петак, 3. мај 2013.

NLO Otmice / UFO Abductions, Srpska verzija & English version

  • Srpska verzija - Serbian version

  • Neki su nakon otmice doživjeli drastičan pad svog mentalnog, društvenog i duhovnog blagostanja. Nedugo nakon spuštanja na svoj matični planet, priličan broj Zemljana se odao drogama, alkoholu, prežderavanju ili promiskuitetu. Postali su žrtve bizarnih opsesija koje su im onemogućile normalan život i uništile odnose s najbližima.

  • Vanzemaljci su otete pokušavali naučiti telepatskoj komunikaciji, novim mentalnim vještinama, pa čak i vlastitoj tehnologiji, no vjerojatno je najintrigantniji dio čitave ove priče jedan od najučestalijih elemenata NLO dijagnostičkih pretraga – seks s alienom.
  • Čini se kako su buljooki goluždravci iz kozmičkh visina neobično fascinirani ljudskom seksualnošću. Tu postoji više varijanti. Ili je oteti prisiljen na seks s vanzemajcem, ili pak s drugim čovjekom, i sve to pod budnim i znatiželjnim okom medicinskog osoblja letećeg tanjura. Postoji egzotičan detalj oko seksa, a taj je da vanzemaljci poprimaju formu poznatih ljudi, tipa Isusa, inih slavnih osoba, mrtvih supružnika ili čak, u jednom slučaju, samog pape (!), ne bi li privoljeli ispitanike na spolni čin.
  • S druge strane, u dosta slučajeva provode se vrlo bolni eksperimenti nad otetima s pričom da su nužni, ali se ne daje nikakvo daljnje objašnjenje. Tako su nekima bez beda vadili očne jabučice i strugali pozadinsku šupljinu, često u namjeri da stave nekakav umetak prije nego vrate oči na svoje mjesto. Neki su bili podvrgnuti izrazito mukotrpnom stiskanju dijelova tijela, poput glave, prsa ili ekstremiteta. Drugima su zabadali igle u glavu i umetali predmete u nosnice. Bole analne i genitalne inspekcije rade se kako na odraslima, tako i na djeci.
  • Bizarna priča koju je ispričao jedan američki 40-godišnjak pod hipnozom savršeno se uklapa u već navedeno. Baka mu je došla u posjetu i sve bi bio kao i proteklih godina da u jednom trenutku noći nije čuo snažan muški glas u bakinoj sobi i potrčao. Rekla mu je da je to bio đavao. Sljedeće jutro tražila ga je da je odveze kući i tamo je umrla u roku od sat vremena. Odjednom je unuka spopala neizdrživa krivnja, ali joj nije mogao naći razlog. Nakon duboke hipnoze odmotala se priča. Ispalo je da je kao dijete bio otet na svemirski brod zajedno s bakom. Vanzemaljci nalik na reptile vršili su seksualne eksperimente nad oboma. Jedan od njih pojavio se u obliku bakinog pokojnog muža. Ona se uzaludno opirala seksualnom odnosu prozrevši iluziju. Nakon toga, malog su dječaka prisilili na isti čin s njom. Na kraju su vršili opsežne pretrage njihovih spolnih organa.
  • Koliko su vanzemaljske medicinsko-erotske priče plod podsvjesnih trauma ili fantazija i govori li opsjednutost seksom u velikom broju tih izvještaja više o nama nego o njima, nije možda ni pretjerano bitno. Sve se to možda nije dogodilo, ali ne zvuči ništa manje nemoguće. Dovoljno je zamisliti što bismo mi radili drugim manje razvijenim živim bićima po svemiru da imamo priliku. Sigurno daleko više i gore nego je to scenaristima 'Star Treka' palo na pamet.
  • Ispovjest jedne žene:
  • 'Odveli su me u sobu i postavili na hladan stol. Brat je bio kraj mene. Tijela su nam bila paralizirana. U noge su mi stavili stakleni umetak. Bio je u meni 34 godine. Kako sam sazrijevao, sa svakom otmicom eksperimenti su postajali drukčiji. Došao je i trenutak kada su me prisili na spolni odnos s njihovom ženkom. Nekoliko godina poslije, na putu za Albuquerque, na usamljenoj cesti, ponovno su me odveli na brod. U sobu je ušlo devetoro djece. Rekli su mi da su moja. Djeca se me dotakla i rekla da su dobro, da se ne brinem.' Jesse, jedna od najuvjerljivijih žrtava NLO otmice.

  • English version - Engleska verzija

  • Some have experienced after the abduction of a drastic decrease your mental, social and spiritual well being. Shortly after landing on his home planet, quite a number of Earthlings are paid in drugs, alcohol, overeating and promiscuity. They became victims of a bizarre obsession that they have prevented a normal life and destroyed relationships with loved ones.

  • Aliens have abducted trying to learn telepathic communication, new mental skills, and even our own technology, but it is probably the most intriguing part of this whole story is one of the most common diagnostic elements UFO - sex with aliens.
  • It seems that the protruding height of the creatures from the cosmic fascination with unusual human sexuality. There exist several variants. Or to escape forced to have sex with aliens, or with another man, and all under the watchful and curious eye of medical staff flying saucer. There is an exotic detail about sex, and that is that the aliens take the form of famous people, the type of Jesus, and famous people, dead or even spouses, in one case, the Pope (!), Would not loved subjects in a sexual act.
  • Otmice2S other hand, in many cases are carried out very painful experiments with the story of the abductees that are necessary, but it does not give any further explanation. Thus, the misery of others without extracting the eyeball cavity and scraping the background, often with the intent to place a cartridge before the eyes back into place. Some were subjected to an extremely arduous squeezing body parts, like the head, chest or extremities. Others are stuck needles in the head and insert objects into the nostrils. Painful anal and genital inspections are done both on adults and on children.
  • Bizarre tale told by an American 40-year-old under hypnosis fits perfectly in the already mentioned. His grandmother came to visit and all would be as in previous years that at one point the night had not heard a strong female voice in the room and ran grandmother. She told him that it was the devil. The next morning, asked him to take her home and there he died within an hour. Suddenly, the granddaughter afflicted unbearable guilt, but she could not find a reason. After deep hypnosis uncoiled the story. It turned out that as a child was abducted in a spaceship along with his grandmother. Reptile-like aliens have committed sexual experiments on both. One of them came in the form of the late grandma's husband. It is in vain resisted intercourse penetrated the illusion. After that, the little boy forced to act the same with her. Finally, they conducted an extensive search of their sexual organs.

  • How alien erotic stories medical trauma or the result of subconscious fantasies and obsessions with sex talk you in a number of reports about us than about them, is perhaps not too important. All this may not happen, but it does not sound any less impossible. Just imagine what we do in other less developed living beings in the universe that we have a chance. Certainly far more worse than it is writers 'Star Trek' thought.
  • Confession of a woman:

  • 'They took me into the room and placed on a cold table. My brother was beside me. The bodies we were paralyzed. The legs would put the glass insert. He was in my 34 years. As I matured, with each abduction experiments have become different. The time has come when I was forced to have sex with their female. A few years later, on his way to Albuquerque, on a lonely road, I was taken back to the ship. The room was entered nine children. They told me that my. The children touched me and said they were good, not to worry. " Jesse, one of the most convincing UFO abduction victims.


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