. What then is their real age, we can only guess.In the vicinity of the pyramid of the local population lives, but the Chinese authorities do not care that they can discover the secret of their outer world. They live in isolation, without mobile phones, computers and the Internet. The shape of this pyramid to the left resembles a pyramid in Central America, where the top-aligned. Does all of this pyramid are descended from the same civilization, it is a great mystery. The origin and age of these pyramids could explain the various artifacts found in their vicinity, and hieroglyphics that were found on the walls of the pyramids. According to some existing sources around the pyramids were found in graves with skeletons. But not just any ... It is a strange humanoid beings with large heads and small body, some only a meter and twenty centimeters. In these mysterious tombs were found hundreds of stone disks with unknown hieroglyphs. The results of translation, the disc is described by spacecraft crash 12,000 years ago. What's in the Chinese pyramids and why they hide the afforestation plan, the answer known only to the Chinese authorities. What you can do is, if you have a fast internet connection and Google Earth, to try to find the area of ​​Shensi and the city of Xi'an (Xian) and try a little peek into this mysterious area. Just make sure ...UNDERWATER RUINS NEAR JAPAN
It seems that the greatest mysteries of our planet's hidden on the seabed. What is the surface does not even have to mention, especially when it is taken into account the deep seas and oceans in which people still can not go with this technology it is today. But, let's go into the environment of Japan ... In the depths of the Japan Sea, off the island of Okinawa, Una and Taiwan have revealed a very unusual and mysterious ruins. Found the remains of the huge building made of fine carved stone, whose age is estimated as many as 12,000 years, which means that they are created another 10,000 BC. Many in Japan believe that these are the remains of the mysterious, the lost continent of Japanese folk tradition called Onogorodžima. In their tradition, the continent is the same as the legendary Atlantis, swallowed by the sea. Another opinion is that this is a mythical continent of Mu, a colony of exiles from Atlantis, those who rebelled against the legends of government in his country. And to Him, according to legend, too, disappeared into the sea. In 1985. year, the Japanese Kikačiro Aratake diving hundred meters from the island Jonaguni, at a depth of 25 meters, he saw a huge pyramid. Pyramid at the bottom of the sea, it was something unimaginable and sensational.Since then, repeatedly attempted to determine whether the act of nature or an artificial creation made by human hands. It was not until the 2000th The place was declared as archaeological sites, and the management of the research took Masaki Kimura, who was then assistant professor of oceanography at the University Rjukju. Studies have confirmed that this is a building about 200 meters long, 150 wide and 20 meters high. There are hand-carved staircase, located under the foundation of the former drainage system, and found the head (pictured below) which is very similar to the heads of Easter Island! An important finding of the signs carved in stone, quite similar to the pictograms are not dešifrovanoj stele from Okinawa. It was more than obvious, that the remains of the stone blocks of civilization that existed long before the official scientific claims and that the civilization that built them was disposed of very advanced tehnology.To are finely processed stone blocks that form the side of the pyramid with a temple on top. In the fall of 1995. years, were found three other locations with the underwater buildings, temples, squares, stairs, roads, stylized figures of sea animals.Between the 1995th and 2005. was found eight new sites in the underwater area between Japan and Taiwan. The biggest underwater structure that has so far discovered is located near the island of Yonaguni to 35 feet deep. This building is 80 meters long, 30 meters wide and 15 meters high. There are also stone roads and intersections that connect the underwater buildings which are located between the island of Yonaguni, and two small islands, ceramic and Aguni. When the pyramids and created all these objects? When it has covered more? About how many are here for the distant past and who was the mysterious civilization that built all of this in the 'time that was before his time'. Evidence suggesting that the last ice age was 11,500 years ago 0ko and then there was a large amount of ice melting. Because of this great melting, sea levels are in some places on Earth rose by over 100 meters and on land by sinking all that was in that range. It is assumed that this was the case with the Japanese coast . Many legends speak of the world civilization of civilizations, which was located somewhere in the Pacific. The ancients called her to Him, or as they called in the west, Lemuria.Stretched from Japan, through Polynesia to Easter Island, made up of a series of larger islands. All of these structures found in the depths of the sea are unequivocal evidence of the existence of this civilization.
In March 1993. The German production robot Upuaut II (The One who opens life) was discovered at the end of a long underground corridor inside the pyramid of Cheops, the back door of marble and limestone with two copper handles. This German archaeological team led by robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink Munich. The discovery of this secret room inside the Great Pyramid was a sensation. But the joy of German archaeologists took quite a bit. Egyptian authorities immediately after the sensational discovery, the German team confiscated the license and eject them from the country! As previously stated general manager of archaeological excavations at Giza, Dr. Zahi Hawass, "The pyramids are the legacy of Egypt, not the West." Since then nobody from the West did not receive permission to work, and Egyptian archaeologists have continued excavations in the Great Pyramid, refuse to say what is the secret prostoriji.Gorepomenuti Dr Hawass told the press: 'Behind the door that he found nothing Gatenbrinkov robot '.But during one visit to the U.S. Havasu, where he went to seek financial support for Egyptian Archaeology, potential financiers said in confidence, that 'behind those doors the most important archaeological discovery in the history of Egypt, and the objects found there, will force the West to write completely new history '. Since then no more was heard about the secret room inside the Great Pyramid to be attributed to Pharaoh Cheops, who lived 2625.year BC. Egypt has for years prohibited access to any archaeologists from the West, it is forbidden to even record and photograph the sites in the vicinity of Giza.
In Ika, Peru, Dr. Cabrera Dartuea, physicist and amateur archaeologist, has in its collection approximately 20,000 stones and slabs of rock that are decorated with a large number of engravings, many of which do not belong there. At least in our understanding of history. The stones are mostly made of gray andesite, granite semi crystal base which is very difficult and hard to commit.Residents in the area to find these stones are from 1500. , and on them were engraved us unimaginable concepts. There are engraved details of surgical operations, cesarean delivery, blood transfusions, surgery complicated lung and kidney, detailed procedures on the heart and brain. Doctors have found that even on some stones etched with brain transplant operation. Some drawings of the stones we fully back in prehistory, but not just any. Shown is the time when prehistoric animals, dinosaurs and humans lived together! Shown are the people who are struggling with the dinosaurs, and on the right see the stone where the man is shown riding a triceratops! Also on some stones, displayed as maps of lost continents, and a man who investigates a case with a magnifying glass, or both through a device that is like a telescope, gazing at the sky!

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среда, 22. јун 2011.

Krugovi u zitu(Vecna tajna) / Crop circles (Eternal Secret)

Srpska verzija / Serbian version

Fenomen tajanstvenih krugova u žitu ne prestaje da uzbuđuje duhove, a broj zainteresovanih eksperata za ovu vrstu paranormalnog stvaranja stalno narasta. Jer, svakog leta se sve ponavlja, s tom razlikom što su krugovi i simboli sada još raznovrsniji i neuporedivo zagonetniji.Novost je i to što fenomen više nije isključivo britanski. U međuvremenu su otkriveni slični simboli i u žitnim poljima, Irske, Holandije, Španije, Portugala, Italije, Bugarske, SAD, Kanade, Australije, Novog Zelanda, Japana i u Rusiji.Stručnjaci su pokušali da ovu pojavu simbola na poljima objasne na više načina: po jednima, radi se o elektromagnetskim silama, drugi opet smatraju da su žito napala razna gljivičasta oboljenja (ove gljive izgleda imaju veliki smisao za kreativnost), treći ne isključuju vojne akcije, a ponovljena je i teorija o olujnim vetrovima. Raspravlja se i o mogućim fizikalnim, botaničkim, meteorološkim, tehnološkim, geološkim ili psihokinetičkim procesima. A možda je u pitanju i više faktora istovremeno.Jedna grupa eksperata ograničila se isključivo na tumačenje znakova. Da li je u pitanju neka poruka, i ako jeste - onda kakvi su motivi onih koji je šalju? Da li neko hoće da nas upozori na nešto ili da nas, prosto, o nečemu informiše? Ili su u pitanju neki posebni planovi? Da ti znakovi, možda, nemaju veze sa mračnim prognozama eventualnih klimatskih katastrofa na zemlji? Ili je to nagoveštaj kraja jedne i početka druge epohe u razvoju naše planete? Da nije u pitanju neko nepoznato kosmičko biće?Stručnjaci su u jednom jedinstveni: u stvaranju simbola nije učestvovala ljudska ruka, niti se pak radi o nekom prirodnom procesu. jedan od stručnjaka za tajanstvene krugove, Pat Delgado, čvrsto je uveren da je reč o nekoj nepoznatoj energiji, ili pak o nekoj, takođe nedokučivoj, visokorazvijenoj, možda, kosmičkoj inteligenciji. Sam Pat Delgado je u svoje vreme radio kao radarski ekspert pri NASA-i. Kako on kaže: 'Ova inteligencija je spiritualne, a možda i paranormalne prirode. Ne postoji reč kojom bi se mogla definisati. A sa našim dosadašnjim saznanjima nismo u stanju da zagonetku rešimo'.
Zanimljivo je da poleglo žito nastavlja da raste i u horizontalnom položaju, da nijedna jedina stabljika nije povređena sa spoljne strane i ne pokazuje da je pojava izazvana nasilnim putem. Botaničari su, međutim, uspeli da vide kako je žito u zagonetnim krugovima donekle promenilo svoju molekularnu strukturu.Jedan od stručnjaka, Džordž Vingfild, misli da se u tim simbolima krije jedan viši, transcendentalni, metafizički smisao. On je mnoge dane i noći provodio na engleskim žitnim poljima i bio zapanjen pričom jedne žene koja je prilikom svog prvog susreta sa tajanstvenim znakovima primetila kako sa kružnih ivica klasje svetluca plavim svetlom. Vingfild je uočio da se mnogi piktogrami u žitu sastoje od veoma uskih pravih i kružnih linija u koje ne može stati ljudska stopa. Stabljike su krajnje precizno presavijene. Neki simboli su eliptičnog oblika, a pojavile su se i figure u kojima se centar uskovitlane površine nije poklapao sa geometrijskim centrom. Ponegde postoje i jasno uočljivi znaci koji pokazuju pravac kako da se priđe zagonetnim krugovima. Zanimljiva su i razmišljanja o tome koliko je vremena bilo potrebno da se simboli, od kojih neki imaju prečnik od čak 140 metara, ugraviraju u žitna polja. Na osnovu raspoloživih elemenata utvrđeno je da je sve trajalo samo nekoliko sekundi.Zanimljivo je i to da se broj krugova povećava iz godine u godinu. Uz to, nijedan čovek do sada nije uspeo da vidi kako se stvaraju zagonetni piktogrami, iako je veliki broj ljudi iz južne Engleske provodio dane i noći na žitnim poljima - upravo tamo gde su se figure i pojavljivale. Neki od njih tvrde da su videli kako se stabljike povijaju bez ikakvog šuma, a da pri tom nisu uočili ništa što tu pojavu prouzrokuje.Izuzetno je zanimljivo, da je primećeno da na mestima gde su prošlog leta viđeni krugovi, ovog puta ništa nije moglo da raste. Ispitano je zemljište, ali nije otkriveno ništa što bi dovelo do neplodnosti. Jedino su retke, zakržljale stabljike pokazale da imaju manje fosfata i nitrata, ali zato sadrže mnogo više hranljivih materija nego što je uobičajeno. Stručnjak Džorž Vingfiled smatra da se radi o nekoj višoj inteligenciji, o nečemu što je živo i što je u neposrednoj vezi sa odsustvom naše kolektivne svesti. A poruku piktograma treba tražiti u njihovom simboličkom sadržaju. Neki znakovi veoma su nalik prastarim religioznim i mističnim simbolima, recimo onim koji prikazuju Zemlju i Sunce. Jasno je da se simbolika svih tih znakova obraća nesvesnom u nama.Nije beznačajno što se najveći broj kružnica pojavio u blizini drevnih keltskih svetilišta, kao što je na primer Silneri Hil.
Jedan od najmisterioznijih krugova u žitu pojavio se u gore spomenutom Silberi Hilu, blizu Avberija (Viltšajr, Engleska). Nastao je u toku dve noći, 2. i 3. augusta, veličine je fudbalskog igrališta, a svojom strukturom i simbolikom, kako je ustanovljeno, neodoljivo poseća na kalendarske krugove Maja i Asteka.Ova sličnost, gotovo podudarnost, veoma je uzbudila i zainteresovala ne samo britanske istraživače ovog fenomena, jer, koliko se zna, ovo je prvi žitni krug koji predskazuje neki datum u budućnosti. I to veoma blizak, jer je reč, sasvim precizno, o 21./22. decembru 2012. godine. A prema kalendaru Maja i Asteka, to je tačna datum 'kraja vremena' ili 'kraja sveta'.U najkraćem. Maje su imale čak 17 različitih kalendara, zasnovanih na kruženju Meseca oko Zemlje (kalendar Tun-Uc), Zemlje oko Sunca (Haab), Venere oko Sunca, Plajada u galaksiji (Tzolkin) ... Ovaj poslednji, od istraživača nazvan i 'sveti' i 'galaktički', pratio je kretanje Plejada za koje su iznašli da se odvija u ciklusima od po 26.000 godina. Kada se završi jedan ciklus, naravno, otpočinje novi. A 2012. se poklapa tačno sa krajem jednog ciklusa.Međutim, te godine se završava i još jedan njihov kalendar, nazvan 'kružni', koji je nastao iz svojevrsne kombinacije Tzolkin i Haab ciklusa. Po njemu, poslednja, to jest ova naša civilizacija trajaće 13 baktuna, a započela je 13. avgusta 3114. godine pre Hrista i završiće se, kako smo gore spomenuli 21./22. decembra 2012. godine.
Bilo je pokušaja da se utvrdi kako zagonetni krugovi i ostali simboli u žitu deluju na ljude. Farmeri i radnici na farmama tvrde da ih piktogrami neodoljivo privlače i da se, neretko i bez svoje volje, stalno vraćaju u njih. Drugi pak kažu da su svaki put kad su se našli u krugu osetili neobičnu toplotu koja je snažno zračila iz zemlje. Mnogima je pošlo za rukom da u svojim rukama akumuliraju toliko te nepoznate energije da su je, kasnije, mogli prenositi i na druge. Naročito su žene osetile tu energiju kao veoma lekovitu i posle svake posete krugovima, osećale su veliki elan i snagu. Ali, pojedinci su se žalili da su odjednom osetili umor i glavobolju. Sada mnogi dolaze da stavljaju ruku na samu ivicu kruga ili nekog drugog simbola, jer se veruje da taj dodir leči od ove ili one bolesti. Čak i sam Pat Delgado tvrdi kako tajanstven energija žitnih krugova u poslednje vreme i u njegovom životu igra sve veću ulogu. Sada, kaže, leči ljude samo dodirom ruke. Ovo naročito pomaže kod kostobolje, ekcema, glavobolje i depresije.
Oni koji su pratili vesti koje su se ticale misterioznih krugova u žitu, možda se i sećaju dvojice penzionera koji su jednom engleskom listu, dakle i štampu celog sveta, izjavili da su oni pravili krugove u žitu. Dobro, zna se da su oni lagali. Ali, saznalo se i nešto još mnogo gore - da su lagali po nalogu, i to ni manje ni više nego po nalogu agenata britanske tajne službe MI5, ekvivalenta ozloglašene američke CIA-e.Prva indikacija se pojavila kada je Kolin Endrjuz, engleski istraživač krugova u žitu, upitao ovu dvojicu starih penzionera na koji način su napravili tako savršene krugove za koje su tvrdili da su njihova dela. Oni na to pitanje nisu umeli da odgovore. Isto toliko je zbunjujuća činjenica da su od tog trenutka, dvojica penzionera sa izuzetno malim prihodima počeli da putuju po celom svetu da bi što više proširili priču o 'svojoj šali'. Svi su se pitali odakle im novac za tolika putovanja, kad kažu da od lista za koji su dali prvu izjavu nisu dobili nikakav novac? No, svejedno, njih dvojica su stigli sve do Japana, a naročito su putovali po Americi, gde su proglašeni autorima ovih krugova.Stručnjak Džordž Vingfild pokušao je da otkrije koja je fotografska agencija snimala lažne krugove dvojice penzionera - te fotografije su, kao dokaz da je u pitanju šala, obišle ceo svet. Vingfild je saznao da je list koji ih je prvi objavio, 'Tudej', fotografije dobio od agencije 'MBF Servisi', i to potpuno besplatno - što je u najmanju ruku vrlo čudno. A zatim je, tražeći tu agenciju, otkrio da ona - ne postoji! Tačnije, da ne postoji kao fotografska agencija. Pod tim imenom, naime, u Velikoj Britaniji registrovane su dve agencije za 'naučna istraživanja i razvoj', obe povezane sa tajnim službama! Prva je u Somersetu i radi za englesko Ministarstvo odbrane i za američki projekt zvezdanih ratova. Samo da podsetimo da su engleski naučnici koji su učestvovali u tom projektu, u okviru firme Markoni, između 1985. i 1993. godine praktično nestali sa lica Zemlje - stradali su u nizu neobjašnjivih nesrećnih slučajeva i čudnih samoubistava). Druga agencija se nalazi u Škotskoj i radi za englesku vladu.Kada je Vingfild od dvojice penzionera tražio podatke o njihovim vezama sa MBF, nisu hteli da odgovore. Vingfild se onda obratio svom prijatelju koji radi za MI5 i on mu je potvrdio da engleske tajne službe 'koriste privatne agencije koje preko novina šire lažne vesti' i da je to 'uobičajena tehnika kontrainformacija'!
Još jedan poznati istraživač krugova u žitu, koga smo na početku spomenuli, Pat Delgado, naleteo je tokom jednog istraživanja u Kanzasu, 26. septembra 191. na tajne službe, ovoga puta američke. Bio je svedok stalnih dolazaka ljudi obučenih u crno koji su pokušavali da unište veliku formaciju krugova na jednom polju.Ali, uprkos nespretnim pokušajima raznih tajnih službi, krugovi se i dalje pojavljuju. Desetine novih oblika koji su se pojavili u Velikoj Britaniji, prema matematičaru Roju Djutonu, konstruisane su prema jednom matematičkom modelu koji se ponavlja u svim spiralama. A u Holandiji, prema tamošnjem ufologu Henriju van der oluijmu, za 80 procenata krugova nema racionalnog objašnjenja.Neko nam i dalje šalje poruke, a ova velika misterija ostaje i dalje nerasvetljena.

Engleska verzija / English version 
The phenomenon of mysterious crop circles never ceases to excite the spirits and the number of interested experts to create this type of paranormal grows steadily. For each flight are all repeated, except that the circles and symbols are far more diverse and much more puzzling. The novelty is that the phenomenon is not exclusively British. Meanwhile, similar symbols have been found in wheat fields, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Russia. Experts have tried to this phenomenon in the fields explain the symbols in several ways: one, it is the electromagnetic forces, others believe they are attacked by various fungal wheat diseases (these fungi seem to have a great sense of creativity), the third does not exclude military action, and repeated the theory of storm winds.
Are discussed and possible physical, botanical, meteorological, technological, geological processes, or Psychic. But perhaps it comes more factors simultaneously. A group of experts is limited solely to the interpretation of signs. Whether it comes a message, and if so - then what are the motives of those who are sent? Does anyone want to warn us of something or to us, simply inform about something? Or in terms of some special plans? That these signs, you do not have to do with the dark predictions of possible climate catastrophes on earth? Or is it an indication of the end and beginning of the second epoch in the development of our planet? If it's not an unknown cosmic being? Experts in one unique: the creation of symbols is part human hand, nor even talking about a natural process.
One of the mysterious circles of experts, Pat Delgado, firmly convinced that this is a strange energy, or about one, too unfathomable, very developed, perhaps, the cosmic intelligence. Sam Pat Delgado, in his time working as a radar expert at NASA. As he says: 'This is a spiritual intelligence, and perhaps a paranormal nature. There is no word to be defined. And with our knowledge we are able to solve the puzzle. "
Bluish Twinkle
It is interesting to prostrate grain continues to grow in a horizontal position, that not a single stem is injured on the outside and shows that the phenomenon caused by violence. Botanists, however, failed to see that the mysterious circles in wheat somewhat changed its molecular strukturu.Jedan of experts, George Vingfild, thought to be hiding in these symbols of a higher, transcendental, metaphysical sense.
On many days and nights spent on English wheat fields and was stunned by the story of a woman who is in his first meeting with the mysterious signs observed in the circular edge of grain flashing blue light. Vingfild noted that many crop pictograms consist of very narrow lines and cruise lines that do not fit human feet. The stems are extremely precise folded. Some symbols are elliptical, and there have been figures in which the swirling center of the surface not coincide with the geometric center. In some places there are also clearly visible signs indicating the direction of how to approach the mysterious circles. Interesting are also thinking about how long it was necessary that the symbols, some of which have a diameter of 140 meters, engrave in the wheat fields. Based on the available elements revealed that all lasted a few seconds. It is interesting that the number of circles increases from year to year. Additionally, no one has so far failed to see how to create enigmatic pictograms, although a large number of people from southern England to spend days and nights on the wheat fields - just where were the figures appeared.
Some of them claim to have seen the stalks bent without any noise, and without being noticed anything that cause this phenomenon. It is interesting, it was noted that in places where the circles were seen last summer, this time nothing could grow. Tested the soil, but found nothing that would lead to infertility. Only the rare, stunted stalks have shown that less phosphate and nitrate, but they contain more nutrients than usual. Expert dzorz Vingfiled believes that it is a higher intelligence, something that is alive and it is directly related to the absence of our collective consciousness. A message pictograms should be sought in their symbolic content. Some characters are very similar to the ancient religious and mystical symbols, such as those that show the Earth and Sun. It is clear that the symbolism of these characters speaks to the unconscious in us. Not without significance that most of the circles appeared near the ancient Celtic temples, such as for example Silneri Hill.
One of the most mysterious crop circles appeared in the above-mentioned Silver Hill, near Avberija (Viltšajr, England). It was created during the two nights, 2 and 3 August, the size of a football field, and its structure and symbolism, as established, irresistibly cut circles on the calendar the Mayan and Aztec. This similarity, almost a match, is very excited and intrigued not only by British researchers of this phenomenon, because as far as we know, this is the first round of the grain, which predicts a future date. And that's very close, because it is quite accurate, on 21./22. December 2012. year. A calendar of the Maya and Aztecs, the exact date of 'end times' or 'end of the world'. In short. Maya had as many as 17 different calendars, based on the circulation of the Moon around the Earth (calendar Tun-Uc), the Earth around the Sun (Haab), Venus around the Sun in the galaxy Plajada (Tzolkin) ... The latter, by researchers called the 'holy' and 'galactic', followed by the movement of the Pleiades that are devised to take place in cycles of 26,000 years. When you finish a cycle, of course, started a new one.
In 2012. coincides exactly with the end of one cycle. However, the year ends and another one of their calendar, called the 'circle', which arose from a sort of combination of the Tzolkin and Haab cycles. According to him, the last, that is our kind of civilization will last 13 baktuns, and it started on 13 August 3114th BC and will end as we mentioned above 21./22. December 2012. year.
The healing ENERGY
Attempts to determine how the mysterious circles and other symbols in the Rye effect on people. Farmers and farm workers say they pictograms irresistibly attracted to that, and often involuntarily, always returning to them. Others say that every time they found themselves in a circle of felt an unusual heat that is radiated strongly from the country. To many it managed to accumulate in his hands so that the unknown energy that is later transferred to the other. In particular, the women felt that energy as a healing and after each visit to circles, felt a great enthusiasm and strength.
But, some people complained that they suddenly felt the fatigue and headache. Now many come to put his hand on the very edge of the circle or other symbol, because it believes that the cures by the touch of this or that disease. Even the Pat Delgado claims that a mysterious energy of corn circles in recent times in his life plays an increasing role. Now, he says, treating people just by touching your hands. This especially helps with arthritis, eczema, headaches and depression.
Denier and a liar
Those who have followed the news that concerned the mysterious crop circles, you might also remember the two pensioners who have an English list, and then press all over the world, stated that they made crop circles. Well, we know that they lied. But i found out something even worse - that they lied at the order, and no less than by order of the British secret service agents of MI5, the American equivalent of the notorious CIA.
The first indications appeared when Colin Andrews, the English researcher of crop circles, I asked these two old pensioners at how they build the perfect circles for which they claimed their actions. Those in question were unable to respond. The same is so confusing fact that from that moment on, the two pensioners with very low incomes began to travel around the world to expand the story as much about 'his jokes. " All were asked where they got the money to travel so much, when they say that the list of who gave the first statement did not get any money? But anyway, the two came to Japan, in particular, had traveled in America, where they proclaimed the authors of these circles. Expert Vingfild George tried to find out which is a photography agency recorded two false circles pensioners - those photos, as proof that it was a joke, circulated worldwide. Vingfild learned that the newspaper that first published them, 'Tudej', photographs obtained from agencies 'MBF Services', and it is completely free - that is to say the least very strange. And then, looking for that agency, she discovered that - no! In particular, there is no such photographic agencies.
Under that name, in fact, registered in the UK are the two agencies 'research and development', both linked to the secret services! First in Somerset and works for the English Ministry of Defense and the American project of star wars. Just to remind you that UK researchers who participated in this project, within the company Marconi, the 1985th and 1993. he effectively disappeared from the face of the Earth - were killed in a series of unexplained accidents and strange suicides). The second agency is located in Scotland and works for the British government. When Vingfild of two pensioners asked for information about their relationships with MBF, refused to answer. Vingfild then turned to his friend who works for MI5 and he confirmed that he was British secret services' use of private agencies in the newspapers spread false news "and that it is' contrary to the common technique of information '?
Another well-known researcher of crop circles, which we mentioned at the beginning, Pat Delgado, ran in a survey of Kansas, 26 September 191st the secret service, this time American. He witnessed constant arrivals of people dressed in black who tried to destroy the formation of large circles in a field. But, despite clumsy attempts by various secret services circles continue to appear. Dozens of new forms that emerged in the UK, according to Roy Djutonu mathematician, constructed according to a mathematical model that is repeated in all spirals. And in the Netherlands, according to the local UFO Henry van der oluijmu for 80 percent of the circles has no rational explanation. Someone we continue to send messages, and the big mystery remains unsolved.


среда, 18. мај 2011.

Tajna Bermudskog trougla / Secret Bermuda Triangle

Srpska verzija / Serbian version

Jedan od najčuvenijih i najzagonetnijih slučajeva nestanka aviona iznad Bermudskog trougla desio se sunčanog decembarskog dana 1945. u 14 časova i 10 minuta. Pet torpednih bombardera tipa 'osvetnik' poletelo je iz američke vazdušne baze Loderdejl, u Floridi. Krenuli su u pravcu istoka, prema Bahamskim ostrvima, na put dug 600 kilometara. Njihov let nazvan je Let 19 i bio je rutinska vežba. Jednomotorni avioni, sa ukupno 14 članova posade, trebalo je da uvežbavaju bombardovanje ciljeva Kvočka i Pileći greben, blizu ostrva Bimini. Potom je trebalo da se vrate u bazu Loderdejl, na vreme za večeru. Međutim nikada se nisu vratili.Poslednji svedoci Leta 19 bili su na jednom ribarskom brodu. Petog decembra 1945. oko 15 časova, istočno od ostrva Bimini, 'osvetnici' su preleteli iznad glava ribara. Komandujući, poručnik Čarls Tejlor, pozvao je u 15 časova i 40 minuta bazu i obavestio nadležne da su u nevolji, jer su se izgubili. Poslednji razgovor sa bazom obavljen je oko 18 časova. Posle toga eskadrili Leta 19 zauvek se izgubio trag. Hidroavion 'Martin Mariner', sa posadom od 13 članova odmah je poleteo da traga za 'osvetnicima'. Ali, već nakon desetak minuta leta njegova radio veza sa bazom u Loderdejlu bila je prekinuta i više nikada nije uspostavljena.Ratna mornarica SAD organizovala je do tada najobimniju spasilačku operaciju. Desetine brodova i stotine aviona pet dana tragali su za nestalima. Međutim, nije bilo ni tela, ni olupina, ni tragova ulja, baš ničega što bi moglo biti bilo kakav trag. Istraga je bila nemoćna da ponudi bilo kakvo objašnjenje.
Pet godina nakon nestanka Leta 19, 16 septembra 1950. reporter Asošijeted presa E.V. Džons napisao je članak o 'Izgubljenoj patroli' - kako je nazvao nestalu eskadrilu 'osvetnika'. Naveo je i još nekoliko narednih nesrećnih slučajeva brodova i aviona u istoj oblasti, koja se proteže južno od Bermuda, na relaciji Majami-Portoriko.Džonsov članak dobio je veliki publicitet. Uskoro su se pojavile raznorazne priče o 'groblju' raznih plovila i aviona u tom delu Atlantskog okeana. Po nekima, svi ti slučajevi nesreća u Bermudskom trouglu su delo zlih sila. Razrađivane po novinama, časopisima i knjigama, ove priče postale su sve neverovatnije. Na primer, u jednoj od njih, izvesni poručnik Voker izbezumljeno viče u svojoj poslednjoj radio poruci: 'Znam gde sam sada...Ne idite za mnom... Izgledaju kao da su iz svemira!'. A u filmu 'Bliski susreti treće vrste', Stiven Spilberg iskazao je svoje uverenje da su pilote Leta 19 oteli vanzemaljci.
Da bi proširili misteriju i našli joj korene, autori jedne knjige o Bermudskom trouglu ušli su u trag davnim zbivanjima na ovom području. Navodno se došlo i do nekih podataka o tome da je i pre nešto više od pet vekova i Kristofor Kolombo imao zagonetna iskustva u ovoj oblasti.Još u 16. veku, kada je počelo intenzivnije istraživanje Novog sveta, sujeverni mornari su pričali o morskim nemanima koje razbijaju brodove i gutaju mornare. Iz drugih dokumentovanih iskustava može se, na primer, videti da su između 1781. i 1812. godine isčezla četiri američka ratna broda. Godine 1880. po vedrom danu bez vetra, isplovio je sa Bermudskih ostrva britanski brod za obuku 'Atlantida'. Nestao je zajedno sa 250 ljudi na njemu. Američki brod za snabdevanje 'Kiklop' napustio je 4. marta 1918. Barbadoska ostrva. Plovio je za Baltimor, ali tamo nikada nije stigao. To su samo neki od primera misterioznih nestanaka iz prošlosti. Za svaki brod nestao u ovom području postojala je mogućnost da bude proglašen žrtvom 'nepoznate aveti'. U Bermudskom trouglu nestajali su i španski jedrenjaci, britanske fregate, brodovi Sjedinjenih Država za snabdevanje, tovarni brodovi i tankeri mnogih zemalja. U njemu je do danas nestalo i nekoliko stotina aviona, a živote je izgubilo nekoliko hiljada ljudi.Ipak, uzevši sve u obzir, Ratna mornarica SAD-a ne smatra da su vode Bermudskog trougla nešto posebno opasne. I Obalska straža SAD, koja ima spasilačku bazu u MAjamiju, veruje da se većina nestanaka može pripisati 'jedinstvenim odlikama sredine' tog regiona. To je mesto gde je golfska struja veoma jaka i gde se litice kontinentalnog grebena spuštaju u kanjone duboke kilometrima. U podvodnim pećinama stvaraju se veoma jake struje, a arktički vetrovi susreću se sa toplim tropskim vazduhom, pa voda postaje opasno ćutdljiva, stvarajući tornada i iznenadne oluje.
Ima istraživača Bermudskog trougla koji smatraju da u tom području na čovekovu orijentaciju utiču određene sile. Neki ugledni geolozi tvrde da na Zemlji, odnosno u njenom magnetnom polju - čija priroda još nije objašnjena u potpunosti, postoje oblasti u kojima nastaju razni poremećaji. U Bermudskom trouglu, na primer, igla kompasa zaokreće čak i za 20 stepeni u odnosu na stvari pravac sever-jug. To znači da se ona usmerava prema geografskom, a ne prema magnetnom polju. Navigatori o tome strogo vode računa, da se ne bi dogodila nesreća.Kombinacija reznih sila sigurno je jedno od najlogičnijih objašnjenja za fenomen Bermudskog trougla. Međutim, da se vratimo na nestanak eskadrile 'osvetnika', to jest Letu 19, iz decembra 1945. Pilot Džon Majer dugi niz godina istražuje sudbinu 'izgubljene patrole'. On tvrdi da su se oni jednostavno izgubili i da su zatim bili 'progutani' u nekoj velikoj oluji. Navodno, on tačno zna šta se dogodilo sa Letom 19. Prema njegovoj teoriji, pet avion tipa 'osvetnik' trebalo je, posle vežbe bombardovanja, da produže let na istog do spruda zvanog Velika uzengija, a zatim ka severu do spruda Veliko jedro, i, najzad, da se okrenu jugozapadu radi povratka u bazu Loderdejl. Međutim, nakon 90 minuta, poručnik Tejlor isvestio je bazu da su njegovi kompasi pokvareni i da ne znaju gde se nalaze. Smatrao je da se nalaze negde iznad Floride, mnogo dalje od željenog kursa.Majer, koji je godinama leteo nad područjem Floride i Kariba, proučavao je radio izveštaje i procenjivao vetrove, vreme i potrošnju goriva. Unosio je na kartu maršutu 'osvetnika', dokazujući da oni nisu bili iznad navedenih sprudova, već iznad veoma sličnih ostrva zvanih Abako. Znači, prema Majerovom mišljenju, kada je Tejlor naredio pilotima da lete severoistočno, da bi došli do Floride, on ih je u stvari uputio još dublje ka pučini Atlantika. Dok su krivudali po pogoršanom vremenu, nestalo im je goriva, pa su pali u okean. U okviru ovih tvrdnji Majer je organizovao i ekspediciju ne bi li pronašao olupine 'izgubljene patrole'.Majerov rad ostao je u domenu teorije, sve dok tragedija koja je usledila nije bacila više svetla. Neposredno posle poletanja iz Kejp Kaneverala, spejs šatl 'Čelendžer' je eksplodirao. Bilo je to 1986. godine. Sva moguća oprema za podvodno istraživanje bila je hitno dopremljena na Floridu. Trebalo je ispitati morsko dno kod Kejp Kaneverala, ne bi li se pronašli ostaci letelice.Top priliko, na morskom dnu otkriven je jedan stari ratni avion, verovatno DC 3. Ali, Majer je mislio drugačije. Uspeo je da izdejstvuje povratak podmornice na mesto gde se nalazila olupina tog aviona. Na dubini oko 120 metara i oko četiri kilometra od mesta gde je Majer proračunao da je potonuo Let 19, podvodne kamere snimile su karakterističan mitraljez, kakav su imali avioni tipa 'osvetnik'. Avion je izvađen iz vode.'Bila je to samo gomila rđe. Proveo sam dva meseca ribajući ga, ali nije bilo načina da se identifikuje. Verujem da je to bio avion kojim je pilotirao jedan od članova Leta 19, kapetan Džordž Stivens. Njegov avion imao je registarski broj 73209, a mi smo pronašli samo 209, ispisano u fragmentima. Nismo mogli sa sigurnošću da dokažemo da je to zaista bio avion iz Leta 19' - ovako je razočarano ispričao MAjer. Ratna mornarica SAD preuzela je ostatke aviona i prodal ih u staro gvožđe. Majer nije mogao sebi da priušti dalja istraživanja da bi potkrepio svoju teoriju.Tada je sa Floride stigao Grejem Hoks. Hoks, rođen u Londonu, čuven je po istraživanju dubokih voda. Dok je njuškao okolo u svom istraživačkom brodu 'Duboko more', njegov sonar i kamera uhvatili su profile pet aviona tipa 'osvetnik'. Bili su uspravljeni i uglavnom neoštećeni. Nalazili su se na dubili od oko 200 metara, u krugu od oko dva i po kilometra. Baza Loderdejl udaljena je 30 kilometara od tog mesta. Izgledalo je da se najzagonetnija avionska misterija Bermudskog trougla najzad počinje rešavati.
Međutim, posle mesec dana medijske histerije, Hoks je objavio da to zapravo nisu avioni sa Leta 19. Detaljnim pregledima otkriveno je da to jeste pet 'osvetnika', ali ne onih 'pravih'. Identifikacioni brojevi nisu se uopšte poklapali, a nađeni avioni bili su stariji od onih koji su nestali 1945. godine. 'Osvetnici' koje je pronašao Hoks su, izgleda, završavali u okeanu greškama pilota koji su se obučavali na top području između 1943. i 1945. Arhiva ratne mornarice SAD obelodanila je da je, osim 'Izgubljene patrole', tih godina bar još 129 drugih 'osvetnika' bilo žrtva loše procene leta svojih pilota ili nevremena.Prema Hoksovom mišljenju, jedini izazivači katastrofa aviona i brodova u Bermudskom trouglu jesu meteorološke neprilike u tom delu Atlantika. 'Tamo je vreme nepravedno. Ako idete oko rta Horn očekuje vas loše vreme, ali u Floridi ljudi sede u košuljama kratkih rukava na jakom suncu. Vreme je kao pesma sirena, gadne oluje iznenada udaraju, brzo nestaju i niko ih nikad više ne vidi' - priča Hoks.Ipak, Hoks je pomalo i zadovoljan što 'Izgubljena patrola' još nije pronađena. Ne želi da on bude taj koji će 'zakopati' legendu o Letu 19. Kako on kaže - 'Ljudi bi više voleli da se u Bermudskom trouglu krije čudovošte kao, na primer, ono iz Loh Nesa, ili da su dešavanja uzrokovana nekim natprirodnim silama. Može se reći da je misterija Bermudskog trougla i danas veoma živa'.
Od mnogih nestanak i nesreća u Bermudskom trouglu navešćemo samo neke. U luci Norfolk u SAD, 27. maja 1968. vojni predstavnici i meštani okupili su se da sačekaju atomsku podmornicu 'Norfolk'. Sedam dana ranije javila se sa položaja kod Azorskih ostrva. Posle toga prekinut je radio kontakt, verovalo se, zbog kvara na primopredajniku. Ali, podmornica se nije pojavila, pa su stotine aviona i brodovi krenuli u potragu. Prokrstarili su taj deo Atlantika uzduž i popreko, međutim podmornici nije bilo ni traga ni glasa. Ratna mornarica SAD nije uspela da pronađe nikakvo objašnjenje za ovu nesreću.Između 30. juna i 10. jula 1969, znači za samo desetak dana, isčezle su posade četiri plovna objekta. Najpre je, 30. juna, jedan britanski brod naišao na napuštenu lađu dugačku 18 metara. Nikakvih tragova posade nije bilo. Zatim je, 6. jula, jedan švedski brod naišao na šest metara dugi čamac. Utvrđeno je da je potpuno ispravan, ali da je posada isčezla. Britanski tanker 'Helisoma' otkrio je između Azorskih i Bermudskih ostrva lađu dugu 110 metara, bez posade. I konačno, 10. jula 1969. pronađena je 12 metara duga jahta, takođe bez ljudi.Sredinom aprila 197. teretnjak 'Milton latrides' nestao je na putu iz Nju Orleansa za Kejptaun. U martu 1973. teretnjak 'Anita', od dvadeset hiljada tona, isčezao je na putu za Nemačku. Na sebi je imao 32 člana posade.Ronioci su, sredinom februara 1972. pronašli u Meksičkom zalivu ostatke tankera 'V.V. Fog', dugog 107 metara. Tanker je nestao 1. februara, sa 39 članova posade. Pronađeno je kapetanovo telo u njegovoj kabini. U ruci je držao šoljicu za kafu.
Engleski naučnik Ajven Sanderson pretpostavlja da bi u događanjima u Bermudskom trouglu udela mogla imati i nama nepoznata podvodna civilizacija. Ako postoje, smatra on, verovatno nas u novije doba proučavaju. Možda u nama vide opasnost po sopstvenu civilizaciju, to jest, za sopstveni opstanak. Zbog toga možda, podvodna bića izlaze iz okeana u letećim tanjirima i uzimaju 'uzorke' sa brodova i aviona. Sanderson ovu tvrdnju potkrepljuje mnogim izveštajima o NLO-ima koji su izletali velikom brzinom iz vode, naročito u blizini Floride.Novinar Art Ford ukazuje na koincidenciju da avioni i brodovi nestaju baš u području koje danas služi kao sektor iz kojeg se lansiraju svemirske rakete. Kako on kaže: 'Nama je istočna obala Floride idealna za ispaljivanje svemirskih brodova u kosmos. Možda je, isto tako, ovo područje idealno i za ateriranje svemirskih letelica iz nama nepoznatog prostora Okeanski koridor od svemirske baze Kejp Kanaveral do baze Loderdejl nije opterećen avionskim linijama, to jest, može se reći da ih i nema'.
To znači da je opasnost od sudara u vazduhu gotovo samo teoretska. Taj deo okeana mestimično je načičkan malim ostrvima koja bi mogla služiti kao 'oznake' za navođenje ili mesta za ateriranje u slučaju nevolje. Sva ta ostrva mogu da se prepoznaju i sa velike visine.Čarls Berlic, autor jedne od knjiga o Bermudskom trouglu, dozvoljava mogućnost da ova misteriozna oblast, kao i neke druge čvorne lokacije elektromagnetskih gravitacionih sila na zemlji, predstavljaju 'prozor' kroz koji dolaze i odlaze 'kosmički posetioci' i odnose ljudska bića radi proučavanja, raznih eksperimentisanja ili nečeg sasvim trećeg. I tako, uprkos svim naporima, misterija Bermudskog trougla i dalje je daleko od rešenja, i dalje nastavlja da golica našu maštu.

Engleska verzija / English version

One of the most famous and most mysterious cases of missing plane over the Bermuda Triangle occurred on a sunny December day 1945th in 14 hours and 10 minutes. Five torpedo bombers 'vigilante' took off from a U.S. air base Lauderdale, Florida. They moved towards the east, the Bahamas, on the road 600 kilometers long. Their flight was called the Flight 19 and was a routine exercise. Single engine airplane, with a total of 14 crew members had to be exercised to the bombing targets Hen and Chicken Reef, near the island of Bimini. Then he should return to base Lauderdale, in time for dinner. But they never witnessed back.Last flight 19 were on a fishing boat. Fifth December 1945th about 15 hours to the east of the island of Bimini, 'Avengers' they flew over the heads of fishermen. Commander, Lieutenant Charles Taylor, has called in 15 hours and 40 minutes for the base and the proper authorities that are in trouble because they got lost. Last call to the database took place about 18 hours. After that flight 19 squadron ever lost track. Seaplane 'Martin Mariner', with a crew of 13 members immediately took off to search for 'avengers'.
But after ten minutes of the flight of his radio communication with base in Lauderdale was canceled and has never been established. The U.S. Navy was organized by then most extensive rescue operation. Dozens of ships and hundreds of aircraft for five days searching for the missing. However, there were no bodies, no wreckage, no traces of oil, just nothing that could be any trace. An investigation was unable to offer any explanation.
Five years after the disappearance of flight 19, September 16, 1950th Associated Press reporter EV Jones wrote an article about the "lost patrol" - what he called the missing squadron 'vigilante'. He also mentioned the next few accidents of ships and aircraft in the same area, which stretches south of Bermuda, between Miami-Portoriko.Džonsov article received wide publicity. Soon emerged various stories about 'graveyard' of various vessels and aircraft in this part of the Atlantic Ocean.
Some say that all these cases of accidents in the Bermuda triangle of the work of evil forces. Worked out in the newspapers, magazines and books, these stories have become all astonishing. For example, in one of them, a certain Lt. Walker frantic cries in his last radio message: 'I know where I am today ... Do not go for me ... They look like they are from outer space '. And in the film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind, "Steven Spielberg expressed his belief that the hijacked flight 19 pilots aliens.
To expand the mystery and find her roots, the authors of a book about the Bermuda Triangle have entered the ancient trail of events in this area. Allegedly occurred, and to some data that is little more than five centuries ago, Christopher Colombo had a mysterious experience in this field. In the 16th century, when he began intensive study of the New World, superstitious sailors are talking about sea monsters that swallow ships and shattered sailors. From other experiences can be documented, for example, see that the 1781st and 1812th disappeared in four U.S. warships.1880. the clear day with no wind, sailed to the island Bermudian British training ship 'Atlantis'. He disappeared with 250 people on it. American supply ship 'Cyclops' left on 4 March 1918th Barbadian island. Sailed to Baltimore, but never arrived there. These are just some examples of mysterious disappearances of the past. For each ship disappeared in this area there was a possibility that the victim is declared "unknown ghosts'. In the Bermuda Triangle disappearances and Spanish sailing ships, the British frigates, ships of the United States to supply, cargo ships and tankers in many countries. It is still missing and hundreds of aircraft, and claimed the lives of several thousand people.However, on balance, the U.S. Navy and is not considered that the water the Bermuda Triangle some particularly dangerous. I Coast Guard, which has a rescue base in Miami, believes that the majority of disappearances can be attributed to 'the unique characteristics of the middle' of the region.This is where the Gulf Stream is very strong and where the continental shelf down the cliff in the deep canyons for miles. In underwater caves created very strong currents and arctic winds encounter the warm tropical air, and water becomes dangerous ćutdljiva, creating a tornado and a sudden storm.
ARE PILOTS mistaken
There are researchers who believe the Bermuda Triangle in the area of ​​man's orientation affect specific forces. Some prominent geologists claim that the Earth or in its magnetic field - the nature of which has not yet been fully explained, there are areas which provide various disorders. The Bermuda Triangle, for example, the compass needle turns, even by 20 degrees to the fact north-south direction. This means that it directs the geographic, rather than the magnetic field. Navigators about it keep a close eye, not to have occurred excident.Combination section forces is certainly one of the explanations for the phenomenon of Bermuda Triangle. However, to return to the disappearance of the squadron 'avenger', that is Letu 19, the December 1945th.Pilot John Mayer for many years investigating the fate of the "lost patrol." He claims that they simply lost and were then 'swallowed up' in a big storm. Apparently, he knows exactly what happened to the 19th Flying According to his theory, five aircraft of type 'vigilante' should, after the bombing exercises, to continue on the same flight to the sandbar as Great stirrup, and then north to the sandbar large sail, and, finally, to turn southwest to return to base Lauderdale . However, after 90 minutes, Lieutenant Taylor  believed that there are somewhere over Florida, much more to be desired course. Mayer, who for years has flown over the area of ​​Florida and the Caribbean, studied the radio reports and assessed the winds, time and fuel consumption. Brought into the route on the map 'avenger', arguing that they were not mentioned above reefs, but over a very similar called Abaco Islands. So, according to Meier's opinion, when Taylor ordered the pilots to fly north-east, to come to Florida on them is actually sent even further to the Atlantic sea.As they wandered through the worsening weather, missing their fuel, and have fallen into the ocean. Under these Meier claims have organized an expedition in order to find the wreck 'the lost patrol. "Meier work remained in the domain theory, until the tragedy that followed has thrown more light. Shortly after takeoff from Cape Kaneverala, space shuttle 'Challenger' exploded. It was the 1986th year. All possible equipment for underwater exploration was immediately shipped to Florida. It was necessary to examine the seabed at Cape Kaneverala, in order to find the remains of the plane. Not when, on the sea floor was discovered an old war plane, probably DC third But Mayer thought otherwise. He managed to force back to where the submarine was located the wreck of the aircraft. At a depth of 120 meters and about four kilometers from where Meyer has calculated that Flight 19 was sunk, the underwater cameras captured the typical machine gun, as they had planes like 'Avenger'. The aircraft was removed from the water. 'It was just a pile of rust. I spent two months abrasive it, but there was no way to identify. I believe it was a plane piloted by one of the members of Flight 19, Capt. George Stevens.His plane had the registration number 73209, and we have found only 209, printed in fragments. We were unable to prove with certainty that this is indeed a plane in flight 19 '- this is disappointed Mayer said. The U.S. Navy took over the remains of the aircraft and sold them to scrap metal. Meyer could not afford further studies to support his argument. Then came Graham of Florida Hawks. Hawks, born in London, famous for its deep water exploration. While snooping around in his research vessel 'Deep sea', its sonar and cameras caught the profiles of the aircraft 'vigilante'. They were upright and largely intact. Were located at a depth of 200 meters, within a radius of about two and a half kilometers. Lauderdale base is located 30 kilometers from the place. It seemed to be the most perplexing mystery plane finally starts Bermuda Triangle solved.

AS La Sirena
However, after a month of media hysteria, the Hawks announced that the planes are not really the 19th Summer Detailed examination revealed that it is five 'Avenger', but not those of 'real'. Identification numbers are not at all match, and found planes were older than those who disappeared 1945th year. 'Avengers' found by the Hawks, it seems, ended up in an ocean of mistakes pilots who trained on the top area of ​​the 1943rd and 1945. Archive U.S. Navy revealed that, apart from 'Lost Patrol', those years at least 129 others 'Avenger' was a victim of bad estimates of their pilot or flight storms. According Hoksovom view, the only causes of disasters of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle are weather troubles in that part of the Atlantic. 'There is a time unfairly. If you go around Cape Horn, you can expect bad weather, but people in Florida sit in shirts with short sleeves in bright sunlight. Time is like a siren song, bad storm hit suddenly, quickly disappearing and no one never sees "- the story Hawks. However, the Hawks a bit pleased that 'Lost Patrol' has not been found. I do not want him to be the one to 'bury' the legend of the flight 19th He says- "People would prefer to hide in the Bermuda Triangle čudovošte as, for example, it Loch Ness, or that events caused by some supernatural powers. It can be said that the Bermuda Triangle mystery still very much alive '.
Unexplained disappearance
Of the many disappearances and accidents in the Bermuda Triangle here are just a few. In the port of Norfolk in the United States, 27 May 1968. Military officials and residents gathered to wait for nuclear submarine 'Norfolk'. Seven days earlier emerged from a position near the Azores. After that was interrupted by radio contact, it was believed, because of the failure of the transmitter. But the submarine did not appear, and hundreds of planes and ships went looking. Cruised the Atlantic part of the length and breadth, but the submarine was no trace. U.S. Navy failed to find any explanation for this accident. Between 30 June and 10 July 1969, the mean for ten days, the crew disappeared four vessels. First, 30th June, a British ship came upon an abandoned ship, 18 meters long. No trace of crew was not there. Then, 6 July, a Swedish ship encountered a six-meter-long boat. It was determined that it is completely correct, but that the crew has disappeared.British tanker 'Helisoma' discovered the Azores Islands and Bermudskih ship 110 meters long without the crew. Finally, 10 July 1969th found is 12 meters long yacht, with no people. In mid-April 197th van 'Milton latrides' disappeared en route from New Orleans to Cape Town. In March 1973rd van 'Anita', twenty thousand tons, disappeared on his way to Germany. He was wearing a 32 member crew. Divers were in mid-February 1972nd found in the Gulf of Mexico remains tankers 'VV Fog', 107 meters long. Tanker disappeared first February, with 39 crew members. Captain's body was found in his cabin. In his hand he held a cup of coffee.
English scientist Ajven Sanderson assumed that the events in the Bermuda Triangle and the stakes could not be unknown to us underwater civilizations. If so, he said, probably in more recent years we studied.
You may see in us a threat to their own civilization, that is, for its own survival. Therefore, perhaps, underwater creatures out of the ocean in flying saucers and take 'samples' from ships and aircraft. Sanderson This was confirmed by numerous reports of UFOs that were moving rapidly from the water, especially in the vicinity of Florida. Journalist Art Ford points to the coincidence of the planes and ships disappear just in the area that now serves as a sector from which to launch space rockets. As he says: 'We the east coast of Florida is ideal for launching spacecraft into space. Perhaps, also, this area is ideal for landing spacecraft from space unknown to us Ocean corridor of a space base to the base of Cape KANAVERAL Lauderdale is not loaded by air, that is, it can be said to them, and no '.To znači da je opasnost od sudara u vazduhu gotovo samo teoretska. Taj deo okeana mestimično je načičkan malim ostrvima koja bi mogla služiti kao 'oznake' za navođenje ili mesta za ateriranje u slučaju nevolje. Sva ta ostrva mogu da se prepoznaju i sa velike visine. Čarls Berlic, autor jedne od knjiga o Bermudskom trouglu, dozvoljava mogućnost da ova misteriozna oblast, kao i neke druge čvorne lokacije elektromagnetskih gravitacionih sila na zemlji, predstavljaju 'prozor' kroz koji dolaze i odlaze 'kosmički posetioci' i odnose ljudska bića radi proučavanja, raznih eksperimentisanja ili nečeg sasvim trećeg. I tako, uprkos svim naporima, misterija Bermudskog trougla i dalje je daleko od rešenja, i dalje nastavlja da golica našu maštu.
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понедељак, 9. мај 2011.

Tajanstveni narod bozijih sinova / Mysterious people sons of God

Srpska verzija / Serbian version
Mnogi kažu da se život začeo u svemiru i da je potom stigao na zemlju.Neki kažu da su to bili preci Maja, Tolteka i Egipćana, iz čijih su žarišta nastale grandiozne civilizacije našeg klasičnog sveta.Medjutim jedan još stariji svet, koji je prethodio čoveku, bio je svakako svet nadljudskih bića.Tragove te zagonetne civilizacije imamo prvenstveno u senzacionalnim nalazima arheologije (koji se ko zna zašto skrivaju) kao i u fosilnoj paleontologiji.Reč je o tragovima divovskih bića, čiji su fosili, alatke i orudja nadjeni na Javi, u Aziji, Andima, Agadiru, Šri Lanki, Filipinima...Dobro se vežite, jer polećemo u jedan svet o kom malo ko od vas ima ikakvog pojma, a kada vidite ekskluzivne fotografije, dobro pazite da ne padnete sa stolice!Prema rečima antrolpologa i paleoantropologa, nekada su na zemlji carovala gorostasna bića čija je civilizacija prethodila razumnom čoveku, a čija se prosečna visina kretala izmedju 3.5 do 5.5 metara visine ! S obzirom da su ovi fosili nadjeni u malom broju, gigantska bića nisu mogla biti uvršćena u klasičnu teoriju evolucije pošto nisu nadjene 'karike' njihovih prethodnika. I sami ovi gorostasi govore o besmislu Darvinove teorije evolucije (opširnije o tome u temi Darvinova Teorija, Laž Koja Traje), jer gde su ti majmuni od kojih su oni nastali?Tako na osnovu nalaza iz arheologije, a naročito iz mitologija drevnih naroda, nauka je donekle rekonstruisala svet koji je nakada vladao Zemljom, u interglacijalnom periodu.Medjutim postojanje pracivilizacije u epohi vurma potvrdjuju najpre tragovi prastarih kiklopskih zdanja i utvrda za koje nauka nije našla nikakvo objašnjenje, niti je ikada utvrdjeno njihovo poreklo i starost.Reč je prvenstveno o takozvanom gradu bogova na visovima Anda, poznatog pod imenom Tihuanako.Tako po čuvenom glaciologu i kosmografu iz 19.veka, Austrijancu Hansu Hoerbigeru u njegovom delu 'Glacijalna Kosmogonija', rasa divova ili nadljudskih bića vladala je u epohi ašleyen, što čini geološku epohu zemlje od pre 300.000 godina.Po njegovim rečima, reč je o civilizaciji megalitskog carstva, čije je središte kulture nastalo u Tihuanaku pre nekih 288.000 godina, a koju je kasnije uništila jedna džinovska kataklizma, izazvana velikim geološkim krizama i poremećajima Zemljinih polova.Po tom pitanju Tihuanako je izgradjen još u diluvijalnom vremenu glacijalnih epoha, što su potvrdili i neočekivani nalazi.
U tom vremenu je oko Zemlje kružio jedan satelit, prethodnik današnjeg meseca, nekih 100.000 godina, na razdaljini od šest zemljinih polumera.Medjutim, usld retrogradnog kretanja i velike brzine, taj bivši mesec je oko ekvatora stvorio svojevrsni vodeni zid koji je stajao poput nategnutog prstena oko Zemlje.Tada, zbog džinovske gravitacije i uticaja tog satelita, nisu postojale plime, već je sva voda mora i kopna stajala, oko ekvatora, 'nategnuta'.Pomenuta blizina toga meseca je na Zemlji izazvala džinovski rast biološkog sveta, koji je u nauci poznat kao fenomen gigantizma !Kako se taj mesec sve više u spirali približavao Zemlji, došlo je do gravitacionih presija usled kojih se on, doslovno, raspao u atmosferi Zemlje.Pri toj jonskoj kataklizmi, na Zemlji su nastali strahiviti poremećaji: okeani i vode mora trenutno su se raširili i razlili, jer više nije bilo gravitacione sile da je drži oko ekvatora.Tako se kataklizmom, nivo vode spustio i razlio Zemljom 3 kilometra niže od predjašnjeg nivoa.Pri ovoj hidrogenskoj presiji, mnoga su kopna bila potopljena a mnoga su se potom uzdigla.Tada su veliki delovi tog satelita pali rasprsnuti na Zemlju, u obliku velikih gromada i fine, sitne prašine.Deo flore i faune je tada bio uništen, a sa njom i dinosaurusi čija zagonetna masovna smrt u nauci do danas nije razjašnjena.Iz toga razloga, geolozi su u proučavanju Zemlje i njenih slojeva, našli jasno kao nožem razgraničene fermente slojeva koji do danas nisu objašnjeni, osim činjenice da je neka nenadana presija, pre 250.000 godina, nanela slojeve koje i danas možemo videti.U fizici se ovo može objasniti samo kataklizmičkim padom i nanosom nekog kosmičkog tela koje je eksplodiralo u atmosferi.Dokaz toj činjenici nalazi se i danas u Južnoj Americi, gde se duž Anda u dužini od oko 800 kilometara može videti tamna korozija koja je nekada vodom nagrizla stene, i to baš na visini od 3 kilometra! Ovo medjutim znači da je nivo današnjeg Pacifika, na primer, bio nekada viši za tri kilometra nego danas.Baš usled te činjenice, u prošlom stoleću je nastala i jedna geološka zabluda.Tadašnji su naučnici mislili da su se Andi uzdigli za čitava 3 kilometra, nakon čega je i danas ostala vidljiva korozija nekadašnjeg nivoa vode.Medjutim, prema savremenim saznanjima, procez uzdizanja Anda završio se u vremenu kada na Zemlji nije postojao ni jedan sisar a kamoli čovek, čime se konačno dokazala Horbigerova teorija o glacijalnom mesecu koji je pre 250.000 godina uništio Andsku civilizaciju divova.Kada su arheolozi u prošlom stoleću otkrili u Andima, Tihuanako i njegove drevne ruševine, utvrdili su da to nije zapravo bio grad, nego doslovno luka! Medjutim, šta traži luka na visini od 13 hiljada stopa!? Nakon toga sledila je prava eksplozija otkrića: jezero Titikaka, jeste ostatak luke do koje je nekada dopirala voda.Kada se nivo mora spustio za 3 kilometra, luka je ostala da štrči u vazduhu a u raselini jedne udoline ostalo je jezero Titikaka.To je danas jedino jezero na svetu više od nivoa mora, a za čiji fenomen nauka nije našla nikakvo objašnjenje.
Slika objavljena u Strand Magazinu 1895. godine.
Sa druge strane, značenje imena Tihuanako doslovno, na jeziku ajmara, znači 'grad umirućeg meseca'.Time se još jednom utvrdilo sećanje na vreme kada su taj grad i njegova civilizacija izumrli posredstvom Meseca koji je zamro i nestao na nebu.Kako do danas nije utvrdjena starost ovog fantomskog grada, ostaje činjenica da je to najstariji grad na svetu, rodjen još u noći čovečanstva.Otud nije slučajno što baš u njegovoj blizini živi najstariji narod na svetu, poznat pod imenom Urukhehu (drevni Uri sa jezera Titikake), čije legende takodje potvrdjuju predanje o vremenu kada 'mesec nije bio na nebu' i kada su megalitski grad Tihuanako izgradila gorostasna Variruna bića, 'graditelji golemih gradova'.Kada su tu došle drevne Inke, taj je grad bio uveliko u ruševinama. Tako niko od okolnih drevnih naroda nije znao poreklo i starost ovog zagonetnog grada, oko kojeg su nastale najkontroverznije hipoteze i napisane bezbrojne studije i knjige.Bio je to kiklopski grad koji se prostirao na oko 200 kvadratnih kilometara i od čijih je klesanih monolita, dana izgradjena gotovo čitava Lima! Tihuanako još uvek izaziva strahopoštovanje svojom veličinom i razmerama kiklopskih blokova kamenja.Tu su pronadjene čuvene Kpije Sunca i Meseca, sa zagonetnim prikazima likova i bogova sa četiri prsta! Tako je na kapiji Sunca (Kolasaya) nadjen i dešifrovan drevni kalendar koji se sastojao od 260 dana, što upućuje na činjenicu da je godina nekada bila kraća! Ovo medjutim znači još nešto: tad je životni vek ljudskih bića bio tri puta duži, čime su obješnjive one zagonetne dugovečnosti o kojim pričaju predanja mnogih naroda, kao i sama Biblija.
Na pomenutoj Kapiji Sunca dešifrovan je binomski kalendar, što čini jedan od najtežih presedana u istoriji arheologije! Naime, narod koji je izradio takav kalendar, nije ga mogao izgraditi bez odgovarajućih optičkih instrumenata, što znači da su ta bića još u vremenu vurma, kada je naš predak išao u čoporima, razvili matematiku i astronomiju, što je fenomen do danas neobjašnjen!
Obratite pažnju kod slike desno na veličinu bagera na vrhu slike !
Sam se Tihuanako sastojao od zapravo dva grada: Akapame i Pumapunktue i neobičan je stoga što, baš u tim krajevima, zemljotresi haraju i uništavaju konvencionalne gradjevine savremenog inženjeringa.Medjutim, Tihuanako se nije pomerio sa mesta, što čini poseban fenomen za seizmatiku, i uošte za arhitekturu.Sa druge strane, lukovi bez svodova u Tihuanaku, kakve ne srećemo nigde na zemlji, ukazuju na sistem jednog neverovatno složenog sveta, čiji su neimari izgradili ovaj grad bez ijednog eksera !!!Džinovske kamene monolite spajale su i svojevrsne srebrne i bakarne spojnice, čiji je nalaz doveo u opasnost istraživače koji misle da se metal nije na Andima koristio pre nove ere dalje od 1500 godina.Fantastični likovi i ikonografijeu Tihuanaku samo su dokaz više jednog neverovatno starog sveta iz čijeg su centra kasnije nastali kultovi obužavanja jaguara i pume.Što se tiče same izgradnje njegovih kiklopskih blokova, danas vlada opšte mišnjenje da se u tu izgradnju verovatno morala upotrebiti neka savršenija tehnologija nego što je danas imamo, s obzirom na presedan levitacije koja se tu očigledno koristila.Kada je pre 250.000 godina carstvo divova bilo uništeno, oni su se migracijom razišli zemljom i tako ponovo ostvarivali svoje kiklopske radove, čije tragove srećemo u Balbeku u Libanu, Solsberi Hilu u Engleskoj i drugim mestima.kada je Zemlja 'uhvatila' današnji mesec, divovi su u toj poslednjoj kataklizmi zauvek isčezli, a Mesec je ostao u orbiti, gde se danas nalazi.Dokaz za tu tvrdnju je veoma jednostava: naime Mesec je došljak u Sunčevom sistemu.Prema svim zakonima fizike, da je nastao od Zemlje, ili sa nekog tela u Sunčevom sistemu, on bi kao i sva nebeska tela, morao da kruži poput pravca kazaljki na satu.Medjutim, on se kreće sasvim suprotno.To antifizičko i danas neobjašnjeno kretanje srećemo još samo kod Marsovih satelita Fobosa i Deimosa.Tako je ta druga i poslednja kataklizma uništila konačno i Atlantidu u Atlantiku, koja je bila samo produđetak jedne mnogo starije i moćnije civilizacije.Što se tiče samih divova, potvrdu njihove civilizacije nalazimo kako u naučnim krugovima, tako i u predanjim mnogih naroda.Grčka predanja ta gorostasna bića nazivaju Titanima, Indijci - Asurima, pueblosi iz Meksika - Mitmacima, Arapi - Šeid ad ben ad, Jevreji - Sinovi Božiji ...Obzirom da je kamen najrasprostranjeniji na Zemlji, otud se civilizacija divova i začela u kamenu, lčije megalitske tvorevine nalazimo širom sveta.Nauka danas za njihovo postojanje i funkciju nema objašnjenja, sem činjenice da su svi njihovi sistemi skoncentrisani oko Atlantskog bazena, kao da su svojim prisustvom govorili o mestu pradomovine poslednjih divova.Mnogi su naučnici uverenja da je čuveni Jeti sa himalaja, Saskvoč ili Big Fut, samo degenerisani i poslednji ostaci onog gorostasnog sveta čije zadnje predstavnike nauka naziva pod imenom Dinopitecus Nivalis.Sasvim je izvesno da je tu reč o svetu koji ne pripada čoveku, jer civilizacija divova je iza sebe ostavila mnoge graditeljske i druge tradicije koje su kasnije preuzeli razni narodi.Tipičan primer je u zagonetnoj civilizaciji Maja u Meksiku, čija se struktura države kretala 'imperijalizmom prema vlastitom središtu', a čiji fenomen vlasti nikada i nigde nije postojao na Zemlji!Što se tiče tragova rada tih gorostasnih bića, još i danas naučnici i arheolozi nalaze neobjašnjiva kiklopska podzemlja savršene izrade, utvrdjenja i tunele koji se granaju čitavom planetom.Kamene ceste sagradjene od ogromnih blokova kamenja, kao da su imale ulogu da izdrže neke ogromne težine.To su naučno utvrdjeni dokazi i zna ih svaki arheolog.Prema svim legendama prastarih naroda, rasa divova je bila bele puti, plave kose i očiju, sa prosečnom visinom od 3 do 5 metara.Imali su mozak veći od našeg, pa prema tome i veću mogućnost prikupljanja znanja.Simbol im je bila 'svastika' čiji je znamen kasnije upotrebilo Hitler, kako bi podupro ideju o takozvanom 'izabranom narodu' nadljudskih sposobnosti.Poznavali su metalurgiju, zemljoradnju kao i mnoge egzaktne nauke.Taj narod Božijih sinova bio je u suštini narod graditelja, jer je izvesno da su poznavali tajnu vadjenja, obrade i transporta ogromnih blokova kamenja, čija zdanja srećemo širom planete.Ta se rasa raširila čitavom istočnom i zapadnom hemisferom, i taj je talas poznat nauci kao talas Azil-tardenien, koji je usledio pre 12.000 godina.Civilizavija ovih bića prethodila je čoveku.Naš davnašnji predak preuzeo je mnoga znanja i veštine ove civilizacije.U suprotnom kako se mogu objasniti tolika frapantna znanja koja su isksavala iz tame istorije?Rasa gigantopiteka danas je poznata nauci, bez obzira što nauka nije mogla da istu uklopi u šemu 'redovne' evolucije o čoveku.U mnogim drevnim kulturama Starog i Novog sveta srećemo prastare likove nekih gorostasnih bića koje naša evolucija uopšte ne poznaje.Paleontologija je pronašla i tragove degeneracije i kanibalizma u tim vrstama, što bi značilo da je ta rasa nakon kataklizme, pala u bedu i varvastvo i da više nije imala izlaza.Otud mnogi njihovi kiklopski spomenici (Komogena, Karahota, Nan-Madol) najpre simbolišu veru u konačnost svetova.U tom vremenu, naš predak je tek ulazio u svet paleolita i kretao se u čoporu, a otkuda bi inače čitavim svetom nastali zagonetni narodi kao što su bili: Rmohali, Ujgrijen, Menahuni, Lemuri, Titani ili Dakini, ako ne iz jednog predjašnjeg nasledja.Divovi su živeli u vremenu kada je predjašnji mesec stravično zakrilio polovinu neba, a gigantski oblici flore i faune opseli njihov svet.Nakon kataklizme, svet divova nije imao izlaza, jer je Zemljina atmosfera bila bukvalno zamračena od triliona tona čestica i fine prašine, kada su nastajali takozvani mikrocrveni izlasci sunca, a zvezde imale ljubičastu boju.Nastala je sveopšta glad na zemlji, njihovi centri kulture su razoreni, a ekološka slika sveta bila je potpuno poremećena.Kontinenti i obrisi mora imali su tada sasvim drugu konfiguraciju, a stenje i kamene blokove kao da je razbacala neka sila apokaliptičnih razmera.Sa druge strane Homo sapiens je ulazio u misaonu vasionu, i tragove tog nasledja najpre vidimo u čuvenom obrascu kromanjonske rase, za koju naučnici govore da je bila najlepša rasa koju je svet ikada video! Bila je to rasa pravih gospodara Zemlje, koja se nenadano pojavila u srednjoj Evropi, direktno sa Atlantika.Bili su visoki i plavi i iza sebe su ostavili tragove umetnosti iz ledenog doba, a čije smo veličanstvene primere našli u pečinama Altamire, Lasko, Val Kamonike i drugih.Ova rasa došla je odnekud sa Atlantika, što je kao fenomen poznat u naučnim krugovima.No, zagonetka je ležala u tome što tada, pre 50.000 godina, nije bilo plovnih objekata niti bilo kakvih putovanja Atlantikom! Stoga, odakle se ova rasa visokih ljudi pojavila u Evropi! Na koji način?
Nauka na te odgovore nema obrazloženje sem činjenice da je ista rasa imala veću zapreminu mozga od našeg i da je nenadano nestala početkom neandertala, koji su preizeli primat u carstvu hominida.Sve su ove misterije danas još neobjašnjive, jer mi iako imamo svakakve nalaze, nikakvim racionalnim jezikom ne možemo da ih objasnimo.Ko je bio taj svet i kuda su isčezli? Sa druge strane, kroz mnoge spomenike, megalitske kulture, možemo videti tragove njihovog daljeg lutanja Zemljom, tragove krvavih borbi za opstanak i okrutnih tradicija.Medjutim, ipak i pored njihovog beznadja i lutanja, još uvek nismo razjasnili njiohove simbole, njihove šifrovane poruke, njihove konstrukcije i njihovu usamljenost na Zemlji.
Engleska verzija / English version:
Many say that life is conceived in space and then came to the ground. Some say that these were the ancestors of Maya, Toltec and Egyptians, from whose focal points are created grandiose classical civilizations of our world. But an even older people, which was preceded by a man, he is certainly world of superhuman beings. Traces of these mysterious civilizations have primarily in the sensational archaeological finds (which is hidden and nobody knows why) as well as fossil paleontology. It is a trace of giant creatures, whose fossils, tools, and tools found on Java, in Asia, the Andes,Agadir, Sri Lanka, the Philippines ... Good to tie, away we go, because in a world about which few of you have any idea, and when you see exclusive photos, make sure that does not fall off the chair! According antrolpologa and paleontologists, once reigned as the country's gigantic beings whose civilization preceded by a reasonable man, and whose average height ranged between 3.5 to 5.5 meters high! Given that these fossils found in small numbers, giant creatures could not be included into the classical theory of evolution because they have not called the 'shackles' of their predecessors. own these giants say about the absurdity of Darwinian theory of evolution (more on the topic of Darwin's theory, which takes lie), because where are these monkeys from which they are incurred? So based on the findings of archeology, and especially the mythology of the ancients, the study was partly reconstructed a world that is ruled Nakada Earth, the interglacial period. But in an era of existence pracivilizacije vurma first confirmed the remains of ancient cyclopean buildings and fortifications for which science has not found any explanation, nor has it ever determined their origin and age. It is primarily the so-called city of the gods on the heights Andes, known as Tihuanako.Thus the famous glaciologist and kosmografu from the 19th century, Austrian Hans Hoerbiger in his work 'glacial Cosmogony', a race of giants or super-human beings in an age ruled ašleyen, which makes the country's geological era of 300,000 years ago. In his words, it is a civilization megalitskog Empire, which was established in the center of culture Tihuanaku some 288,000 years ago, which was later destroyed by a giant cataclysm, caused great geological crises and disturbances of the Earth's poles. On this matter Tihuanako was built back in time diluvial glacial epoch, which was confirmed by the unexpected findings.At that time around the Earth orbited a satellite, the predecessor of today's month, some 100,000 years ago, at a distance from the earth's six half-measure. However, USLD retrograde movement and high speed, the former month is around the equator has created a kind of wall of water that stood like a tightened the ring around the Earth. Then, the giant of gravity and impact of the satellite, there was no tide, but all the water of the sea and the land stood about the equator, 'tense'. The aforementioned proximity of a given month is in the earth caused by a giant increase in the biological world, which is known in science as a phenomenon of gigantism, how is this month in a spiral of increasingly approached Earth, there was a gravitational pressures which make it literally disintegrated in the atmosphere of the Earth.When the ionic cataclysm on Earth were created strahiviti disorders: the oceans and the water must now have spread and different, because there was no gravitational force that is holding around the equator. Thus, the cataclysm, the water level dropped and spilled the Earth 3-km lower than the prior level. At this pressure of hydrogen, many land was flooded and many have since risen. Then large parts of the satellite burst fell to Earth in the form of large boulders and fine, fine dust. Part of the flora and fauna was then destroyed, and with it the dinosaurs, whose mysterious mass death in the science has not yet been clarified. For that reason, geologists are studying the earth and its layers, they found a knife clearly demarcated layers of the ferments which have not been explained, apart from the fact that an unexpected pressures, 250,000 years ago, caused the layers that today we can see.In physics, this can be explained only by the cataclysmic fall and cause a cosmic body that exploded in the atmosphere. The proof of this fact is still in South America, where the Andes along a length of 800 km can see the dark corrosion that was once water eroded rocks, and just at a height of 3 kilometers! This however means that the level of today's Pacific, for example, was used for two miles higher than it is today. Just because of that fact, in the last century came to a geologic misconception. At that time, scientists thought they had risen to Andi for the entire 3-km, after which he still remained visible corrosion of the former water level. However, according to modern knowledge, procez elevation Andean ended up at a time when the Earth did not exist any mammal, let alone a man, finally proved the theory of glacial Hörbiger month was 250,000 years ago destroyed the Andean civilization of giants.When archaeologists discovered in the last century in the Andes, Tihuanako and its ancient ruins, found that it is not actually a town than a literal port! However, what he is looking arch at a height of 13 thousand feet? After that followed the explosion of discoveries: Lake Titicaca, is the rest of the port to which the former may penetrate voda.When the sea level dropped by 3 kilometers, the port is left to protrude into the air and in the Rift valley remained a lake Titikaka.To today only lake in the world over sea level, a phenomenon for which science has not found any explanation.On the other hand, the meaning of the name Tihuanako namely, the Aymara language, means "city of the dying months'. Once again, determine the memory of a time when the city and its civilization died out through the moon who died and gone to heaven. How has not determined the age of this ghost town, the fact remains that it is the oldest city in the world, is born on the night of mankind. Hence no coincidence that just in the vicinity of the oldest living people in the world, known as Urukhehu (ancient Uri from Lake Titicaca), which also confirms the tradition of legends about the time when the 'moon was in the sky' and when they built the megalithic city Tihuanako gigantic Variruna being, 'the builders of vast cities'. When they reached the ancient Incas, the city was largely in ruins. Thus none of the surrounding ancient people did not know the origin and age of this mysterious city, around which were created the most controversial hypotheses and written numerous studies and books. It was a Cyclopean city that spanned some 200 square kilometers, and on whose carved monolith, built on almost the entire Lima! Tihuanako still inspires awe with its size and scope of cyclopean blocks of stone. There were found the famous Kpije Sun and Moon, the enigmatic depictions of the characters and gods with four fingers!So at the gate of the Sun (Kolasaya) found and deciphered the ancient calendar which consisted of 260 days, which indicates that the years used to be shorter! This however means something else: then the life expectancy of human beings was three times longer, thus obješnjive those mysterious longevity of the traditions which speak of many nations, as well as the Bible itself.
At the mentioned Kapija sun is decrypted binomski calendar, which is one of the most serious precedent in the history of archeology! Namely, the people who made such a calendar, he could not build without proper optical instruments, which means that these beings are in time vurma, when our ancestors walked in packs, have developed mathematics and astronomy, a phenomenon still unexplained!Tihuanako actually consisted of two cities: Akapame and Pumapunktue and unusual is because, just in those regions, earthquakes ravage and destroy conventional buildings of modern engineering. However, Tihuanako is not with the place, which is a special phenomenon for seizmatiku, and at all and also the architecture. On the other hand, no arches arches in Tihuanaku, that others have encountered anywhere in the country, indicate a system incredibly complex world, of which the builders built this city without a single nail! Giant stone monol were merged and a sort of silver and copper fittings, whose findings led the researchers who think the risk that the metal is used in the Andes BC further than 1500 years. Fantastic characters and ikonografijeu Tihuanaku are just more evidence of an incredibly ancient world from which the city eventually formed cults obužavanja jaguar and puma. As for the construction of its cyclopean blocks, today the government general mišnjenje that in this building probably had to use a more sophisticated technology than we have today, given the precedent of levitation, which is the obvious use.When the first 250,000 years of the kingdom of giants were destroyed, they were separated by migration earth and so once again exercised his Cyclopean Works, whose traces we find in Baalbek in Lebanon, Solsberi Hill, Britain and other mestima.kada the Earth 'capture' the current month, the Giants in the last cataclysm disappeared forever, and the moon stayed in orbit, where it is today. Evidence for this claim is very simple: namely, the Moon was a stranger in the solar system. According to all laws of physics that has emerged from the earth, or from a body in the solar system, he would like all heavenly bodies, had to circle like the satu.Medjutim clockwise, it moves quite the opposite. It antifizičko still unexplained movement encountered only in Martian satellites Phobos and Deimos. Thus, this second and final cataclysm destroyed finally Atlantis in the Atlantic, which was only produđetak a much older and more powerful civilization. As for the giants themselves, check their civilization is found both in scientific circles and in the dedication of many people. Greek tradition of the noble beings called Titans, Indians - Asura, Pueblos of Mexico - Mitmacima, Arabs - Seid ad ben AD, Jews - Sons of God.Given that the rock is most abundant on Earth, hence the civilization of giants, and conceived in stone, lčije megalithic formations found around the world. Science today for their existence and function has no explanation, other than the fact that all their systems are concentrated around the Atlantic basin, as if saying his presence about the place ancestral home last giants. Many scientists are convinced that the famous Yeti from the Himalayas, or Big Foot Saskvoč just degenerated and the last remains of one giant world whose last representatives of Sciences called the name Dinopitecus nivalis. It is certain that the word about the world that does not belong to man, because civilization of giants left behind many of the architectural and other traditions that would later take various nations. A typical example is the enigmatic Mayan civilization in Mexico, whose state structures ranged 'imperialism at its heart', a phenomenon whose government has never and nowhere existed on Earth! As for the traces of these giant creatures, even today scientists and archaeologists are unexplained Cyclopean underground perfectly made, fortifications and tunnels that branch off the entire planet. Stone road was built from huge blocks of stone, as if they had a role to endure some enormous weight.hese are scientifically determined and evidence known to them every archaeologist. According to the legends of ancient peoples, a race of giants was a white-skinned, blond hair and eyes, with an average height of 3 to 5 meters. They had brains bigger than ours, and therefore a greater chance to acquire knowledge. The symbol was their 'swastika' which later used the symbol of Hitler, to support the idea of ​​so-called 'chosen people' superhuman abilities. They knew the metallurgy, agriculture and many of the exact sciences. The people of God's children was in fact the people of builders, because it is certain that they knew the secret of extracting, processing and transport huge blocks of stones, whose buildings we see around the globe. This race has spread throughout the eastern and western hemisphere, and this is the wave of science known as Asylum-wave tardenien, which followed 12,000 years ago. Civilization has of being preceded by a man. Our long-run ancestor took a lot of knowledge and skills of civilization.Otherwise how to explain so many striking skills that are isksavala from the darkness of history? Gigantopiteka race is now known to science, no matter what science could not fit the same pattern 'regular' evolution of man. In many ancient cultures of the Old and New World meet some of the towering figures of ancient creatures that our evolution did not know. Paleontology has found traces of degeneration and cannibalism in these species, which would mean that the race after the cataclysm, fell into poverty and varvastvo and no longer had a way out. Hence many of their cyclopean monuments (Komogena, Karahota, Nan-Madol) first symbolize faith in the finality of the Worlds. At that time, our ancestor was just entering the world of the Paleolithic and moved in a pack, and from where the whole world would have caused the mysterious peoples as they were: Rmohali, Ujgrijen, Menahuni, Lemurs, titanium or Dakini, if not from a heritage of the prior . Giants lived in an era when the former half of the month horribly zakrilio sky, and giant forms of flora and fauna of their extensive world. After the cataclysm, a world of giants had no way out, because the Earth's atmosphere was virtually obscured by the trillions of tons of fine dust particles and, when they created the so-called microred sunrises and the stars had a purple color.here was an universal hunger for land, their cultural centers were destroyed, and an ecological view of the world was completely poremećena.Kontinenti and contours of the sea had then an entirely different configuration, and rocks and stone blocks like that scattered a force of apocalyptic proportions. On the other hand, Homo sapiens is thought went into the universe, and traces of this heritage, first seen in the famous Cro-Magnon race form, which scientists say it was a beautiful race that the world has ever seen! It was a real master race of earth, which suddenly appeared in Central Europe, directly from the Atlantic. They were tall and blond and have left behind traces of art from the Ice Age, and which are magnificent examples found in the caves of Altamira, Lasko, Val Kamonike and others. This race came from somewhere with Atlantic, which is a phenomenon known in scientific circles. However, the puzzle lay in the fact that then, 50,000 years ago, there were no vessels or any travel the Atlantic! Therefore, from this breed of high people appeared in Europe! In what way?Science has no answers to these grounds other than the fact that the same race had a higher brain volume than ours and that suddenly disappeared in early Neandherthal who preizeli primacy in the realm of hominids. All of the mysteries still unexplained today, because even though we have all sorts of findings, any rational language can not explain them. Who was the world and where they disappeared? On the other hand, the many monuments and megalithic culture, we can see traces of their further wandering the earth, traces of the bloody struggle for survival and cruel tradition. But still, despite their despair and wandering, we have not yet clarified his symbols, their encrypted messages, their structure and their loneliness on earth.

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