понедељак, 17. децембар 2012.

Knjiga Noda / Book of Nod, Srpska v. & English v.


Prva verzija:

-Knjiga Noda - izgubljeni deo Biblije (deo za koji Crkva zna, ali ga ne želi priznati); Nod - zemlja istočno od Edena, knjiga o vampirizmu i osnivaču Kamu.

Lilith - prva Adamova žena izbačena iz raja, dok drugi mit kaže da je dobrovoljno otišla u nepoznate zemlje. Kad Kajin ubije Abela biva proteran iz raja te dolazi kod Lilith tražeći od nje da ga probudi, da bude neovisan o Bogu. Zbog toga četiri arhanđela (Mihael, Rafael, Urijel i Gabrijel) proklinju ga da se boji vatre, sunca, da ne može umreti prirodnom smrću i da zauvek pije krv svoje braće. On odlazi u grad Enoch gde živi s potomcima, uspostavlja hijerarhiju, a njegova djeca su načinila riječ rat. Noin potop je preživio zakopavši se duboko pod zemlju.

Djeca su počela ubijati sve starije od 300 godina, dolazi do stvaranja 13 klanova na ruševinama bivšeg carstva, jedan od klanova bijaše Nosferatu - klan skrivenih. Međutim, zabranjeno im je imati djecu, a klan Nosferatu zloupotrebljava pijenje krvi pa ih je Kajin prokleo - njihovi će potomci nositi zloću i biti izopačeni. Tako je sjeme zla posađeno i cvjetalo kao krvavo - crvena ruža. Kršenjem Kainovih zakona nastale su svađe, potomci su se raspršili i tako oslabljeni nisu se ujedinili do danas. Ipak, ostala je kletva: Kad se Kajin probudi iz sna pozvat će GRAD PRAVDE, njihov potpuni Armagedon (konačna bitka između snaga dobra i zla) i to će biti sudnji dan za sve među nama prisutne.Druga verzija:

Dio Biblije "za koji Crkva zna, ali ga ne želi priznati".Ona nije napisana kao konacna knjiga o postanku vampira i njihovom osnivacu Kainu...Knjiga Noda nije samo prica, a ovo nije .samo igra...Spisi po kojima je knjiga napisana nastali su u Nodu,

zemlji istočno od Edena(RAJSKOG VRTA).Pročitate li knjigu, znat ćete s kolikim je strahom pisana,kakav teror opisuje i koji prikazuje...U pocetku, Bog je najprije stvorio Adama i prvu zenu Lilith.Napravio ih je jednako i Lilith je zahtijevala ravnopravnost s Adamom,medutim, time je išla protiv Božje volje,pa je izbacena iz Edena, lutala je svijetom.

Zatim je Bog napravio ženu Evu, od Adamovog rebra, i bilo joj je u prirodi da ništa ne zahtijeva.Živjeli su tako u Edenu, pa kad su bili izbaceni,otišli su i osnovali svoje selo.Tamo je Eva na svijet donijela Kaina i Abela.Kada su oba u oba odrasla, Bog je od njih tražio žrtve.Abel je bio stocar i žrtvovao janjad ,a Kain vocar i prinosio je najljepše voce kao žrtvu.Kada mu je Bog rekao da žrtvuje polovicu svoje srece,on je to i ucinio. Ubio je brata Abela, ono stoje najviše volio.

Zbog te zablude i velikog grijeha bio prisiljen otici.Kain je patio u usamljenosti. Kao sto govori u stihu:'Bijah sam u Tami I postao sam sve gladniji.Bijah sam;u Tami kako sam postao sve hladniji.Bijah sam u Tami,

plakao sam.'Tada je do njega došla žena tamna i lijepa,te ga je nahranila, obukla i zavoljela……………..

Lilith je imala posebne moci koje je razvila,njih je zahtijevao i Kain.Ona nije znala kako ce one utjecati na njega,jer je bio proklet od Oca, no, znala je da ce umrijeti bez njih.Tako je Kain pio njenu krv i pao u najdublju tamu.Bog je poslao 4 arkanđela kako bi spasio Kaina;Michael se obratio Kainu rijecima:'Sine Adama,Sine Eve, tvoj zlocin bijaše velik,pa ipak je i milost moga Oca takoder velika.Zar se neceš pokajati za z!o koje si pocinio,i pustiti da te Njegov oprost procisti?A Kain mu odgovori da ne traži Božji oprost,nego svoj, jer si nije mogao oprostiti ubojstvo svoga brata.Po Kaina su došla i ostala 3 arkanđela:Raphael, Gabriel i Uriel.Ali Kainov odgovor je i dalje ostao isti.Michael ga prokleo da se boji njegovog vatrenog plamena,jer ce ga pretvoriti u pepeo.Raphael ga proklinje da se boji zore jer ce ga ona tražiti iopeci kao vatra; Uriel, andeo Smrti,kojeg Biblija ne spominje, proklinje ga 'Kad krociš ovom zemljom,ti i tvoja djeca cete se držati Tame,

Piti cete samo krv, jesti samo pepeo,Bit cete onakvi, kakvi ste bili prije smrti,Nikad umrijeti, zauvijek živjeti.Zauvijek hodati samo Tamom,i sve sto dotaknete, pretvorit ce se u ništa,sve do sudnjega dana.' Tako je Kain, proklet i ponovno sam,otišao i osnovao prvi grad Enoch, i tu se njegovo prokletstvo da pije krv svoje braće širilo na njegove potomke.U Enochu je vladala hijararhija, gdje ja Kain bio najmocniji,a djeca smrtnika su im služila. Postojali su zakoni unutar vampira,

a Kaina je obuzela tuga kad sazna za unutarnje borbe ikako njegova djeca izmisle rijec rat,koja se sve više uvukla medu ljude:citao je znakove s neba, ali njima nije rekao ni rijeci.Došlo je do Noina potopa i grad je bio uništen.Kain je uspio preživjeti tako što se zakopao duboko u zemlju.Poslije potopa njegova djeca su se vratila u zemlju smrtnika ipoceli vladati, pošto su željeli postici Kainovu slavu,mladi su vampiri - Djeca poceli ubijati Starije (stariji od 300 god.).

Došlo je do stvaranja 13 klanova na ruševinama bivšeg carstva.Jedan od klanova bijaše Nosferatu- klan skrivenih.

Stvarali su svoju djecu,ali su se bojali Urielovog prorocanstva Kainu;'...Svako Dijete, koje stvoriš, imat ce kletvu tvoju,

i pošto ce nositi sjeme zavisti, oca svogazauvijek ce se zavjeriti i boriti medusobno.,.'Tako su zabranili stvaranje novih vampira,a tko je prekršio zakon, progonjen je i ubijen,kao i njegov potomak.Kain je sve to stalno promatrao..................Vec navedeni klan Nosferatu,zlouptrebljavao je pijenje krvi,pa ih je Kain prokleo da ce njihovi potomci nositi zlocu ibiti izopaceni. Tako je sjeme zla bilo posadeno icvjetalo kao krvavo-crvena ruža.Ratovi izmedu vampira u klanovima su postajali sve cesci,kršili su Kainove zakone,osnivali su nove gradove koji su brzo propadali,

i došlo je do gubljenja njihovih moci.Tako oslabljene, ijudi su ih uspijevali držati pod kontrolom.Sve je to uzrokovalo nesuglasice medu vampirima i oni su se rasirili po cijelome svijetu;i nikada više nije došlo do njihovog ujedinjenja,

tako je ostalo do danas.Postoji kletva; kada se Kain probudi iz sna i dode na zemlju,

pozvati ce Ghennu,Zadnji Grad, Grad Pravde, njihov potpuni Armagedon,i to ce biti sudnji dan za sve one, medu nama prisutne.


First version:

Noda-book - lost part of the Bible (part of the Church knows that, but I do not want to admit); Nod - land east of Eden, a book on vampirism and the founder of Com.

Lilith - Adam's first wife thrown out of heaven, while the second myth states that voluntarily went to an unknown country. When Cain killed Abel he was banished from paradise and Lilith comes to asking her to wake him up, to be independent of God. Therefore, the four archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel) cursed by the color of fire, the sun, you can not die of natural causes and that always drink the blood of their brethren. He goes to the city where he lives with Enoch descendants, establish hierarchy, and his children are made for war. Noah's flood was survived by being buried deep underground.

The children began to kill all older than 300 years, comes to the creation of 13 clans in the ruins of the former empire, one of the clans was Nosferatu - hidden clan. However, they are prohibited from having children, a clan Nosferatu abusing them and drinking the blood of Cain's curse - their offspring will carry the wickedness and be perverted. That is the seed of evil planted and flourished as a blood - red roses. Kainovih violation of laws were created strife, the descendants are scattered and thus weakened are united today. However, it remained a curse: When Cain was awakened from sleep will call the CITY OF JUSTICE, their complete Armageddon (the final battle between good and evil) and it will be doomsday for all of us present.Second version:

Part of the Bible, "which the Church knows, but I do not want to admit." It was not written as a final book about the origins of vampires and their founder Noda Cain ... The book is not just a story, and this is not. ... The writings of a game for which the book was written were made to Noda,

land east of Eden (Garden of Eden). If you read a book, you will know with what is written in fear, what terror and describes the shows ... In the beginning, God created Adam first, and first wife Lilith. Made them equal and Lilith demanded equality with Adam, however, this is going against God's will, and expelled from Eden, wandered the world.

Then God made the woman Eve from Adam's rib, and she was to nature that does not require anything. They lived as in Eden, and when they were evicted, they left and founded his own village. There is Eva birth to Cain and Abel. When they both grew up in both, God wanted them to victims. Abel was a farmer and sacrificed lambs, and Cain was offering up the fruit and the finest fruit as a sacrifice. When God told him to sacrifice half his luck, he did. He killed his brother Abel, what are the most loved.

Because of these misconceptions and the great sin was forced to leave. Cain suffered in loneliness. As the verse says: 'I have been alone in the darkness and all the hungrier I became. I was alone; in the darkness as he became increasingly colder.

I have been into the darkness, I cried. "Then he heard the dark and beautiful women, and it is fed, clothed and loved ... Lilith had a special power that is developed, they demanded and Cain. She did not know how they will affect him because he was cursed by the father, but knew he would die without them. So Cain drank her blood and fell into the deepest darkness. God sent the archangel 4 in order to save Cain, Michael Cain addressed the following words: "Son of Adam, Son of Eve, your crime was great, and yet the grace of my Father also great. Will you not repent of z! on which you committed, and let His forgiveness and cleanse? And Cain said to him, not to seek God's forgiveness, but its because you could not forgive his brother's murder. By Cain came and stayed three archangels: Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. But Cain's answer remained the same. Michael curse him to fear his fiery flame, because it will turn to ashes. Raphael curse him that morning because they are afraid it will brick it and look like a fire; Uriel, the angel of Death, which the Bible does not mention, curse him 'When you step outside this country, you and your children will be kept of Darkness,

You will only drink blood, eat only ashes, you will be AS IS, what you have been before his death, never die, live forever.

Forever to walk only with darkness, and everything you touch, will be converted to anything, until doomsday. " So Cain, cursed again and I went and founded the first city Enoch, and that his curse to drink the blood of their brethren to spread his seed. In Enoch ruled the hierarchy, where I was the most powerful Kain, and the children they serve mortals. There were laws in the vampire, and he has been overwhelmed grief when she learns of the internal struggles and how his children invent a word war, which has drawn more and more among the people: reading the signs from heaven, but they did not say a word. There was a Noah's flood and the town was destroyed. Cain was able to survive by being buried deep in the ground. After the flood, his children have returned to the land of mortals, and began to rule, because they wanted to achieve fame of Cain, the young vampire - began to kill older children (older than 300 years).. There was a creation of 13 clans in the ruins of the former empire. One of the Nosferatu clan-clan was hidden. They created their own children, but they feared the prophecy Urielovog Cain ;'... each child, which have made, you will curse thee, and since she would carry the seeds of envy, his father had always opposed and will fight each other.. 'So prohibit the creation of new vampires, and who have violated the law, to be persecuted and killed, as his descendant. Cain is always watching everything.....

Already listed clan Nosferatu, abused the drinking of blood, so he cursed Cain to their descendants will carry the wickedness and be depraved. That is the seed of evil was planted and blossomed as a blood-red roses. The wars between the clans of vampires in time to the latter, who violated the laws of Cain, founded the new cities that have quickly collapsed,and there have been losing their power. Thus weakened, people are able to pass them in control. All this led to disagreements between the vampires and they have spread all over the world, and never come to their union,

So it remained until today. There is a curse when Cain awoke from sleep and come to earth,

call will Ghennu, Last Town, Justice, their complete Armageddon, and it will be doomsday for all those of us present.

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